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7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7163 Spiritual Spells
7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7163 Spiritual Spells
  1. Stay awake
  2. Water Element Enhancement
  3. Dragon Trasformation
  4. Protect Your True Love
  5. Go Separate Ways
  6. Imprinting
  7. Meditation
  8. Making a Charm
  9. Crush on Me
  10. Blessing My Unborn Baby

#4571 - Stay awake

Having trouble staying awake in class or for other stuff this really works yes I made it an well it worked for me
You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Say:let my body feel not one ounce of drowsy. Well awake I steal from thee all around me.till the next time I sleep so mote it be

    Added to on May 19, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4572 - Water Element Enhancement

    Makes your element for water stronger.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Say: "You control the forces of water. It bends to your will an desire. This element calls my name (say your name)".

    Added to on May 19, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4573 - Dragon Trasformation

    Transform into dragon.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant the spell 5 times

    "Scales, wings, and fire.
    Dragon is what creature I'm seeking.
    I want to be able to change from
    Human to thee.
    Dragon, dragon, dragon.
    This is my wish, so mote it be".

    Added to on May 19, 2013
    Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4574 - Protect Your True Love

    protecting your true love
    You may need:

  • protection amulet
  • protection incense
  • love incense
  • picture of your true love
  • protection oil
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    You may need:

  • protection amulet
  • protection incense
  • love incense
  • picture of your true love
  • protection oil
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    Light three black candles surrounding the picture of your true love. Anoint the candles with protection oil and burn protection with love incense. Take the protection amulet and place it on the photo of your true love. Chant:
    ''My true love I call to be your guided light. I will protect you with all my might. No matter how near or how far my protection surrounds you and stays with you. No danger, harm, negativity, or evil to come as I protect you now and for all of eternity. In my heart you will stay, I'll always keep you safe with me. As I will it, so mote it be!''
    When you're done blow out the candles. Pour a little bit of the candle wax on the picture of your true love. Then, throw the image away.

    Added to on May 19, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4575 - Go Separate Ways

    breaking up a couple causing them to go there separate ways
    You may need:

  • knife
  • green or black candle
  • picture of each person or a picture as a couple
  • scissors
  • lighter
  • bowl for burning ashes
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    You may need:

  • knife
  • green or black candle
  • picture of each person or a picture as a couple
  • scissors
  • lighter
  • bowl for burning ashes
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    Light a green or black candle. Take scissors and cut each person in half. If it's a picture as a couple, separate the cutting by cutting them apart. Chant: ''This couple will drift apart and separate. Their separate ways they will go. No longer meant to be and no turning back as they break up their love broken forever. As I will it with the power of three times three, so mote it be!''
    Then burn each image of each person separately lighting their picture with the candle flame. Release the ashes into the wind.

    Added to on May 19, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4576 - Imprinting

    Imprinting your lover to make your mark on him/her that they are yours and belong to you like marking your territory.
    You may need:

  • Your spit
  • Your blood
  • 2 red candles
  • 1 pen
  • 1 paper
  • 1 picture of the person
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    You may need:

  • Your spit
  • Your blood
  • 2 red candles
  • 1 pen
  • 1 paper
  • 1 picture of the person
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    On the picture of the person spread your spit and blood over the persons heart with your left hands index finger. Light two red candles and on the piece of paper write:"(full name) is mine. I imprint him/her as mine."

    Then, chant three times: "I imprint on (full name) as mine to belong to me. I claim you to protect you, love you, and take care of you. Blessed be!" Then blow out the candles.

    Added to on May 19, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4577 - Meditation

    Just some tips that help me focus when meditating.
    You may need:

  • concentration
  • candle(optional)
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    You may need:

  • concentration
  • candle(optional)
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    I find that meditating in a quiet area with no interuptions helps me focus best. Normally I light a candle and stare into the flame, imagining it lighting up inside of me and calming me. Whenever a thought comes up, immediately drop it, cosentrating only on the pure energy within. I have gerbils and they like to chew stuff, so I normally wait for them to go to sleep or take them out of the room. Another thing I do is a breathing exercise where you take one breath and let it go, then take two, then three, etc. starting over after each new number. I go up to 15 most of the time, but you can go higher. Hope this was helpful. Blessed be!

    Added to on May 19, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4578 - Making a Charm

    A simple way to make a charm.
    You may need:

  • jewlry you will wear
  • energy manipulation
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    You may need:

  • jewlry you will wear
  • energy manipulation
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    take a peice of jewlry that you will wear put it in your palm let some of your energy flow into the object while you do this think of what the energy is for when you are done with that put it on and you have a charm

    Added to on May 19, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4579 - Crush on Me

    Get someone to have a crush on you.
    You may need:

  • Picture of crush/love
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    You may need:

  • Picture of crush/love
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    Get out the picture of ur crush/love. Then say, "(name of crush/love) will love me for (amount of time you want them to love you)."

    Added to on May 19, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4580 - Blessing My Unborn Baby

    To bless your unborn future baby whether you're currently pregnant or not pregnant yet. This will bring your future baby blessings before it is born and keep your baby protected.
    You may need:

  • a pink or blue cloth (for the gender even if unknown)
  • something to represent your baby (I used Jericho flowers because I know that in my future I am going to have a son and I want to name him Jericho)
  • 1 white candle for spirit
  • 1 blue candle for water
  • 1 red candle for fire
  • 1 green or brown candle for earth
  • 1 light blue or yellow candle for air
  • Baby oil
  • Baby toy (optional)
  • incense (optional but I would recommend love, protection, etc.)
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    You may need:

  • a pink or blue cloth (for the gender even if unknown)
  • something to represent your baby (I used Jericho flowers because I know that in my future I am going to have a son and I want to name him Jericho)
  • 1 white candle for spirit
  • 1 blue candle for water
  • 1 red candle for fire
  • 1 green or brown candle for earth
  • 1 light blue or yellow candle for air
  • Baby oil
  • Baby toy (optional)
  • incense (optional but I would recommend love, protection, etc.)
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    On a flat surface lay down the pink or blue cloth. In the middle of the cloth place an item to represent your baby (such as a toy, item, or herb. *I used Jericho flowers for mine*)Around the item set up the candles for the elements creating the five pointed star for a pentagram. You may anoint the candles with the baby oil (while I was performing this spell the baby oil spilled and knocked over. When I picked it up I realized the image of a baby on the bottle had changed and it was now the image of my future baby that I was doing this blessing for.) Play with a baby toy if you are using one or don't have baby oil. If you would like now is the time to burn your incense. Chant:
    ''I bless this baby of mine my unborn child divine. Provide love, care, protection, and good health. Keep my baby safe from harm. With the elements I welcome you into this world. Hear my voice I am your mother (or father if you are a guy), feel the love between me and your father (or in which case if you are a guy then say mother). My baby you are blessed in this life with arms to always hold you. Your magic will be awakened and true love will surround you. Blessed be.''
    Then, when you are done blow out the candles. If the incense are still burning allow them to burn.
    *~::my future son Jericho::~*

    Added to on May 18, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters