On a hot sunny day, go outside cast the circle (request air &water). Use the thick wand (must be a bit thick) point it at the cloud and chant 5 times:
Gods and Goddesses of Weather hear me now as I request a hurricane, grant my wish it's hot out here, hear me hear me and give me a Hurricane. So mote it be, So mote it be.
After releasing the quarters and opening the circle after the spell, in a matter of time the cloud should extend and turn grey and in about a day later the sky should be dark and starting to rain strongly. If it doe's, the spell has worked. Remember this... If it doesn't work it probably means you didn't do it correctly, you must do it correctly otherwise it will not work.
Good Luck. And don't blame me if you do it properly and it doesnt work!!
sit in a circle and have the west side says: Obey these words of power then the east side says: watchers of the threshold,watchers at the gate North side says: unbar the guarded door south side says: obey this command of this servant of power
You can be a water bender if you practice this for a long time.
You may need:
You may need:
Put your hands into the water and say "I wish you can lend me your power" three times. If you hands start to feel pain, you might notice bubbles appearing - that means the spell works.
Put the three bones into a triangle over triangle and say spell: "I call upon the witches rise,across the seas and across the skies, to call upon all who died , and take them from the other side"
This spell is good if ever ever you feel as though you need a little protection.
You may need:
1 Candle
Any Flame
You may need:
1 Candle
Any Flame
Sit or stand before any flame and visualise the fire bathing you with glowing, protective light. Visualise the flame creating a shining sphere of protection around you. Speak the following words aloud:
''Craft this spell within the fire
Craft it well, weave it higher,
Weave it now of shining flame
None shall come to hurt or maim.
None shall pass this fiery wall
None shall pass, none at all.
So Mote It Be.''
This spell is useful if you feel that a curse/hex has been placed upon you.
You may need:
5 White Candles
1 Black Candle
You may need:
5 White Candles
1 Black Candle
Arrange the five white candles to create a pentagram. Take the black candle, which symbolises the curse and put it in the centre. The afflicted must then speak these words while visualising the white of the candles overpowering the black:
''Evil curse that blights our lives
be lifted now and flee,
These candles' lights overcome the dark
From it's grasp, set us free.
So Mote It Be.''
in a spider's egg sack constitute:
-one raw quartz point-amplification,protection,cloaking in its clear aura
-three black beads-to symbolize the three faces of hecate and to be cloaked in their shadow
-one carnelian chip-strengthens concentration ,deflects anyone's gazes and spells good or bad
-one sodalite chip- for strengthening the ears and meditational calmness
-one lady bug-for flight and to silence your footfalls
-arnica-to fill-substitute for wolf's bane, catalyst for invisibility
-seal with black wax
''cloak me now in the veil of night,
goddess hecate,
end my fright
take me now from their sights.''
This is a spell to protect your home of evil demons or spirits that could harm you. This is garunteed to work evertime for everyone.
You may need:
Cups(Preferabley more than
Any object of value to you
Clean Water
You may need:
Cups(Preferabley more than
Any object of value to you
Clean Water
Before you start, keep the object of value close to you. It resembles bravery, strength, and determination.
Step 1: Take the cups and pour salt into each of them so you can't see the bottom of the cup
Step 2: Place the cups in every room. For large rooms, you should probably have 2.
If there's already something that can harm you in your home, place the cups by enterances. If it's a strong force, you should pour some salt into bowls and place them around your home.
Step 3: Sit down in a relaxed place.
Step 4: Pour clean water into the a bowl
Step 5: Keep your hands in the water for 30seconds. This will clean your hands incase anything might have unkowingly harmed you.
This has worked for me and for others everytime we've done it. If it doesn't work for you, message me so I can help.