7149 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Promoting Spiritual Growth
- P3 Power
- Energy Recharge by Heat
- Witch Wreath
- Name Protection
- Demon Banishing/Destroy/Protection
- Banish Holy
- Become Demi-God
- Breathe Fire
- Sparkle's Christian Wicca Banishing
#5151 - Promoting Spiritual Growth
When you are ready, say the following:
''I call to thee, god and goddess (can place own dieties here),
I ask you to guide me in my journey,
Let me see through your eyes, through your light and love,
Surround me in your protection, and support me through out.
Blessed be, this is my will, so mote it be.''
Say it a few times if you like. Once done, meditate on dieties arms wrapping around you, carrying you through the universe, guiding you through life, and protecting you along the way. When you are done, you may do whatever you wish to do afterwards.
Last edited on Aug 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5152 - P3 Power
Make a triange with the candles. Put the yellow one in the middle and say, "Into this day and into this hour, I consider myself as charmed ones power. Day and night, these are my powers. Grow the witch trials, hide by kingdom below. I will destroy evil. My power comes, my power at last. My power, I set you free. My power, come to me".
Last edited on Jan 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5153 - Energy Recharge by Heat
Focus on a heat source and feel it going into you while saying: "Oh flames of new fires, flames of old, rebuild the fires in my soul".
Last edited on Jan 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5154 - Witch Wreath
(keep in mind my choices were based on my sister's need to deal with stress at work - when I make my own, I'll use different herbs. I have included the ones I used for her as examples and reference.)
Perform a cleansing meditation or bath. Gather your ingredients and light your favorite incense.
Draw 2 runes, the 1st for current circumstances, 2nd for outcome.
Using red paint, paint these runes on opposite sides of your quartz stone. Set aside to dry.
Select your herbs. (I used cinnamon powder & sticks, hops flowers, juniper, lemon balm, meadowsweet, nettles leaf, pine needle, red sandalwood chips, white willow bark, wood bettony) Put half of each onto your incense burner. Set the other half aside.
Sew a tiny pouch of your cotton cloth. Put the remaining herbs & the quartz stone inside. Sew closed.
Using the hemp cord, wrap the wreaths together. (I chose to center the small one inside the large one and wrapped in a ''hidden pentagram'' pattern) Make a loop for hanging at the top.
Sew the pouch onto the wreaths. Attach any decorative items you have chosen. (I put the acorn at the top, the pouch and a silk flower at the bottom.)
#5155 - Name Protection
''With this spell, I hide thy name from all else.''
But if you want others to see it then add this to the end of it:
''With the exception(s) of (Their names here)''
And chant it until you circle it all seven times completely.
#5156 - Demon Banishing/Destroy/Protection
''I forbade thee from entering this realm of light,
As I will it so,
Yee shall be burned and tortured by the lights might
Peace beyond to the ones who are tormented by thee,
I release their pain and suffering,
Forever shall it flee,
And peace and protection be restored unto those who greived''
#5157 - Banish Holy
'Banish thy light,
stop it swelling,
cast it out,
and cease it's dwelling.'
while doing this, force it out of you through your hands. Imagine a yellow glow leaving you if it helps.
WARNING, this will be extremely painful, but if you are a necromancer, warlock, or any other unholy sorcerer, this could save your life. It did for me. Be ready for one of the most unpleasant experiences of your life, although it is worth it if in a matter of life or death.
#5158 - Become Demi-God
Pick the God you want to be your or mother/dad. However do not pick Athena, Hestia, or Artemis. They all virgin goddesses. Pray to this God you picked right before doing your spell.
First you need to say "I pray for you in need turn me into a demigod and make me your son. (God name) I wish to have some of your powers. I beg of you, Dad, to send me your blood and make me into a demigod". Say it ten times for sure.
Last edited on Jan 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5159 - Breathe Fire
Put the heat source or candle a few inches away from your mouth. Say, "Hidden fire within me, I wish to control you. Let me command and breathe fire". Take a breath and breathe, you should see a flame appear.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5160 - Sparkle's Christian Wicca Banishing
"In the name of the Father son and holy Spirit, I ask to banish thy demon from this realm in which it has crossed my vale..."
Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.