7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Energy Fist
- Black Magick Meditation
- Get Rid of Poverty
- Small Flame (Pyrokinesis)
- Make Someone Crazy
- Teleporter
- How to Meditate- guide meditation
- Dragonbreath
- Summoning the Ancestors
- Easy Vampire Spell
#5431 - Energy Fist
To your fist and gives a powerful punch.
And punch (simple but effective)
#5432 - Black Magick Meditation
Relax and meditate
Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5433 - Get Rid of Poverty
During the waning moon, cast a strong circle or square of white light. Imagine this light coming from the Earth and entering your space, attaching itself to the walls. If you wish you could call upon any deity or angel you want or just do the spell as is.
Cleanse all of your tools which ever way you want. Take the black candle with your hand of power and say " This black candle will do as I say, you will work for me in getting rid of poverty from my life. You will work together with all the other herbs and elements that is working with me during this spell"
Grab the sharp tool and carve " Banish Poverty From Me" on it,While you are doing that imagine poverty fleeing away from you. Imagine you being able to pay all bills on time and not worrying about income. Imagine the word Poverty running away from you and your home
Take the picture of yourself and place it in the middle of your alter. Around your picture you will sprinkle counter clock wise the Agrimony ( this will dispel negativity that is near you). Now dress your candle with oil, after that dress it with the crushed red peppers, bits of calamus root. When applying the herbs, roll the candle AWAY from you because you are getting rid of something
Sprinkle the salt around the your alter in a circle formation to protect this spell. You want this spell to work full force without any negativity energies hindering its strength. Light your candle and say three times:
" I stand here today to
Get rid of poverty that is in my life
I stand here today to
Banish poverty from me in anyway
With all the power in me,
All the power in this candle,
All the power in these herbs,
May it all work within the speed of light
Get poverty far, far away from me
Through no harm of course
Banished is poverty which is now gone from me
As I will it, so mote it be"
Un-cast your circle/Square your spell is now done. Trust and believe that your strong desire will come true. Say thanks to your deity or angel if you called for one.
Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5434 - Small Flame (Pyrokinesis)
Take your thumb and your index finger and put your thumb under your index. Now pull your thumb out like your lighting a lighter. Visualize fire coming from this spot and heating up the area.
Last edited on Dec 08, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5435 - Make Someone Crazy
All you have to do is picture dark energy surrounding their brain then imagine a blue line going to your brain and electricity going from your brain down the line and shocking the dark energy.
Last edited on Dec 09, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5436 - Teleporter
Cast a pentagram set the elements in there rightful places. Then set the candles on each point of the pentagram. Light the candles starting at the bottom left then sit there and chant these words 3 times:
"By the power of three
I call upon the powers of time
Teleport me to _______
At this time and in this place
By the power of three mote it be"
Last edited on Nov 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5437 - How to Meditate- guide meditation
In this next stage, it is going to take all concentration. You will be meditating ! I reccomend you be meditating COMPLETELY as I told for at least 1 minute or more. The calmer you are the better.
The time you need to meditate depends on your level of anger or fustration.
message me for help
Hope this works for you!!
Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5438 - Dragonbreath
Depending on your element, your dragonbreath will differ. If you are earth element, you may breathe out a raging sandstorm. If water, it may be a torrent of water. Air elements may breathe a stream of forceful air. Fire elements will breathe fire.
Concentrate on converting air into your element. Then exhale all your concentrated element in one , intense explosion.
Last edited on Dec 06, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5439 - Summoning the Ancestors
Form the candles into a circle around the incense burner (or incense) and light the candles and start burning the incense (note: if using stick or cone incense, keep a ready supply within the ritual area and light it with the candles, there can be no new fire added or it can disrupt the ritual)
(optional, but recommended) Cast a circle
Hold up your staff and visualize a light at its end as you say in a firm tone
''Ancestors of Blood and Spirit, come to this light. Come to guide and aid me in this time and place, for I seek you wisdom and knowledge, please lend me your aid and grant me an audience oh wise ones''
You should start to feel their presence in short order, though you can never tell how many or which of your ancestors will come, some may not even be related to you by blood and some may only have spiritual ties (I have had a few animals and one Amakua [guardian spirit/deity] show up, this is why I recommend some experience with spirits
Hold the ritual for as long as you need
When closing the ritual don't forget to burn the offering and be careful to thank all that came and bid that they fare well until next time (this can be anyway you like as long as it is personnel and done with the appropriate respect)
Extinguish the candles one by one and envision that the spirits are leaving with the candle smoke
Open the circle once the last spirit has left
#5440 - Easy Vampire Spell
Blood Red
Pale Skin
Moonlight draw me in
Quench My thirst
Coursing Veins
Let My body feel no Pain
Side Effects:
Thirst for blood
Fang growth
Sensitive to sunlight
Active at night
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.