7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Protection
- Awaken Your Inner Magic
- Create a Spell
- Cating a Circle
- Create a Spell
- Finder's Keepers
- Become a Necromancer
- Be a Mermaid
- Ancient Curse
- Get Rid of The Powers
#6151 - Protection
Sit in a comfortable position and say: "By the dragon's light on this night, I call to thee to give me your might. By the power of three, I conjure thee. Protect all that surrounds me, so mote it be".
#6152 - Awaken Your Inner Magic
Cast on a evening of the moon. take a bath to cleanse and purify your aura then find a place where you cant be disturbed for about half an hour then dress up in some clean and comfortable clothes place the note book on a flat surface fa and close your eyes and sit down near by and close your eyes for a few moments while you take deep relaxing breaths and imagine that you feel and sea a white light surrounding you and filling you with a feeling of peace and happiness.
Then open your eyes and open the first page of the note book and with your pen draw e shape of a angle or square on the page and look into the square while imagining that is a door way and it is opening up and you are stepping through the door. Let your self relax and feel happy and up lift as you imagine that your mind is stepping through the door into a sunny garden that is full of your favorite flowers and plants (you may even see faeries and things you like )and let your self in that enchanted place have fun imagining a while as you say these words
"To the left and right of me above and below me,i awaken the spirit of nature and magic with in me "
When you feel you are ready, let your mind come back through the door and close the note book and say"
"I am a wonderful child of the universe, and so will it be ".
When you finished your spell, you can write the words "My magical diary", or what ever words you like on the front cover and keep this book as your enchanted work book for spells and wishes.
#6153 - Create a Spell
Believe in what you're doing. Make up a spell or chant, it doesn't have to rhyme. And you're done.
#6154 - Cating a Circle
Use the compass to determine the North,South,East & West,
Place the Blue Candle (Water) at East
Place the White Candle (Air) at West
Place the Green Candle (Earth) at South
Place the Red Candle (Fire) at North
With you Athame/Wand Spin slowly around Clockwise starting at South and visualise Good energy pouring out the tip and surroundng you.
Speak 3 times:
''Water & Air at East and West,
Their protection is the Best!
Earth & Fire, South and North,
Their protection sallies forth
In this Circle I have called,
I am safe from one and all!
Blessed Be!''
#6155 - Create a Spell
Believe in the spell. Believe it will come true. Use a chant to help increase the power of the spell. Strong concentration, focus and intent will guide your spell. Also be patient and give it time to work.
#6156 - Finder's Keepers
First thing to do is to hold something that connects what or who are you searching for. Close your eyes. Let yourself feel the energy of the wind whether it goes or where it last came from. Concentrate on making your mind thinking nothing but something or someone you are searching for. Feel the energy of the material you are using to connect to that thing or person.
#6157 - Become a Necromancer
First take the candle and take a picture of a circle and a star in the middle and light the picture on fire. Next, put on your robe. Once the picture is burnt you will be a necromancer.
#6158 - Be a Mermaid
1. Go into your bath tub.
2. Get your whole body wet.
3. Say this:
"When I touch water I grow a (Color) Tail. I always have (Power(s)) Powers and when I am dry my feet return to me."
4. Get out and dry off quickly.
(I don't know how long until your powers and tail come ok. and I don't know if it works so if it does not don't blame me! its my first spell.)
#6159 - Ancient Curse
This spell was given to me by the ghost of a Witch who died in the 1400s. He gave me this spell so I could send the spirits of the ones who killed him and his wife, to hell.
Sit cross-legged on the floor with your hands resting on your knees. Invoke the god and goddess of choice, below I will enlist the deities that will work best with this spell.
Chant the following six times, if you mess up, start over.
"And the ashes fall down
doomed to be
into the ground
devils shall see
cursed is those who harm without sight
Now you are cursed to everlasting night."
Goddesses spell will work best with:
- Kali: Goddess of destruction.
- Hecate: Goddess of dark magick
- Demeter: Dark Mother
- Cerridwen: Keeper of the cauldron, death, and rebirth.
- Hel: The queen of the underworld.
- Morrigan: Warrior Goddess, associated with death.
Gods spell will work best with:
- Arawn: God the of Underworld.
- Hades: King of the underworld and death.
- Shiva: Kali's husband, the destroyer
- Letum: A monster which lives in the underworld, whose name means death.
- Were: A God who controls life and death, he strikes down wrongdoers with lightening bolts.
#6160 - Get Rid of The Powers
Chant this and visualize whoever it is that is trying to get rid of their powers.