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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
  1. Shadow Spell
  2. Gyrokinesis
  3. Drain Energy
  4. Create an Angelic Servant
  5. Spell to Change Fate
  6. The Posiedon Effect
  7. Find Someone's Element
  8. Protection Against Evil Beings
  9. Mind Penetration
  10. Ritual To Awaken Magical Awareness

#5171 - Shadow Spell

This spell makes you blend into the night and make you less targetable. You will be visible but not to anyone with dark intent.
You may need:

  • Amulet
  • Moonlight
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    You may need:

  • Amulet
  • Moonlight
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    Allow your amulet to absorb moonlight, the fuller the moon the stronger the spell. Let it absorb for three nights in a row bu do not let sunlight touch it or the spell wont work properly. After three nights have passed take the amulet out on the fourth night and wear it, clear your mind and focus. Hold onto the amulet while you stand in direct view of the moon and say ''Darkness hear my plea, I need a cover so shadow me.''

    Added to on Oct 28, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5172 - Gyrokinesis

    This will help you learn to control Gravity. With being able to control gravity, you can make things levitate, if you drop your phone, you can make it come back up before it hits the floor.
    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Determination
  • Good Imagination
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    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Determination
  • Good Imagination
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    So what you are going to do here is levitate a rock two inches in the air. First, go outside and find a small rock, maybe a piece of gravel or a pebble about a centimeter in diameter. Go back inside and sit in the lotus position and put the rock on the ground in front of you. Close your eyes. Now visualize a bubble covered in swirling patterns, which symbolize the air patterns, around the rock, and the bubble getting taller and taller until it is two inches tall. This bubble is called a magnetic field. While you are visualizing this, also see the bubble filled with transparent red fog, which symbolizes the gravity that anchors the rock to the Earth. I know what you are thinking, how can fog be transparent? Don't worry, I just mean you should make it sparse enough that you can see the pebble in the bubble. Now see the red fog slowly fading and changing into a rich green fog, all the while seeing the rock float higher and higher as the fog changes color. It turns green because green is the opposite of red, like antigravity. Once it hits the top of the field, let it hang in the air for a while before the green fog quickly snaps back to red and the stone drops back to the ground. If you hear the stone hit the ground, then congratulations, you are officially a Gravitybender! Keep practicing this until you can do this without needing to focus, with your eyes open, and standing up. If you can accomplish this, then you are very fortunate because this is a basic but very useful technique. Now for the advanced moves.

    Gravity Path- With this skill, you can move an object around in the air, like on a trail. It is actually extremely similar to the starter skill we did before. The only difference is that you are going to shape the magnetic field in a trail in the air. With this skill, you are going to want to lift something light, like a crumpled up tissue or a cotton ball. So get whatever you want to use, and put it on the floor in front of you. Now do everything you did in the starter skill, but instead of stopping two inches up, extend the bubble in a path around the room. For example, you could extend the field up and make it do a loop-de-loop in the air, and then make it come back to the ground. It is a very easy skill, but it can be a little more useful than the training skill. Keep doing this until you have mastered it.

    Small Vortex- Now this skill is pretty cool, and it is one of my favorites. With this skill, you can make a small vortex in the air to pull things toward you. For example, if you had dropped your cell phone, you could quickly make a vortex to pull it back to you before it hits the ground. Now this one may take a little time to accomplish. What you do first is, crumple up a few tissues and put it on an elevated surface (chair, table, etc.) and sit on the floor in front the surface. Now the beginning part is a bit confusing. Close your eyes, and think to yourself, tell me when the tissues have fallen. Say this over and over in your mind for about two to three minutes. It doesn't make much sense, but when the tissues fall, a blue light should flash across your closed eyes. What you are trying to do is, you are going to make a small vortex to pull the tissues off the surface. But because tissues don't make sound when they fall, you need something to alert you once you have done it. So, your eyes should be closed still, so visualize the tissues on the surface. Now see a beam of light reaching from the middle of your forehead to the tissues and see that beam spinning around, still connected to both places. See it expanding and spinning until it opens up enough to turn into a vortex. Now use your willpower to will the tissues to be pulled in to the vortex and on to the floor in front of you. You should now see a blue light flash across your vision. Open your eyes, and if the tissues are on the floor, then congratulations, you just learned one of the most useful skills in all of Gravitybending! Keep doing this, and try it with heavier objects until you can do it instantaneously with your eyes open.

    Added to on Oct 28, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5173 - Drain Energy

    A spell to steal energy from whatever you're touching or standing on.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Touch or stand on something and say "I drain energy from thee, my work shall harm none so mote it be."

    Added to on Oct 28, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5174 - Create an Angelic Servant

    This is how to make an spiritual Angelic servant to do your bidding. Awesome for sending blessings or healings.
    You may need:

  • (for second version) any object you can wear or carry around. A ring or coin, for example.
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    You may need:

  • (for second version) any object you can wear or carry around. A ring or coin, for example.
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    Version one: Mission Angelic Servant

    This version of the Angelic Servant will be created, carry out your intention, and then ether merge with your energy or return to the Realms of Angels.

    Go into a meditation the usual way you do. Be sure to cleanse and center yourself.

    When you are ready, see light above you. The light is everywhere above you, and bows down like someone is holding a large blanket high up. Beyond this is infinite light from the realm of the Angels. Heal the Angels singing and sense their presences above.

    Now use ether one of these visualizations. The first is to visualize a beam shooting down from the light and welling up into a ball in front of you. The second is to see the light moving and a drip of light falls and is suspended before you, like a large rain drop.

    This ball is Angelic Light, made from the pure Light of Source infused with that of the Angels. See the light as is moves — shimmering, pulsing light, and rippling like water. Try to make the ball as solid and concentrated as possible, and add as much light as you need. Give your servant a name, or ask it what it would like to be called. This sphere has a consciousness of its own, but is yours to command. It doesn't have the ability to do anything that isn't in the highest good of all, so it is important to tell it that you are it's master/commander, it is your servant, and that — should your request not be in the highest good of all — it will perfect it so that it is.

    Now think of your intention in exact detail of what you would like to be done and how it should happen, as well as in what order, if any. Think of these things as clearly as possible, and then send the instructions mentally into the Angelic Servant. Be careful to include that, once the task is finished, it must return to you and merge itself with your energy completely or return to the Angelic Realms.

    Think of how you can quickly state what you want in one small sentence, then command it using that sentence. For instance, ''Go send ___ A large package of Source Light, then return to me and completely merge with my energy.'' or, ''Go heal ___ and return to me and completely merge with my energy.'' If you would like, add a time limit. For example, ''Go send healing to ___ for three days, then return to the Angelic Realms from which you came.''

    After you are finished instructing, mentally fling the Servant off to do its job.

    Version two: Bound Angelic Servant

    This version will create an Angelic Servant and bind it to an object (ether by link or possession). Whoever is wearing/carrying or has that object within three feet of them, the Angelic Servant will work on them.

    Link Bound:
    Do the meditation in which you create the Angelic Servant, then program it to do what you want. For this example, we are going to create a healing Angelic Servant. have your object in front of you before hand. See an energetic cord streaming down from the Servant to the object which you would like it to be bound to. The cord touches the object, and the energy from it completely fills it. Note that the cord is an extention of the Servant, like an arm, so the Servant is villing the object with it. The link method allows the Servant to move around, while having its energy channeled through the object. While strengthening the cord, send your intention of how far away you will allow the Servant to travel. You can let it go wherever, or maybe only a few feet away. Make it very clear and sent the intention into the cord. State it clearly (mentally or verbally), like, ''Servant, you are forever bound to this ___ by your cord until release. You may travel to wherever you wish.'' or an alternate ending, ''You may never stray more than three feet away from the ___.''

    From here, you program the Servant will what you would like. So we send the intention of what kind of healing we wish it to give to whoever has the object near or on them. Make it clear that it is to only affect those who are NEAR, are WEARING, or are CARRYING the object — no one else. Also make it clear if it should only affect one person at a time, or more if many are near/touching the object.

    Possession bound:

    Follow the instructions for Link Bound, but instead of creating a link, see the Servant actually going INTO the object fully and completely. Give it the command, ''Servant, you are bound to remain INSIDE this ___ forever until release.''

    When you're finished giving it instructions, see a white layer of light covering the object, sealing the Servant in.


    Chant to the servant, ''Servant, you are now released from ___!'' If you did the link method, See its energy draining from the object and the cord slowly retracting and the energy returning to the sphere of the Servant. If you did the possession method, remove the white layer (by fading, draining, shattering, lifting, etc.) completely, and then see the energy of the servant slowly coming out of the object. If it is still in the shape of the object, that's fine!

    Now command the object to ether merge completely with your energy or to return to the Angelic Realms. Do this psychically as well as with a statement. ''Servant, you must now merge completely with my energy,'' or ''Servant, return to the Angelic Realms from which you came!'' Note, you may need to say this more than once.

    Added to on Oct 27, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5175 - Spell to Change Fate

    Be forewarned, changing may make some parts of your life stronger, yet other parts weaker.
    You may need:

  • A special candle chosen especially for the spell
  • A pentacle with corresponding symbols like Saturn and
  • symbols of what you wish to change written on it
  • 4 black candles smaller than the special candle (wishing
  • candle)
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    You may need:

  • A special candle chosen especially for the spell
  • A pentacle with corresponding symbols like Saturn and
  • symbols of what you wish to change written on it
  • 4 black candles smaller than the special candle (wishing
  • candle)
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    Set up altar with the four candles in each corner, and in the center put the pentacle and the
    wishing candle over it. Wait to do the spell until the full moon, and then make sure you do it at night and where the stars are in full view.

    On the new moon, look unto the sky for the 7 brightest stars. Hold up a lighter and say/chant: "I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish this night. For change of ______ this night I ask, and by the flame, I ask it last. Seven brightest stars in the sky, light the flame I hold high."

    With this light your lighter, light the wishing candle, and light the little candles in it's flame. Now go about business as usual.

    Added to on Oct 26, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 13, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5176 - The Posiedon Effect

    Is your element water and you just don't know how to control it? Check out this spell! After casting this you'll be a water genius and truely have "The Posiedon Effect"
    You may need:

  • Cup
  • Water (that you are willing to drink!)
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    You may need:

  • Cup
  • Water (that you are willing to drink!)
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    Take a cup and fill it with any kind of water that you are willing to drink. Now look directly at the cup and say: The water inside here, grow my knowledge on you, the element I got just can't be true, But now it will be, you see, so mote it be! Right after you said the spell drink all the water as fast as you can. Wait for 15 hours exactly. fter that, you'll be a master at your element, water. Now you too can have The Posiedon Effect.

    Added to on Oct 26, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5177 - Find Someone's Element

    Use concentration to find a beginners element.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Take the beginner Wizards right hand. Tell them to face it palm down and meditate. Now travel into their mind. You will see a shadowed figure walking through something. That is their element. This is your key:

    • Walking through a flame: Fire
    • Walking through a wave: Water
    • Flying: Air
    • On ground: Earth
    • Walking on a tightrope: Balance (rare)
    • Walking on Ice: Ice (rare)
    • Nothing: Darkness (ultra rare)
    • Walking through a storm: Lightning (rare)
    • Walking in a crazy contraption: Technology (rarest of all)
    • Walking in the sun: Light (ultra rare)
    • Dead: Poison (ultra rare)
    • Putting on lipstick: Beauty ( rare)
    • Trapped in jail: Metal (ultra rare)

    Added to on Oct 26, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5178 - Protection Against Evil Beings

    How to protect yourself against ghosts, witches, demons, etc.
    You may need:

  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • Salt
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    All you need to do is make a circle of salt around yourself.

    Added to on Oct 23, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5179 - Mind Penetration

    This spell assists you in entering/penetrating someone's mind, casters of any experience level can use this spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Get relatively close to the person who's mind you want to penetrate. Gather as much energy as you think you may need, a small amount should do. If not, try raising the amount of energy you use. Concentrate on the person. Say:

    "Amnari Re'cai
    Invacatem thy

    Quickly surge your energy into their mind. Once you do this, you can attempt a mental attack or mind reading. Note: You may want to create a Psi Shield before doing this, if your target has strong mental defenses and/or can detect your attack and quickly counter it.

    Added to on Oct 23, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5180 - Ritual To Awaken Magical Awareness

    veryone learns best by doing. The ritual described below is representative of the rituals worked in modern magic. It should be used as a general pattern indicating the essential elements and sequence of rituals, and will also, I hope, be of some value in awakening a magical perception of the world, which in no small measure consists of just being aware that it is possible to see the world in a new way. Because few people reading this essay will possess a full set of ritual tools, I have designed it so that it does not require any instruments except the flame. It can be worked in any private place where there is half an hour of quiet. *note*:this is not my spell I found this spell from an other website And I just want to share this spell
    You may need:

  • White candle
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    You may need:

  • White candle
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    Wear loose, comfortable clothing of neutral colors. Take off your watch, jewelry, shoes, and anything that hinders a free circulation of blood or irritates the skin. It is best if, before beginning, you bathe, or at least wash your hands and face. Remember, you are invoking a spiritual awareness into the temple of your body.

    Place a candle on a low table, such as a bedside table, a plant stand, or other support, so that the candle is just below waist level, and light the candle. Take a few minutes to collect your emotions. When you feel inner tranquility, stand facing the south with the candle in front of you. Raise your arms wide and lift up your head in the traditional posture of invocation. Look into infinity and focus your attention upon an imaginary distant star overhead. Speak this cleansing prayer to whatever is your concept of the highest divinity:

    Have mercy upon me, O God.

    Blot out my transgressions.

    Wash me thoroughly from my iniquities

    And cleanse me from my sins.

    Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;

    Wash me, and I shall be as white as snow.

    Create in me a clean heart,

    And renew a right spirit within me.

    Thou, who art the Crown

    (touch your forehead with your right index finger)

    And the Kingdom,

    (touch your groin)

    The Power

    (touch your left shoulder)

    And the Glory,

    (touch your right shoulder)

    And the everlasting Law,

    (touch your heart center)


    (point at the flame)

    As you speak this cleansing prayer, visualize a cascade of clear, sparkling water falling upon your head and body and refreshing you while washing away all your cares.

    Turn sunwise on your own axis and mentally project from your extended right index finger a blazing circle of white light that hovers in the astral shadow of the place where the ritual is being conducted. Try to picture this circle clearly at the level of your heart, the energy that composes it growing out from your heart center down your right arm and out your fingertip. Be sure to join the end of the circle with the beginning in your mind. If necessary, mentally expand the circle as you project it to include the ritual place.

    Speak these words as you project the circle:

    From my heart of being I extend this flaming circle of power. Let no evil or discordant influence enter herein nor abide within its boundary.

    Once again facing the south, stand with your feet together and your arms spread wide, making a cross with your body. Visualize a massive column of red flame rising from the Earth just beyond the limit of the circle and extending up into infinity. Concentrate upon it and speak these words:

    Before me Michael, Lord of Flame, the lion of the south.

    Without moving, visualize behind you in the north a similar column of yellow fire. Speak these words:

    Behind me Raphael, Lord of Air, the angel of 
    the north.

    Visualize in the west a column of blue fire beyond the circle. Speak these words:

    On my right hand Gabriel, Lord of Water, the eagle of the west.

    Visualize in the east a column of green fire. Speak the words:

    On my left hand Uriel, Lord of Earth, the bull of the east.

    Then say:

    The four surround me,

    (raise your hands slightly above the level of your head)

    Fire above,

    (lower your hands to the level of your waist)

    Water below;

    (bring your palms together in a prayer gesture over your heart)

    I am the heart of the four, I am the center of the universe.

    Visualize a cross of light radiating from its point of intersection in your heart center. The vertical beam of the cross is red, and runs between your feet and through the top of your head to infinity. The horizontal beam running under your shoulders is blue. The horizontal beam which enters your chest between your clasped palms and exits your back is yellow. Your heart center blazes with a clear white light that fills your entire body as if it were a glass vessel.

    Sit upon the floor before the candle and contemplate the flame. Let your breathing be light and regular. Be aware of the turbulence in the air and wait for it to be completely stilled, so that the flame rises straight up in a cone with hardly a flicker. You should be far enough away so that your breath does not disturb it. Try to become tangibly aware of the body and substance of the flame from all angles. Involve yourself with it. Imagine that you are surrounded by it, and that it does not discomfort you in the least. The sensation is like being encased in an upwardly flowing teardrop of sunlight.

    Gradually let your breaths grow deeper and longer without forcing them or straining yourself. Remain relaxed. As you inhale fully, hold your breath for five or 10 seconds and focus your awareness solely upon the uppermost point of the flame, where it vanishes into nothingness. Try to focus like a microscope of infinite power ever more finely upon the exact place where the transition between flame and space occurs.

    When you release your breath, let your mind once again embrace the entire body of the flame. The next time you inhale, again halt your breath for a few seconds and focus upon the tip of the flame. Try at each stoppage of breath to get ever closer to the elusive vanishing point.

    It is vital to the success of this technique that you do not strain yourself by trying to breathe too deeply, or retain your breath too long. If you end up short of breath that is where your attention will be, and the whole purpose will be defeated. It may require several practices before a light, effortless rhythm of breaths and retentions can be established. I cannot stress enough that the actual length of the retention, or the number of retentions, is of no importance whatsoever. Only the rhythmic shifting of your awareness from the body of the flame to its vanishing point is of significance. At each focus upon the tip of the flame, try for at least a fraction of a second to direct all your perception and will upon the dimensionless margin where it disappears out of the universe.

    After a few dozen breaths, and before you even start to grow tired either mentally or physically, stand up facing the south. Raise your arms in the gesture of invocation, saying in a calm but confident voice:

    I give thanks for the successful fulfillment of this ritual to awaken a true perception of the Light of Spirit.

    Extending your left index finger to the magic circle in the south, rotate upon your axis widdershins—to the left—and mentally reabsorb the ring of astral flame into your heart center as you speak these words:

    I hereby absorb this flaming circle of power into my heart of being, returning this ritual place to its former level.

    Facing the south once again, cross yourself as you did in the opening of the ritual, speaking these words:

    May the grace of the Light

    Guide and protect me,

    Who art the Crown

    (touch your forehead)

    And the Kingdom,


    The Power

    (left shoulder)

    And the Glory,

    (right shoulder)

    And the everlasting Law,

    (touch your heart center)


    (point at the flame)

    Clap your hands together four times and spread your arms wide with your fingers splayed, saying:

    This ritual for awakening an awareness of Light is well and truly completed.

    Blow out the candle and relax for a few minutes before turning your energies to any other task. Do not try to go over the ritual in your mind. Just be passive and let it work itself upon your unconscious.

    I chose this ritual because it is not dangerous, and so requires no banishing formula. Since it is worked primarily in the astral by visualization it can be done without magical instruments. However, it is still a very potent ritual. If you work it each day for several weeks, you should notice subtle yet unmistakable changes in your awareness. The ritual purpose has deliberately been left unspecified in order to promote those transformations most natural to each individual. A general stirring of higher perceptions, as well as an increase in vitality, are to be expected. Other effects will depend on the personality and abilities of the person using the ritual. For a lasting change, it should be worked regularly for several months.

    Added to on Oct 23, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters