This is an Exorcism that invokes the powers of the elements to drive out a demon or spirit
You may need:
You may need:
Recite: Virtus tempestate mihi de te, quod ignis potestatem super te, ego interitupotestatem super te potestatem super te in lucem dedi. Atque ego proiciam vosspiritum immundum. sancta discessit, aut dissipabuntur in ignem. Precipio tibirelinquo, relinquere cogunt vos me vade et vinci.
This, along with other prayers and Exorcisms shall drive out a demon or spirit
Protection Incense (herbs and oils work fine also)
Black 8'' Taper Candle
You may need:
Protection Incense (herbs and oils work fine also)
Black 8'' Taper Candle
It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for 3 days. if you must put away your tools, try to leave the spell candle out in the open. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may be using in addition to your spell candle. This spell is used to protect yourself from mental attacks. Bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. while you are bathing, concentrate on the purpose of this spell. After bathing go to your work area and cast a circle and light some incense. Envision a large, white ball of light surroundoing you, your work area, and your home. hold the candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into the candle. Place the candle in its candle holder. prior to lighting the candle say,
"This candle represents protection over me in all things."
Light the candle and say,
"As the flame grows, I can feel the light and positive energy around me. As this candle burns, everything around me is blessed with light and love. Negitive energy is being banished."
Sit back and watch the candle burn. when the candle has burned 1/3 of the way say,
"As the flame of the candle is extinguished-- evil, negitivity, and harm towards me is banished, so mote it be."
Extinguish the candle-- downt blow it out though!
You have been blessed with light, love, peace, and protection.
This is a black magic spell that is permanent and powerful.
You may need:
A Ouija Board
The Lord's prayer backwards
A sacrifice
You may need:
A Ouija Board
The Lord's prayer backwards
A sacrifice
Get your Ouija Board. Say the Lord's prayer backwards. Summon a demon. Make a sacrifice of your favorite thing into a fire. Tell the demon that you sacrificed (your favorite thing) so you can get a wish. Wish for thing like love,fame,wealth, or immortality.
Gets a demon to communicate with you using a Ouija board.
You may need:
1 Ouija Board
4 black candles
You may need:
1 Ouija Board
4 black candles
Melt the wax at the bottom of each candle, and stand one up right in each corner of the board. Then light each candle. once this is done, chant the following latest three times while holding your hands over the pointer:
As the title says: Use this spell to gain control of the seas.
You may need:
2 Soda Cans
1 Cloth
You may need:
2 Soda Cans
1 Cloth
Drink the 2 soda cans. Wash the top off using the cloth. Hold the top of the cans and say:
"God Of The Water
Please give me control
Over the seven seas.
I will control with all my might.
And relieve the power in sigh>
This is my will
So mote it be"
Go to the room where its most peaceful and calm. Clear your mind and sit their and meditate for at least 20 minutes you can play the music if it helps. After that try visualing stuff like colours then shapes the fine detailed stuff.
This spell makes your lover's mom accept your love for her son.
You may need:
A photo of his mom and him together
3 cinnamon incense sticks
2 red candles
1 white candle
You may need:
A photo of his mom and him together
3 cinnamon incense sticks
2 red candles
1 white candle
Light the candles and incense as you focus on the photo with his mom. Clear your mind and chant five times:
"Make this woman give me her son,
Because she knows that for him,
I am the only one.
She must do what she can
To send him my way,
And convince all others
That with me he will stay.
To give him up to me, this she must.
She will send him straight to me, this I trust."
Believe in it and watch it work. If not right away but some day soon.
Bind a wind of your choice into a easily releasable form.
You may need:
21 7-inch white pieces of string.
Optional silver glitter
You may need:
21 7-inch white pieces of string.
Optional silver glitter
On a windy day, go outdoors and cast a circle
Braid the 21 strings into seven braids
As you do, imagine a type of wind (e.g. dry, cold, ect.) rushing through each braid.
Mark the strings so that you remember which string is for each wind.
Use the glitter as a focus if you need it, and cast a gust of Magyic (and glitter) over the braids.
Proclaim: So mote it be
To summon a wind:
Undo a braid and throw the strings in the air. A wind will be summoned, probably of the type you requested (Not always, sometimes the winds are busy elsewhere).
Use at your own risk. Summon and capture Beelzelbub.
You may need:
6 black candles
1 red candle
3 pieces of string
You may need:
6 black candles
1 red candle
3 pieces of string
Draw a pentagram. Put the black candles around the points and the red candle in the middle. Take a piece of string and tie all three together and say: "I invite you, Oh prince". When you feel his presence, throw the limestone at the red candle.