This is a spell that will prevent demons and negetive entities from harming you and loved ones being affected by them. It also helps destroy them. But be warned about the destroying part. If you just want to stay protected, then put more intention on being protected from their harms.
I suggest getting a medium to deal with banishing the demons if you don't know what your doing.
You may need:
(Optional Ingrediants. Not required):
White candles(light the candle as you say the spell)
White Sage(to burn as you say the spell. walk around with it and cleanse specific areas if you wish)
Pepper Spray(spray this around the doors and windows for protection from demons)
Salt(Sprinkle this around you, others, and the openings of the area as you say the spell)
You may need:
(Optional Ingrediants. Not required):
White candles(light the candle as you say the spell)
White Sage(to burn as you say the spell. walk around with it and cleanse specific areas if you wish)
Pepper Spray(spray this around the doors and windows for protection from demons)
Salt(Sprinkle this around you, others, and the openings of the area as you say the spell)
Say this however many times you wish-
''I forbade thee from entering this realm of light,
As I will it so,
Yee shall be burned and tortured by the lights might
Peace beyond to the ones who are tormented by thee,
I release their pain and suffering,
Forever shall it flee,
And peace and protection be restored unto those who greived''
This is a spell to lift all holyness from you and replace it with unholy.
You may need:
To be mentally and psychically prepared.
A black Candle(optional).
You may need:
To be mentally and psychically prepared.
A black Candle(optional).
Find a quiet, dark room where no-one can hear you, light the candle in your hand, then chant repeatedly:
'Banish thy light,
stop it swelling,
cast it out,
and cease it's dwelling.'
while doing this, force it out of you through your hands. Imagine a yellow glow leaving you if it helps.
WARNING, this will be extremely painful, but if you are a necromancer, warlock, or any other unholy sorcerer, this could save your life. It did for me. Be ready for one of the most unpleasant experiences of your life, although it is worth it if in a matter of life or death.
Pick the God you want to be your or mother/dad. However do not pick Athena, Hestia, or Artemis. They all virgin goddesses. Pray to this God you picked right before doing your spell.
First you need to say "I pray for you in need turn me into a demigod and make me your son. (God name) I wish to have some of your powers. I beg of you, Dad, to send me your blood and make me into a demigod". Say it ten times for sure.
Put the heat source or candle a few inches away from your mouth. Say, "Hidden fire within me, I wish to control you. Let me command and breathe fire". Take a breath and breathe, you should see a flame appear.
This is a spell I made in Latin to reveal your element on the pentagram.
You may need:
Pentacle(can be homemade)
You may need:
Pentacle(can be homemade)
First draw a pentagram on a clean piece of clear paper. Next mark each point with one letter until all are used (S,E,A,W,F). Then while slowly swinging your pentacle by its string above the pentagram, say: Deus et deas, ostende mihi quid mea, elementum est in hac V cuspis astrum usura hoc pentaculum. After your done saying this lower the string and it will land on your element.S=Spiritual E=Earth A=Air F=Fire W=Water
"From the strike of twelve,
Count twenty-four,
If to abate,
That's how long this spell is for
My Linley heart,
Enchant these gifts I empart.
So mote it be"