Get inside of the circle put white candles around it least five and say: "I ask the evil spirit to be begone. Demon let the light spread into my house for protection. Let it be free so mote it be"
This spell is dangerous and if not taken seriously you could be killed by death aka grim reaper for masters only.
You may need:
20 black candles
You may need:
20 black candles
First put the candles in the shape of a circle around the circle you cast. Light them clockwise then say: "Grim reaper, grim reaper. I summon you. Grim reaper be me servant. Be my friend may it be cast as this spell is made". And then after a few days grim reaper will show up in your room everynight when you are asleep.
Lay in your bed and close your eyes
Think that you are floating in mIdair and then make yourself gently fall from the sky
Think up what will cushion your fall
Imagine you are being covered up in the softest blanket ever
You should feel sleepy now
This technique/spell may make you warm-best to use it when you're cold, and Works very well if your part of the fire zodiac which is the Leo,Aries, and the Sagittarius.
You may need:
You may need:
Visualize a bright fire ignite in the middle of your body and then imagine it spreading like wild fire- make it cover your entire body. You should be abit warm.
Chant this short and simple sentence: "Give me all the warmth I desire with this eternal fire, so mote it be as this fire flows through me".
This will summon Dragonflies to you for help, healing, protection, send a message, or help in your craft.
You may need:
You may need:
Sit in an empty area in the open or in a place no one knows of. Put your Sticks/Twigs in a circle. Meditate for about a minute.
Breathe in and out practice this for 10 seconds or so. Now chant: "Insect beings with delightful wings hear me sing this to you I know you love the color blue hear me out and please I will not harm when you come about flitter, flatter, silent as night when you fly please appear infront my eyes"
They won't fly direct to you but they will start to appear more and ask outloud if there is alot of them for either healing, protection, sending out a message and so on.
I would recommend doing this somewhere theres already spirits like an empty yard or haunted places or haunted house.
You may need:
You or 2 people
2 White Candles
You may need:
You or 2 people
2 White Candles
Go to the Haunted area or empty yard.
Put the Mirror on the ground make a big cricle around the Mirror and you/the Two people where you or your friends can still fit in the circle.
Make a pentagram with the sticks around the Mirror put one candle facing North and the other candle facing South.
Scatter Dirt on the Mirror and write 666 or a demons name for example "Pazuzu" is the demon of the wind.
Hope it works it did for me and scared me!!! I heard things like whispers and voices and it wasn't people cause me and my cousin were far in an empty yard.
This can attract them or give you visions/dreams about them or even a little glimpse.
You may need:
Hot water
You may need:
Hot water
Crush the Ginger(flower). Pour Ginger into the hot water. Pour two spoons of Sugar into the hot water as well. Squeeze two drops Honey into the hot water. Mix them all together for 8 seconds.
Then put it outside near a plant or tree and the smell will make Faeries appear because the sweet smell of Honey, Sugar, and Ginger it's irresistable to them.
If you allow it to settle and cool down you can try closing your eyes and rubbing it onn your eye lid and the next night or morning you will be able to have presence or see the Faeries.
This will allow more spells to work faster or stronger and it is simple to do.
You may need:
Two white tea lights
Type of herb that resembles good
You may need:
Two white tea lights
Type of herb that resembles good
Place your Rock/Crystal in a circular shape on the grass or dirt. Now put one tea light outside the circle that's facing North and the other tea light facing South. Crush the herb you have chosen and walk clockwise around the circle sprinkling the crushed herb around your circle.