7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Protection from Ghosts
- Shadow Travel
- Charm Of Mystic Protection
- Demon Favor
- Summon your Dragon
- Cure the Illness
- See the Truth
- Dream of The Book Character
- Get New Power
- Simple healing spell
#6131 - Protection from Ghosts
Think of all the good things you have done for someone else to make him or her happy.Then chant this still concentrating on the good things:
"My goodness will defend me
For thee will not be free
In the name of God you'll dissapear
And so will my fear."
(It works for every one who have courage and who believe in magic.This only works for 60 days so make sure you cast his spell again.)
#6132 - Shadow Travel
Once you have binder with the shadows you must concentrate on the area you want to travel to then you must dash into an object in the direction of that place. WARNING this will take up ALOT of energy and yo are likely to pass out the first time you try this!
#6133 - Charm Of Mystic Protection
PS: do this in the time of a full moon and have in mind what or who it was that placed the cures on you.
#6134 - Demon Favor
Best time- 11:00 pm
Best Moon- No moon
Hang the seals in there respected direction.
Place the wishing runes directly opposing each other, the paper touching but there upside down if you look at them.
Place 1 black candle each side of the wishing runes (there should be two each rune)
The White candle must be in the middle of the two runes; this should be the only thing separating them.
Spread the salt on the sharp object of choice, and place the Object onto the towel.
*while spreading the salt on the object whisper chant
Tainted now with the salt upon the grant me protection from who I may come to see (say this several times)
Light the 4 black candles and sit next to your wishing rune.
Write down the favor that you need from the demon and your name gender and age in all different corners.
When youre done chant~
For the demon I ask to be here granting my favor as it appears. I will grant your wish in return, for long as it is in my power I shall do what is deserved.
The demon will appear after a little while, but it may not be a pleasant one. If the Demon trys anything to harm or hurt light the white candle, hold up the sharp object and say~
Demon from hell of whom you are return to the wretched stink ruled by your kin. Do not return to me nor ever summoned. Go rot in the darkness return no more.
Move the object it the shape of our star until the demon disappears.
If the demon is a rotten one. Wait for a while more over another day and try again.
When the spell works you have to provoke the demon into striking a deal.
If the demon wont make a deal, you must trick the demon into writing its name, age, gender, on its wishing rune.
You take the cup and drink from it. Offer the cup to the demon and if it drinks you are to take its rune.
This forces a Contract. Or bondman of the demons soul to your soul. The demon cannot leave until it has fulfilled its favor and has its rune back.
This may take several weeks and the demon may try to trick you into giving the rune back, but never listen. If you do then you will become the demons partner.
When the contract/ Bondmen is complete set up the same way but with all white candles and chant:
"Demon of mine that has been bind to me. I set you free this day. No more will you listen to me, no more following or need to obey. You completed your deal so let me complete my own. As of today you may leave this world alone."
The demon will drink from the same goblet and so must you, then chant:
"From once you came you shall return, I as your only contact as you have learned, you can not harm me as you pass though these worlds. The goddess wills it as it will be so mote it is."
#6135 - Summon your Dragon
Go out side and chant:
" Come to me my trusted pet and with my power I shall let it be told."
#6136 - Cure the Illness
Light all the candles. Think about the person you want to cure, what is wrong with them, what they have done for you. Chant:
"Ilness with curse, leave this person be,
cure 'em of (__), normal, let them be.
If we're not real, will we still cry?
Let me float in the heavenly skies"
#6137 - See the Truth
Place cinnamon and salt in your hand while saying, "Truth on you and truth on me. For eight hours, so mote it be". Blow the cinnamon and salt out of your hand.
#6138 - Dream of The Book Character
"This book is one of the best I have ever read, and now in this dream I will read it again!"
Stick the book under your pillow and play the book in your head as though it were a mental movie until you fall asleep. You should dream you are the main character!
#6139 - Get New Power
Light the yellow candle on your altar. Light the frakincence. After they are both lit, sit down and close your eyes. Picture a big orb of universal energy swarming around you and mixing with your own aura. Next, picture it absorbing within you and feel it as it moves throughout your body. As you begin to feel empowered, chant: "In this night from which you have come, give me a gift of not two- but one. Help me to see within and without. Give me new powers, without a doubt. As I do will it, so shall it be".
#6140 - Simple healing spell
Snuff the candles. Dip your finger in the water, and rub it along your brow. Imagine the water evaporating the pain away. You may say an incantation if you wish.
Alternatively, to help you sleep peacefully, rub some water on your temples and eyelids. Ask a spirit or god for a peaceful sleep