This is a spell to calm you down, and make you tired enough to sleep. This really helps on those nights right before a big mentally challenging event, when you need to sleep, but your mind is racing a mile a minute.
You may need:
Your voice- any volume besides mute.
You may need:
Your voice- any volume besides mute.
Softly chant the following to yourself until you begin to feel drowsy:
You can use 1 white candle but it is not necessary
You may need:
You can use 1 white candle but it is not necessary
If you are you are using a candle light it then say:
"Evil spirit standing tall its time you made your greatest fall
return to hell thou evil plight, I banish with this holy light!
So go away and leave my sight
and take with you this endless night!"
If you are not then say:
"I am light I am one to strong to fight
return to dark where shadows dwell
be vanquished with this Wiccan spell!"
Close your eyes and imagine a light of energy is drifting out of you. Imagine it going so high it vanishes into the sun. This is your negativity that you are banishing from your person.
Place the wand or staff in a stream of water or over all of the candles in a straight line. In the stream chant once: "I bless thy tree that gave to me this item of great mystery". And imagine a breath of air, a flame, shower of sand, and the stream being abosorbed into the wand. With candles do same procedures but wave it over the candles.
This is a spell not to put you to sleep, but to gift you a good night sleep. It is good if you stay up to late and have to wake up the next morning early and want not to be tired.
You may need:
Nothing besides the intention of going to sleep.
You may need:
Nothing besides the intention of going to sleep.
You dont have to say it out loud but if you think it helps then say it out loud. But basically think/speak/chant these words as many times as you need to feel comfatorable.
"Spirits of the night help me this week,
Spirits of the night help me gain sleep."
Imagine your self falling through reality and into sleep if you think that will help, into a complete heaven. Try not to move after casting the spell, it tends to make the trance like stage weaken.
Signs that the spell worked is that your all your bodies tensions are relaxed and that your eyelids seam to heavy to stay awake.
Remember to really believe that you are fading into sleep, this is not really adding hours to your sleep, but you will think it will.