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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7154 Spiritual Spells
7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
  1. Door Protection/Shield
  2. Ice Bolts
  3. Invoke Happiness
  4. Hecate's Promise
  5. Chameleon spell
  6. Summon Undead Lord
  7. Call the Wind
  8. Become a Black Wizard
  9. Become a Werewolf
  10. Make Someone Stop Being Rude

#5891 - Door Protection/Shield

This Spell is to Protect and shield Doorways to stop and let anyone or anything that means you harm from crossing the threshold.
You may need:

  • Three Tealight candles (Red)or(white)or Both
  • Red sand
  • salt
  • Herbs:
  • Bay Leaf
  • Coriander
  • Garlic
  • lavender
  • incense:
  • jasmine
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    You may need:

  • Three Tealight candles (Red)or(white)or Both
  • Red sand
  • salt
  • Herbs:
  • Bay Leaf
  • Coriander
  • Garlic
  • lavender
  • incense:
  • jasmine
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    As you may know there is not really a right or wrong way to cast, so you can add as many or little ingredients as you like. but the more you add the stronger the spell.

    This spell can be cast at any time of the day on any day but its best on a full or new moon between 7pm and 12am. on a Sunday or Monday

    Runes: /
    / |/
    / | This Can been Drawn Above The Door.

    First crush and mix the herbs in a bowl of choice, then add the sand and salt, whilst doing this say a prayer of Choice asking for a blessing and take minute to focus on the task at hand.

    Next light the incense and place it of the left when facing the door.

    now lay a line of the sand and herbs across the door, you can lay it in the door frame or even under the carpet or mat by the door.

    After this lay the three candles across the doorway, picking up the incense draw and visualise a protective symbol of choice a cross the door for example: PENTAGRAM,CROSS etc. And as doing so chant:

    Bless this home property of me, protect and guard this doorway by the powers of three
    Powers of three
    Powers of three

    May i will a shield of steel and strength, to shield me from those of cruel intent.

    Banish those who mean me harm, if not invited you shell not pass.

    it be my will and will it be and it harm none so mote it be.
    mote it be
    mote it be

    Leave the candles by the door to burn, its advised to put the candles on a heat mat or something like that so that the tealights don't burn the carpet.

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    #5892 - Ice Bolts

    This is a good ice attack spell. Small droplets made of ice work like bullots, so they provide very powerful.
    You may need:

  • A water source
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    You may need:

  • A water source
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    Consintrate on your water source and say:

    Water droplets made of ice,
    Forming by the slice,
    Flying from my fingers so fast,
    Make it so they will last.

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    #5893 - Invoke Happiness

    Invoke happiness in your life.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Happiness and joy come into my life
    Away with anger, stress, and strife
    I am happy, I am free, no more negativity."

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    Last edited on Oct 07, 2016
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    #5894 - Hecate's Promise

    A binding spell to prevent and punish those who wish you harm.
    You may need:

  • A picture of your enemy or personal item.
  • Tormentilla (herb)
  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Black dye/paint
  • 3 Black candles
  • 1 White candle
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    You may need:

  • A picture of your enemy or personal item.
  • Tormentilla (herb)
  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Black dye/paint
  • 3 Black candles
  • 1 White candle
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    Fill a bowl with water to the point where its not to far from being shallow. Place the lit white candle in the center of the bowl. Place the three lit black candles around the bowl in the shape of an inverted triangle. Pour black die/paint around the white candle into the water visualizing all your negativity flowing from out of you as well as from out of your environment, pull in all the negative energy you can transfer and dispel it into this bowl of water. Take the picture of the person of interest and hold it in your hand of power as you recite the incantation...
    ''Hear my power call out to thee,
    O'Mighty Goddess Queen Hecate,
    Move against him/her as she/he to me,
    Thus she/he blaspheme ever my name stub her/his tongue upon thou teeth,
    Thus she/he move thou hand or foot against me immobilize before thou reach,
    Thus she/he bid me found bewilder her/him unto foreign land,
    Thus she/he raise enemies against me mutiny upon her/him alone shall thou stand,
    Grant me courage to fear not my adversary nor weapon he/she bear,
    For thine is my Goddess Queen Hecate so doeth to take care.''

    Sprinkle tormentilla onto your enemy's picture and roll it up and recite: ''By might and By magick, By Light and By Darkness, So mote it be.'' Then burn the tip of the picture with the white lit candle. Then burn the middle of the picture with the black candle closest to you. After much burning extinguish the picture in the dark water.

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    #5895 - Chameleon spell

    From Silver Ravenwolf's book TEEN WITCH. It won't necessarily make you flat-out disappear, but it can allow you to go around without being noticed by anyone not specifically looking for you.
    You may need:

  • None.
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    You may need:

  • None.
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    Dragon fog and chameleon sight I command the shrouded sea I bend the mist, I mix the light Refract around behind me. Memorize the spell first, then practice naturally blending in to your surroundings while chanting the poem. In case anyone is skeptical, I've used it plenty of times to get out of giving a presentation in Spanish class. It takes practice, like anything worth doing, but it's really useful. However, it won't hide you if you're doing something wrong. A dragon isn't very likely to help a criminal.

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    #5896 - Summon Undead Lord

    This spell is great for when you need a partner to aid you in battle. The undead lord fights with a sword and magic.
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    With the power of magic, I ask someone to help me,
    An undead lord will very well suit thee,
    One who fights with magic and a sword,
    I call upon an undead lord!

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    #5897 - Call the Wind

    Brings wind or a breeze.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Some what close to the element air.
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Some what close to the element air.
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    Go outside chant this as many times needed;

    "If I hiss like a cat the wind will blow.
    Then at one pont after chanting that so many times hiss like a cat
    (the louder the stronger the wind)."

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    #5898 - Become a Black Wizard

    Read this and you will learn to become a black wizard.
    You may need:

  • Wand
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    You may need:

  • Wand
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    Black wizards do destructive spells. The spells a black wizard will need to know is a enchantment spell a fire spell, a ice spell, summoning, a invisibility spell and a teleport spell.

    Enchantment spell:
    Firstpoint your wand at the object and say "by the power of me ( object) do as I please". Then after you say that tell the object what to do.

    Fire spell:
    Hold your hands out palms facing each other your energy down your arms and out your hands to form a ball of energy. Now visualize that ball of energy becoming a ball of fire.

    Ice spell:
    Do the samething as the fire spell but visualize it turning into ice instead of fire.

    To summon helpers (we're talking about demons) the first thing people think is oh thats evil but its not. Now cast a circle and do a bubble shield protection spells then lift up you wand and say "Lucifer king of hell let ( the demon you want to have as a helper) come to me". After you do that try to work out something for him or her to become your helper.

    Invisibility spell:
    Step one see everything surrounding you then see the photons of light passing through you then your are invisible.

    See yourself being surrounded by a black light then see a dark hole jump into the hole and think of the place you want to go to.

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    #5899 - Become a Werewolf

    This is a werewolf spell I found. I'm not the one who wrote it. And I haven't try it but some say it works. Try it if you want to find out.
    You may need:

  • Strand of your hair
  • Nail clipping
  • Drop of blood
  • Boiling water.
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    You may need:

  • Strand of your hair
  • Nail clipping
  • Drop of blood
  • Boiling water.
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    Mix them together whilst saying:

    "I beg to bewolf in dark and light,
    I beg to be a prowler of the night,
    I beg to thee to make it soon,
    I want to be wolf at the next full moon."

    Bury the mixture under a tree, and wait untill the next full moon. When the next full moon comes, go back to where you buried it, water it. And you will feel a strange feeling, then you should change.

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    #5900 - Make Someone Stop Being Rude

    This spell is to make someone that is being rude to you stop.
    You may need:

  • 1 Orange candle
  • Picture of person
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    You may need:

  • 1 Orange candle
  • Picture of person
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    Light the candle and start with concentrating on the person's face. Close your eyes and think about the times he/she was rude to you. Then take a deep breath open your eyes and stare into the flame. Chant three times:

    "When you will see me (name)
    Look at me with kindness
    Or don't look at me at all.
    And from now on you won't be rude at me.
    Let it be as it is my will"

    Then imagine the person smiling at you. And being kind. Then smile for positive energy.

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    Last edited on Sep 29, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters