To bless the objects that you place on your altar.
You may need:
You may need:
Hold the object that you wish to bless in your hands and envision energy flowing through your body and into the object.
Then, say this chant: "You may have once been but a simple (object that you are blessing: rock, candle book, etc). But now, with the witchy power bestowed in me, I grant you energy; so mote it be. And now take your place on the altar and forever blessed be."
This spell can be used to purify any object, or just to give your altar a sense of spiritual cleanliness.
This less of a spell more of a foucuse that will allow you to find an area with high chances of Magick energy or auras
You may need:
You may need:
1. Situate yourself by an alter or in a quite room
2. Remove any kind of technology from the room or unplug everything (lights can stay on but it's best if there off)
3. Clear your mind (you can be standing or sitting
4. Hold out your hand to the place you want to test for auras or Magick (palm facing down in a grabbing manner at the area)
5. Foucus your energy or aura to your hand and allow it to pull in energy around the area of your hand
(This may not work the first few times you try but it does work. For me I get a tingelling sensation in my hand if I'm near high sources of energy or auras) to
Vision/mental image of tree type you wish to transform into
You may need:
Vision/mental image of tree type you wish to transform into
You need to go outside for this to work better. Sit down or stand up in the grass. Make sure you are in the sun.
Imagine that you have turned into the tree that you wish to take the form of. Imagine the breeze through your leaves, your body a tree trunk, etc, etc.
Say this chant with force and emotion, like you really mean it:
The way we yunka brew our coffee.
this methods works the same as tea, and brings out and maximizes the flavor of the coffee.
brewing coffee as you humans do it just ruins the drink.
You may need:
Your favorite blend of coffee in powered form.
Empty tea bags.
A length of string.
A mug.
A pot for boiling.
Clean and safe drinking water.
You may need:
Your favorite blend of coffee in powered form.
Empty tea bags.
A length of string.
A mug.
A pot for boiling.
Clean and safe drinking water.
There are two ways of doing this.
1. prepare the bag of coffee by filling the empty tea bag with the powered coffee, tie well with the string.
you need one bag per intended serving of coffee.
2. As you are doing step 1, pour the water into the pot, and bring to a boil.
3. drop the tea bags into the pot.
4. boil till coffee is at least a dark brown in color.
5. pour into mug(s) when coffee is ready.
6. Enjoy your drink.
1. prepare the bag of coffee by filling the empty tea bag with the powered coffee, tie well with the string.
you need one bag per intended serving of coffee.
2. As you are doing step 1, pour the water into the pot, and bring to a boil.
3. when water has reached a boil, pour the hot water into the mug(s)
4. steep one bag of coffee per mug in your mug(s)
5. serve when coffee in mug(s) is a dark brown.
6. Enjoy.
the advantage of this method here is you can take the bags of coffee with you and quicky have coffee to dring in the morning.
this is our tea we yunka like and is made from Tobacco.
you must age 21 to make or drink this as you must actually buy tobacco.
WARNING: tea may cause cancer and may be habit forming and addictive.
This tea is an actual recreational drug we yunka produce and use.
You may need:
a tea pot.
empty tea bags.
A bag of Tobacco
string to tie the tea bags.
Clean and safe drinking water.
tea cup(s) to serve the tea.
You may need:
a tea pot.
empty tea bags.
A bag of Tobacco
string to tie the tea bags.
Clean and safe drinking water.
tea cup(s) to serve the tea.
1. fill the pot with water, set on the range or hot plate, then set to boil.
2. fill tea bag(s) with the tobacco, then tie off the bag(s) with each a length of string.