7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Ki ball
- Charge a crystal
- Sick by Orange
- Charge a Amulet or Talisman
- Shadows Blessing
- Item Protection Spell
- Charge Cards
- Banishing Ritual
- Protection for Bed
- Protection
#6281 - Ki ball
Cup your hands like you were holding a large baseball. Focus on your hara and the energy inside of it. Bring that ki up into your chest, then down your arms into your hands. When a descent amount of ki is in your hands, have it emerge out and meet in between to form a ball. You should be able to feel it's energy. Don't worry if you can't see it, you'll be able to when you become more advanced.
#6282 - Charge a crystal
Spell Casting
Light the candle, put the crystal in front of the candle and say:
"Candle please
charge this
crystal with
your power
to get protection
So must it be."
Now take the crystal were ever you want, for the power to work.
#6283 - Sick by Orange
Take the orange and cut a small deep hole in the center, then write the name of the person you want to make sick on the paper. Now, put the paper in the orange and the the piece you cut out. Then put it back (the best you can) and put the orange in a dark place and as the orange rots the person gets sicker.
#6284 - Charge a Amulet or Talisman
What is an Amulet or Talisman?
It is a piece of Jewelry or a trinket that is used to protect one or attract that which one desires such as love, money or whatever it may be.
What is the difference between a Amulet and a Talisman?
The Amulets are charged when the moon is Waning and Talismans are charged when the moon is Waxing.
Also.... who or what is Tetragrammaton? (which is used in this ritual)
The unspeakable personal name of God: YHVH (Yahweh or Jehovah), the Tetragrammaton.
Light some incense as an offering to God.
Place the Amulet or Talisman upon the altar Pentacle.
Replace the word Amulet with Talisman if that is what you are consecrating and charging. You can also replace the name of God with a name you prefer, if you so choose.
Sprinkle the Amulet with salt.
"I consecrate you with the element of Earth."
Pass the Amulet through the incense.
"I consecrate you with the element of Air."
Pass the Amulet through candle flame.
"I consecrate you with the element of Fire."
Sprinkle the Amulet with water.
"I consecrate you with the element of Water."
Pick up the Amulet, and hold it up high for God to behold.
"You are now consecrated in the name of the Tetragrammaton."
Place Amulet back on altar Pentacle.
Place hands over the Amulet.
Visualize a Brilliant light from above pouring into the Amulet.
"I charge this Amulet to serve as (name that which you desire its purpose to serve)
for I your name or magickal name a servant of God Almighty."
"I charge this Amulet by God Almighty.
I charge this Amulet by the virtues of the Sun, Moon, and Stars
I charge this Amulet by the Elemental powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. I declare this Amulet now all empowered with the Energies of the Universe in which I have invoked.
By the name of the Tetragrammaton,
You are now charged!
So be it!"
Your Amulet or Talisman is now ready to use.
#6285 - Shadows Blessing
At the time of the Full Moon, take your Book of Shadows (one that hasn't been written in yet) and some incense (pennyroyal, anise or rue) outside. Under the light of the Full Moon, draw a pentagram on the first page and under this write the following information: date, time, place, your magical name (and sigil if you have one), the moon's phase and any other info you feel is important. Hold the book up to the Moon and say: "Here as the Full Moon shines upon me, bless this book I've made tonight. I humbly ask this of thee, underneath your most sacred light."
#6286 - Item Protection Spell
Visualize electric blue or purple flame streaming from your fingers to form the pentagram or pentacle.
Say this as you trace:
''With this pentagram I lay
Protection here both night and day.
And the one who should not touch
Let his fingers burn and twitch
I now invoke the law of three,
This is my will, so mote it be!''
Or if you want to say the chanting with the PENTACLE,chant:
''With this PENTACLE I lay
Protection here both night and day.
And the one who should not touch
Let his fingers burn and twitch
I now invoke the law of three,
This is my will, so mote it be!''
#6287 - Charge Cards
Casino Cards:
Hearts means love
Swords means strength
Flowers means growth
Diamonds means money
Kings,Queens and Jacks means leaderness and richness
Jokers mean friends
Spanish Cards:
Gold means money
Cups means food
Swords means strength
Sticks means nature
Fools means jobs
Kings means leaderness
Casino cards: if the queen of hearts is pick up that means love and leaderness, richness
Spanish cards: if the kings of sticks is pick up that means nature and leaderness
Spell Casting:
Put the pack of cards on the pentagram in the altar and point the pack of cards with your wand and say:
"Pack of cards, I need you to say my future and help me on my path of my life. So mote it be."
#6288 - Banishing Ritual
Begin by doing a basic elemental purification. Begin with the element of water and work widdershins (beginning with water helps the negativity to ''flow'' away from you easier and widdershins to banish). Say anything that you feel will begin the banishing process. One the room has been cleansed, cast the circle, call the guardians, and invoke specifically Aradia and Cerrunos. Take the herbs, and empower them for protection and banishment. Now, place them into the morter, and grind them into a fine powder saying:
''By Earth and Air,
by fire and water,
I grind these herbs,
In the name of the father.
By Fire and Air,
by Earth and water,
I cleanse these herbs in the name of the mother!''
Repeat until they are ground into a fine powder. When this is done, hold your hands over the powder and say:
''By the name of the Great and powerful Aradia, and the name of the magnificent and strong Cerrunos, I hereby endow these herbs with the ability to banish all that is negative and unwelcome. May their blessings reside in thee for all time to come. So Mote It Be!''
Now pour the powder into the glass vial, and release the circle. now take the powder to the northern most corner of the room and pour a little bit in it. Moving widdershins, pour a little into every corner of the room until you return to the northern most corner. Now, take up your athame, point it at the sky, and say the pow-wow banishment chant below nine times, growing in volume every time.
''Evil begone, do not return,
the horses have run off, the bridges are burned!''
While saying this chant, move widdershins until the ninth time. At the last time saying it, open your door, blow three sharp breathes, point your athame at the opened door and scream:
*''Leave this property and never return lest ye be cast into the outer darkness!
Go, or be drowned in the watery abyss!
Go, or be burned by the flames!
Go , or be torn by the whirlwind!
By the powers of life, death, and rebirth,
I banish you, I banish you, I banish you! Begone!''
Feel your own power push the negativity out and far away.
*= Words adapted from Starhawk's ''The Spiral Dance''
#6289 - Protection for Bed
#6290 - Protection
Close your eyes take a deep breath and visualize a blueish circle around you. Say these words 3 times, do not mutter and stay focused. Each time you finish the chant make an orb of bluish light grow taller around you.
"By the dragons light,
on this (month) night,
I call to thee to give me your might,
by the power of three,
I conjure thee,
to protect all that,
surrounds me,
so mote it be,
so mote it be!"
When you finish make sure to close of the orb around you. If you think the spell may be growing week say the chant once wile visualizing a bluish glow.