7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Magick Book Blessing
- New Home Blessing
- General Charge
- Zeus Binding
- Protection Spell
- Feed Me
- Worry Jam Jar Spell
- Home Purification
- Clease a Room
- Bind Lovers Together
#6091 - Magick Book Blessing
"Hearken as the Witch's word
Calls the lady and the lord
Moon above and earth below
Sky's cool blue and sun's hot glow
In this right and ready hour
Fill these pages with thy power
May no unprepared eye to see
The secrets which trusted be
To I who walk the hidden road
To find the hearthstone's calm abode
Guardians from the four directions
Hear me and lend thy protection
May these truths of Earth and skies
Shaded be from prying eyes
But to the witches whose map this be
May the way be plain to see
And through all the coming ages
May we find home in these pages
So mote it be!"
#6092 - New Home Blessing
"Dwelling of Stone, Metal, Wood and Earth
Silent One, Protective One, you of the four winds
Dwelling of Health, Wealth Joy and Peace:
Guardian Sustained you of the Earth
Dwelling of Stone Metal Wood and Earth
Secure One Peaceful One
You of the Guarded and protected you be
Cleansed and pure you be
Peaceful and loving you be
It is finished in Beauty
It is finished in Beauty
It is finished in Beauty"
#6093 - General Charge
Chant the following:
"Witches power burning bright, tarot, rune and blade: Charge the spell, enfilled with might, here and now the magic's made. Wave and tree, hedge and flame, strength of the elements gather here, to bless this work and charge it well, to complete the spell now far or near. Mystic Moon and Brilliant Sun, send your power here this way. Gracious Lady, Mighty Lord, bless this charge that I lay. Powers that are, powers that be, gather round this spell I cast, empower my working three times three, send it forth to see it last! So Shall it Be!"
#6094 - Zeus Binding
"God: I call upon Zeus, chief ruler of immortals and mortals alike, most powerful
of all the gods, who was known as the omnipotent Father Zeus, and to the
Romans as Jupiter, and who punishes those who lie and break.
Around I bind you three times three
No more bad things you'll think of me
Around I bind you three times three
No more bad things you'll say of me
Around I bind you three times three
No more bad things you'll do to me
Around I bind you three times three
And if these things continue to be
Then back upon you three times three
'Til totally vanquished you will be
By the powers of three times three
By Earth and Fire, Air and Sea
I fix this spell, then set it free
'Twill give no harm to mine or me
As I so will, So Mote It Be!"
#6095 - Protection Spell
Cast while pointing your wand to the sky then say:
"Terra, Ignis, Aqua, all three,
Elements of astral I summon thee ,
Earth by Divinity, Divinity by Earth,
Give the enemy the power to see,
The strength of the elements by my side,
No rules magic I shall abide,
Now when my enemy meets his downfall,
This spell will have no power left at all,
In no way shall this spell reverse
Or place upon me any curse
So mote it be."
#6096 - Feed Me
Put a leaf on the ground. Then, while putting grass in a circle around you and the leaf, say: "Food, food, I conjure thee". Light the candle and repeat the chant. Count to three and you should have food appear in front of you on the leaf you sat out.
#6097 - Worry Jam Jar Spell
Take and cleanse a jam jar or box with a tight fitting lid.
Write the problem on a slip of paper Pass it through the 4 Elements, and pop it in the jar,
reciting the following spell. Leave the jar in the moonlight, but visible to yourself.
Each time the problem sneaks into your mind, think of the jar.
You are only permitted to worry if you go and remove the lid and the slip of paper.
You'll find that soon, you can't be bothered to even give it thought.
When the problem is resolved, remove the slip and bury or burn it, giving thanks to the Lady.
Into this vessel secured up tight
I place my anxieties that they might
Find their right level within my life
Be only acknowledged when I say it's right.
I swear that I will not give thought to my woe
Until such time to this vessel I go
And take off the lid and grieve, for I know
That unless the lid's missing, trapped is my foe.
It may not escape into my daily way
And trouble my thinking during the day.
Some time in the future when I feel I may
Dispose of this vessel with no debt to pay.
#6098 - Home Purification
Make sure all ingredients are completely dry. Grind ingredients together and burn on self-igniting charcoal. Chant the following:
"Spirits of the corners,
Winds of the quarters,
You who stand watching,
And you who hear my voice,
Guard well my home tonight"
#6099 - Clease a Room
To cleanse a single room - On top of a newspaper, set a blue candle. Surround with a circle of salt.
Burn a little sage in the room. Light the candle, making sure it won't tip over. Close the door
and let the candle burn down. When finished, take newspaper, salt, and candle leaving
and bury far from your home.
#6100 - Bind Lovers Together
The 2 lovers should light the candle together. Another person needs to wrap the ribbon around the couples entwined hands speaking, "I take you hands in mine, and with this ribbon I will entwine. Your love I'll forever bind, from now until the End of Time."