7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Send Back Cruel Words
- Protection Bubble Spell
- Create Erogenous Zone
- Summon a Frog
- Ring of Vix
- Imbue a Candle with Magic
- Energy of Love and Desire
- Bracelet of the Xul
- Secrecy Spell
- Complete Peace
#4861 - Send Back Cruel Words
Think about all of the bad things they have EVER done to you and dwell on them untill it makes you furious. This might sound a bit dodgy but it concentrates all of your energy.
Hold the string in a straight line in front of you and pull it taught, this represents how you feel inside. Then close your eyes and imagine them infront of you. Push the string into them and imagine it making them feel as upset as you did, then let it go slack as you relax and the negative energy channels to them.
Say, "Transferre affectu, sic fiat semper!", which means "transfer emotion, so mote it be" in the ancient language.
Last edited on Feb 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4862 - Protection Bubble Spell
Say or whisper, ''In my heart i stretch my power, For _ metres and for _ hours, to protect my body and my mind, And all of me and all my kind. So mote it be.''
#4863 - Create Erogenous Zone
Write the persons name, and the spot on the body you wish to designate. Then hold it over the candle chanting "Potens Xul facere (persons name/body part) a altus sensitiva erogenous zone" Do this 8 times and picture that spot on their body glowing orange, then burn the piece of paper.
Last edited on Feb 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4864 - Summon a Frog
Write frog on a piece of paper, and picture a frog strongly in your mind. Then light the piece of paper on fire and drop the paper in the bowl, while picturing that frog hopping towards you, the more the word is burnt the higher chance you have.
Last edited on Feb 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4865 - Ring of Vix
Hold your ring just high enough above your candle to not burn your hand and chant 8 times:
"Powerful Vix : Imbue this object with your awesome power of luck".
Picture gold energy flowing from the candle candle into the ring.
Last edited on Feb 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4866 - Imbue a Candle with Magic
Focus on the candle picturing indigo energy swirling all around it and absorbing into it while saying "I call for arcanis the xul to lend me his awesome power."
Last edited on Feb 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4867 - Energy of Love and Desire
Walk around the area 8 times (you only have to do it once if its a large area) repeating in you're head:
"I consecrate this space with Malikaen's grace and Dasurions passion."
While doing this picture a pink/red line of energy forming in the middle of the area, and picture it pulsing energy across the space with hearts flowing around it. the more consentration you put in the better the effect. After awhile you should notice people who are in that space show more color in their face and act more loving.
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4868 - Bracelet of the Xul
To cast this spell hold the bracelet in ur hand and will energy into it while focusing on the bracelet and picturing Dasurions power flowing into it. and Chant 8 times ''powerful Xul enchant this item'' (lighthing a candle and holding it over it will improve the energy)
You should notice after a minute or so the bracelet will tingle when you touch it, and the more you chant it while focusing the more powerful it should be. And the more u remember its power the more you will feel it pull u toward your desires.
#4869 - Secrecy Spell
''Cross of tounge, and beat of heart, these true words must never part, from mind of niether you or I, from core of Earth to tip of Sky, Blessed be.'' Say this twice.
#4870 - Complete Peace
Warning:I do not take responsability if you will get hurt by performing this ritual.
First of all,make sure to be in a quiet place where no one may disturb you(preferably a forest or deserted area).
Use the chalk to paint an upside-down pentagram on the ground.After you have finished,sit down in the lotus position inside the pentagram,with the knife in your right hand.Close your eyes and meditate for a few minutes,until you are at a higher level of peace,then open your eyes and use the knife in your right hand to cut yourself on the lower arms, after which you pour the holy water on the wounds.
After you did this,close your eyes and meditate until you are at peace with yourself again.When you feel you are ready,visualize the negative energies from your body taking the form of dark smoke and exiting your body through your mouth and nose(open your mouth to let the negative emotions flow out).After this,you are purified from negative emotions.
Last edited on Feb 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.