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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. Hellfire (Lucifers' Echoes)
  2. Lucid Dreaming, or Controlling the Realms of Night
  3. Change Your Enemy into Anything
  4. Demon Be Gone
  5. Spirit Eye
  6. Shields
  7. Three Leaves Protection
  8. Meditation for Troubled Mind
  9. Dream of Me
  10. Trap someone in a Mirror

#5621 - Hellfire (Lucifers' Echoes)

Hellfire is one of the easiest arcane forces to use, and undoubtedly the most dangerous. Prepare thyself for the Powers on High to stand against thee, Warlock.
You may need:

  • Sugar
  • Oak bark
  • Pebbles
  • 30 silver coins (or silver-looking)
  • Mindless lack of fear
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    You may need:

  • Sugar
  • Oak bark
  • Pebbles
  • 30 silver coins (or silver-looking)
  • Mindless lack of fear
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    Make a circle of sugar around you. At even spaces around the inside of it, place the coins, and between each coin place some oak bark. Close the circle, allowing the are inside to become saturated with magic, yours and your surroundings'. A sacrifice. Speak these words, thrice to be repeated:
    ''Patefacio janua ad Infernum
    Belial, without yoke,
    Lucifer, the Light Bearer
    Open, and let me Enter!
    Let my sacrifice Enter,
    And call forth the Thirty Fallen
    Palms Crossed by Silver, I call Them!
    Usiel, Strength of God
    Salamiel, Prince of the Grigori
    Adirael, Magnificence of God
    Lahash, Whispering
    Imamiah, guardian of voyages
    Arakiel, Earth of God
    Magog, of Gog
    Urakabarameel, Leader of those who Fell
    Naromiel, of Discipline
    Tarfiel, God Nourishes
    Orifiel, Angel of the Wilderness
    Lahatiel, Flaming One
    Abaddon, to Destroy
    Allocen, a Duke in Hell
    Asmoday, a King
    Azazel, God Strengthens
    Asmodeus, Archdemon
    Baal, Lord
    Malpas, the Crow
    Each to Their Denarii
    To give Power
    And knowledge.
    Lords and Ladies
    I seek Hellfire,
    The Power you wield
    To be held to my Will.
    So mote it be.'' Close your eyes and believe. The Gate has been opened and the magical energy will pass through. If it is enough, then the Thirty who tempted Judas will come forth and take habit in a single coin each. When you feel weak, turn thrice on the spot and open your eyes. Pick up the first coin you find and speak the Name of One of the Thirty, the first which appears in your mind. You are holding the physical body of that Angel. Take care not to touch the others, as you will put them in a small pouch and hide them on your friends persons, so that they too become impregnated with the awful power which you now possess. You have gained Hellfire, the power to destroy and walk immortal, to Kill and walk alive from their screams, for the relatively low price of your immortal self.

    Avaunt thee, Creature of Hell, Servant of Satan!
    For all your power, I have more still!
    Begone from this place lest I curse thy blood with Death,
    And thine enchantments be as wax, no more!

    Added to on Apr 10, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5622 - Lucid Dreaming, or Controlling the Realms of Night

    This is a quick way to command dreams, and change nightmares into something YOU control.
    You may need:

  • An extremely strong Will
  • Power
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    You may need:

  • An extremely strong Will
  • Power
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    For when you want to change the path of a dream:
    The most important thing to do in a dream is to gain consciousness. This is not as easy as it sounds, but it is possible to wake up and remain in the dream. All it means is that you gain command over your dream-self. I do this automatically anyway as an automatic reflex but in a much lesser extent to what you need - I begin chanting for protection. Anyway, once you have woken up, DO NOT open your eyes. That will obliterate the dream. Once you have woken up, you can do anything you want, but I recommend going into a deep meditative state beforehand and creating dream-weapons, for when you just can't escape. To create a dream weapon, you must be able to at least guess how each section would look or feel, and create it bit by bit. Anyway, once your weapon is created you can summon it at any time - just imagine that you are holding it.

    For when you want to change how a dream passed (Temporal mastery):
    Summon as much power as you can, and psychically grab the material of the dream, hence the need for a strong will. Then, imagine that you are pulling the material of the dream away, and see the passage of dream-time go backwards to the last part of the dream you found acceptable. At that point you use you will and power to ground the dream there. It tires you out though, but at this point you can use the previous technique to alter your dream.

    Added to on Apr 10, 2012
    Last edited on May 06, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5623 - Change Your Enemy into Anything

    Turn your enemy into anything you want them to be.
    You may need:

  • Piece of paper
  • Pen or pencil
  • Hair of victim
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    You may need:

  • Piece of paper
  • Pen or pencil
  • Hair of victim
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    Use the pen or pencil to draw a pic on the paper of what you want your enemy to turn into. Place their hair on top of it and chant: "Change my enemy into what I want, for sweet revenge. So mote it be".

    Added to on Apr 09, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5624 - Demon Be Gone

    To banish demons from your sight.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say: "I conjure fire, water, wind and earth, to banish all demons in sight".

    Added to on Apr 08, 2012
    Last edited on Oct 30, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5625 - Spirit Eye

    To open your soul's eye.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    First in your mind draw a pentagram or with your finger optional but only the star part and while you draw each part think or say " Now in the name of fire,water,wind,earth,and spirit. I conjure thee to awaken the power of which I seek. Come forth my souls eye.
    And then split it up in any order so long as you split it up into five groups. For each draw line to connect each line till you create a full pentagram.

    Added to on Apr 07, 2012
    Last edited on Oct 30, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5626 - Shields

    An article about shielding.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Shielding is one of the most important tools any witch, mage, sorcerer, necromancer etc. has at their call. Shields not only protect from enemy attack but can protect from your own mistakes. Furthermore not only can you use them to protect yourself but others and inanimate objects as well.

    To cast a shield you must first make sure you are properly grounded and stable. Calm yourself, meditate until you find yourself calm then delve deep into yourself till you find your center. Then drawing straight down find the line tying your center to the earth and imagine it strengthening till you feel as if you are immovable. Strong. Now gather up your energies and slowly push them out evenly around your body until you have the shape you desire.(most people prefer a sort of bubble shape but there are some who have more form fitting shields)

    Once you have your shields in place you need to tie them to their source. Visualize yourself pulling a line of power from yourself and "tying" it into the shields providing them with constant energy. Now you have your shields it's time to talk about what type of shields you need.

    Shields can be made to react to attack in about any way you can imagine they are literally limited only by your creativity. The typical types are:

    • Wall: Literall a hard shell protection. Simply visualize the shields solidifing around you creating an inpenatrable wall closing you in and keeping you safe.
    • Reflective: A lighter shield this shield must stay fluid the energyies constantly fluid while the outer surface takes on a mirrored look causing any energy to hit it be reflected out and away from you.
    • Transmutative: This shield while still a protection around you the "bubble" forms alomost a black hole exterior that when attacked simply absorbs the energy and uses it to fuel itself. This is normally used as a supplemental shield underneath a larger stronger barrier.** This is highly advanced I strongly suggest getting detailed instruction from myself or someone knowledgable before using this type.**

    Added to on Apr 07, 2012
    Last edited on Oct 30, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5627 - Three Leaves Protection

    A basic ritual/spell which requires a-few normal house-hold ingredients, from my BOS.
    You may need:

  • A Strong Mind
  • 1 Cotton Herb Bag
  • 4 Oak Leaves
  • 16 Red Roses Petals
  • 3 Drops Of Lavender Oil.
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    You may need:

  • A Strong Mind
  • 1 Cotton Herb Bag
  • 4 Oak Leaves
  • 16 Red Roses Petals
  • 3 Drops Of Lavender Oil.
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    Clean both the rose petals and oak leaves in water, drying them softly with a towel. Place the rose petals into a small pot, adding the lavender oil - speaking softly.

    "I ignite the elements of earth with the element of water, for here I ask for guidance over the next couple of nights, ahead."

    - Move the petals and oak leaves into the cotton bag, closing the top of it with some string - Speaking softly:

    "Here I beg of you (god or goddess) for protection, by binding two of these elements, I plead for attention and protection, let my dreams and nightmares become calm, and flow with tranquility."

    Place the bag in your pillow case with the rose and oak leaves inside.

    Added to on Apr 07, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5628 - Meditation for Troubled Mind

    An easy way to meditate.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Before you go to bed, get into a comfortable position and shut your eyes. Focus on your breathing till all else fades and you become relaxed. Chant: "Peace and happiness, come to me".

    Added to on Apr 06, 2012
    Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5629 - Dream of Me

    It will make the guy or girl that broke up with you to dream about you and how they hurt you.
    You may need:

  • Cinnamon
  • Dill
  • Small bag
  • The will to want him or her back.
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    You may need:

  • Cinnamon
  • Dill
  • Small bag
  • The will to want him or her back.
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    Take the dill and cinnamon and put it in the bag and place it under your pillow and say:

    "My old love (his or her name) dream of me and come back to me.
    So mote it be."

    (Then go to sleep.)

    Added to on Apr 06, 2012
    Last edited on Oct 31, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5630 - Trap someone in a Mirror

    Traps someone in a mirror for a short amount of time. I haven't tried it yet, so please message me with the results if you try it! (Latin)
    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Mirror
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    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Mirror
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    Aim the mirror and Say:

    "Libertatibus perierat et ignaro
    in speculum ad imperium."

    If they don't go in at first, say it again and make them touch the mirror.

    Added to on Apr 05, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters