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7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7150 Spiritual Spells
  1. Motivation Booster Spell
  2. Water Communication
  3. Energy Booster
  4. The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
  5. Protection from Spirits
  6. Aura Claws
  7. Fade Walking
  8. Summon Undead Dragon
  9. Create Sacred Space
  10. Mine All Mine

#5011 - Motivation Booster Spell

We all have those days when we know we have to get stuff done this is to help boost your motivation. Best performed on Monaday during the waxing or full moon.
You may need:

  • incense (I like mint(mint is also useful for gaining the motivation to accomplish,)but any scent that is pleasing to you)
  • a piece of paper(new and torn not cut)
  • a match or lighter
  • Ink pen in your fave color (using your favorite color ink pen helps to personalize it b /c you have to write…I chose pink ink but you can use plain ol’ blue or black if you wish)
  • a tea light or votive candle in your fave scent (I made a vanilla and sandalwood scented votive candle just for this spell)
  • a cauldron or pot
  • good intentions and belief
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    You may need:

  • incense (I like mint(mint is also useful for gaining the motivation to accomplish,)but any scent that is pleasing to you)
  • a piece of paper(new and torn not cut)
  • a match or lighter
  • Ink pen in your fave color (using your favorite color ink pen helps to personalize it b /c you have to write…I chose pink ink but you can use plain ol’ blue or black if you wish)
  • a tea light or votive candle in your fave scent (I made a vanilla and sandalwood scented votive candle just for this spell)
  • a cauldron or pot
  • good intentions and belief
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    Organize your materials in one place, preferably your altar but anywhere will work as long as you believe. Cleanse and consecrate your materials to remove negative energies and establish your intent. I performed this spell at my altar and lit my Goddess and God candles.

    What to:
    First light your incense and candle.

    Now write on a full size sheet of paper what you need accomplished.
    Place your cauldron or pot in front of you. Hold the paper in one hand and the incense in your power hand. Focus on what you wrote on the paper and swirl the incense around the paper in a clockwise motion. When you are ready to begin place your incense in its holder. Fold the paper 3 or 4 times toward you and light one corner on fire. You can immediately drop the paper into the cauldron or you can hold it until it burns halfway and then drop it in. Once the fire is in the cauldron say:

    Remove this feeling of tired and drained
    I desire to feel refreshed as a summers rain
    My request is to move quickly and with purpose
    From here on out laziness will suppress
    My fingers become nimble and quick
    As the fire burns from this candlestick
    This spell harms none
    And motivates one
    As I will it So shall it be!

    Look into your cauldron and make sure all pieces of paper are burned.

    There can be NO pieces of paper left only ashes. So thoroughly burn any pieces that remain intact. Repeat this spell while burning any “extra” pieces of paper.

    Repeat this spell for a week.

    Then collect the ashes in your hand and either step outside or blow the pieces into the wind through a window.

    Added to on Dec 15, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5012 - Water Communication

    How to talk and converse with water.
    You may need:

  • Water
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    You may need:

  • Water
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    "As blue as the sea,
    And as bright as the moon,
    water communicate,
    communicate soon"

    Added to on Dec 15, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5013 - Energy Booster

    This spell will give you an quick energy for about 1 hour.
    You may need:

  • A Voice
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    You may need:

  • A Voice
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    You'd better believe it,
    Believe that it's true,
    Believe in the magic,
    Believe it's for you.

    Added to on Dec 15, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5014 - The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

    This spell will drain out the negative energy from your body and get rid of any psychic vampires around you.
    You may need:

  • A dagger (optional)
  • Knowledge on archangels.
  • Protection
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    You may need:

  • A dagger (optional)
  • Knowledge on archangels.
  • Protection
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    Take a few minutes to relax and when you are ready you may proceed. You will need a Dagger or if you do not have one you may use your index finger. You are going to be tracing Pentagrams in the air, vibrating sacred names of the Gods, and calling upon the Archangels to surround you. You are going to have to visualize these things you do but after much practice you will see the Pentagrams and angels and not have to imagine, because they are really there!

    Now... Take your dagger and stand facing the east. Place the dagger in your right hand and follow the next steps.
    1. Touch you forehead and vibrate the name (ah-tah).
    2. Touch the dagger to your chest and vibrate the name (mahl-koot).
    3 .Touch your right shoulder and vibrate name (Vih-G'boo-rah)
    4. Touch your left shoulder and vibrate the name (Vih-G'doo-Lah)
    5. Fold your hands at chest and point them forward with the dagger pointing the same direction. Vibrate (Leh-Oh-Lahm)
    6. Keep hands folded and point them up with dagger pointing the same direction. Vibrate the word (Amen)
    7. Stay facing the east and trace a pentagram as big as you can in the direction
    Start at the bottom left hand corner... Imagine that as you trace this pentagram it is done in blue flame. So you now have a flaming blue pentagram. Thrust at the middle of the pentagram with the dagger and vibrate the sacred name (Yud-Heh-Vahv-Heh)
    8. From that point trace a single line in white fire to the South. By this time you should be facing south. Each time you trace a new pentagram, make sure that you are facing the direction that you are pointing in. Now that you are facing south, trace a pentagram in blue flame. Thrust at the middle and vibrate the sacred name (Ah-Doh-Nye)
    9. Repeat this tracing your line to the West. Thrust at the pentagram and vibrate the sacred name (Eh-Hehee-Yeh)
    10. Repeat once again this time to the North .Thrusting once again vibrate the sacred name (Ah-Glah) Now trace a line back to the East to finish off the circle.
    ***You now have 4 blue flaming pentagrams and a circle of white fire surrounding you.***
    11 .Stretch your arms straight out to the sides and say...
    Before me Ra-Fay-El behind me Gab-Ray-El at my right hand Mih-Chai-El at my left hand Ar-Ree-El around me flames the Pentagram within me shines the six ray star. Visualize these Archangels standing a good 9 feet tall surrounding you. Believe me, they are there. Imagine seeing this six rayed star shining in the middle of your chest. This star is the Hexagram the same shape as the ''Star of David''.
    12. Repeat steps 1-6 and you are done.
    You are now protected by the Power of the Gods and the Archangels. All spirits that may have been around you are now banished. You are now in the presence of the Gods. If you been conjuring up some type of spirit or have been using the Ouija board, you will want to use this ritual at the end of your Practices. This ritual should be done every day just to protect you and build up your Aura.

    PS- this ritual also helps to drain out your negative energies and protect you from psychic vampires

    Added to on Dec 15, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5015 - Protection from Spirits

    This spell grants basic protection from spirits.
    You may need:

  • Sea Salt or Table Salt or Rock Salt
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    You may need:

  • Sea Salt or Table Salt or Rock Salt
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    If you have a spirit bothering you their are many ways to ward it off. This particular way protects against thought-forms and spirits such as those. In simple terms it breaks the psychic connection or bind on you created by the spirit; think of a incubus or succubus.

    First keep your self calm, the more anxious you get the scarier they become basically. Lay down a circle of salt or even throw rock salt at it. This will slow down the spirit but it will not banish it. Put a salt circle around, throw salt at it and say, "leave this house, you are not welcome here!" as many times as it take for him to leave.

    Spirits go based on commands usually and thought-forms are very dangerous to psychic because they can specifically target a psychics abilities and make them not be able to use it.

    Added to on Dec 15, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5016 - Aura Claws

    This lets you use your aura to grow claws from your hands that last until unneeded.
    You may need:

  • nothing
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    You may need:

  • nothing
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    Hold your hands at your sides and and say,
    ''Artemis, I ask to gain the claws of (animal) for battle.'' Then twitch your fingers outward. This spell works better with a darker aura.

    Added to on Dec 14, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5017 - Fade Walking

    This allows you to cast a circle that is exactly half way between both worlds.
    You may need:

  • None, but a candle or two helps.
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    You may need:

  • None, but a candle or two helps.
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    Cast a circle. (I have my circle spell that I will tell sooner or later)
    Sit crossed legged in your circle. If you have candles, light them now and put them in the four directions, or if you have on or two candles, Put them North and South. Then, say
    ''I create this sacred place,
    That it be between the worlds.
    A place where time and space,
    Ripple and twirl.
    That it be filled with light,
    and all inside be protected
    with their own hidden might.
    A hidden sanctuary,
    in the curl of heaven.
    Where silence is a virtue,
    and meditation is easy.
    A spot, taken from worry.
    Where I/we may be protected''

    Replace I with we if there is another person joining you. Repeat the spell once for each person with you. To close it, just lose the circle.

    Added to on Dec 14, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5018 - Summon Undead Dragon

    Call upon a dragon.
    You may need:

  • 2 candles
  • A wand
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    You may need:

  • 2 candles
  • A wand
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    Light the candles in front of you and say: "dracon n hal senso". If doesnt work you're just normal not magical.

    Added to on Dec 14, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5019 - Create Sacred Space

    This spell creates a permanent circle.
    You may need:

  • 1 candle (Color doesn't matter)
  • Incense
  • A room of your own
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • 1 candle (Color doesn't matter)
  • Incense
  • A room of your own
  • Concentration
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    Light the incense and let it burn until it's about three quarters of the way burnt out. Then, when its three quarters burnt light the candle and hold in each corner of the room for two minutes each saying
    ''I create, in this place
    My very own sacred space.
    A space where I may pace,
    or just feel loves' warm embrace

    So hear me now, far or near
    I may safely shed all my tears,
    here be my sacred space,
    Where here I am my grace.

    This space is mine
    All evil I decline
    Only positivity enters here,
    All are welcome, far and near
    So as long as evil doesn't enter
    Because evil isn't in my center.
    This is my sacred space
    and only with permission will you loose haste.
    I cast aside all negativity,
    only good can feel mine sensitivity.
    For even I must keep my peace
    Or revoke this golden Fleece.''

    Repeat this process twice, then meditate in your space for 30 minutes, burning incense. When you want you can invite Gods or Goddesses to your space, but remember to thank and dismiss them as well.

    Added to on Dec 14, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5020 - Mine All Mine

    Powerful but utterly immoral love spell.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 silver chalice
  • Water
  • 1 pin or needle
  • An Altar pentacle
  • Matches (NOT a lighter)
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 pink candle
  • 1 white candle
  • 1 silver chalice
  • Water
  • 1 pin or needle
  • An Altar pentacle
  • Matches (NOT a lighter)
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    Cast your circle:

    Take the pin, and carve your love's full name into all three candles. Set the candles in a triangle around your altar pentacle. white at the top, pink on the right, and red on the left.

    Take the chalice and set it between you and the altar pentacle, and fill it with water. Next light the candles, white, then pink, then red. and focus all your energy on the triangle.

    Dearest Aine, goddess of love and beauty, hear my plea.
    I've found the one, the love of my life, and all I want is their love.
    Let me know their love and touch, let me feel the warmth of love.
    Make them mine, all mine, I beg, this is my wish. please hear me.

    Take a sip of water.
    Then pour the melted wax into the bowl keeping the candles lit.
    then say it again.
    drink another sip of water.
    Pour the wax

    Continue alternating between saying the spell and taking a sip of water then pour the wax. Say the chant, take a sip,pour the wax; say it again take another sip pour the wax. Continue doing this until the chalice is empty. Even after the chalice is empty continue saying the chant and pouring the wax until the bowl of wax is full.

    When the bowl is full, carve a heart into the bowl of wax, and your and your lover's initials.

    Put it in a safe place and wait

    Added to on Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7150 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters