7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Friend Protecting Spell
- Djinn Summoning
- Vanish an Entity
- Moon Blessing
- Flying Power
- Mermaid
- To Love Again
- Make Someone Contact You
- Potion To Banish a Ghost
- Draw Down The Moon
#6311 - Friend Protecting Spell
Friend protection spell:
"Spirit of the moon borrow me some of your power untill the end,
so that i can with the power of my love protect a friend,
(friend name) is her name in my heart forever,
I place this sheid of magic on her so that she never,
will get hurt by any harm from this world or another,
spirits of the earth you are life and all the plants mother,
spirits of the water you are healing and the cleansing power,
spirits of the wind you are the ruler of the sky and you can go higher than any tower,
spirits of fire you are death and destruction but you are also light,
I'm asking you spirits of the elements to come to my aid to help my friend in her fight,
I ask for your powers to guard and help my friend in any time of need and make all evil go away,
and guide her as she make her way troght the day,
I place this shield upon her as a protection from my heart,
so that there will always be from me a part,
with the power of the three,
So mote it be."
1.Put the candles in a circle on the ground.
2.Sit down in the ring.
3.Put the red/pink candle in front of you.
4.Light all the candles.
5.Clear your mind.
6.Start chanting the spell.
7.Visualaise the enegry come from the moon and from the nature in to your heart and soul.
8.Visualaise the magic shield being crafted in your mind.
9.Visualaise the shield move from your hands to your friend.
10.Visualise the shield flying around your friend protecting her from all harm.
11.Then thank the spirits for their aid and blow out the candles the red/pink one last.
Keep the shield in mind and evry time you see your friend you can close your eyes and visualise the shield around here so that the spell will stay strong.
#6312 - Djinn Summoning
First, you need to set up the area you wish to perform the spell. You should be in a perfectly quiet room, where you can be alone during the duration of the spell, and stay relaxed. You need to have your mirror, lipstick, and personal item nearby, and the candles need to be set up in a straight line on the floor, about 6 inches from one another, in the order: white, red, black.
Now, to begin the spell, you must say the following words 3 times (I will include pronunciation in parenthesis).
Allah (ah-lah) shafim (sha-feem) barat (buh-rot) shiu (shoe) kamir (kuh-meer).
This incantation is used to open the gates to the world of the Djinn.
After you have said the incantation, light your candles, in the order, white, black, red (the white and black candles represent the free will of the Djinn, while the red candle, as well as the flame that rests upon it, represents the fire which gave birth to the Djinn).
Now, here is where you will choose the specific type of Djinn you wish to summon. Choose what you want, and, with the black lipstick, write the words as neatly as possible, towards the center of the mirror. Please note that you MUST, choose either male or female, and you must choose the type of Djinn. You cant leave it blank.
First, no matter what youre choosing, write:
Ali Allah hamal Jinni
Then, for the sex, after the word Jinni, write:
Muschna (for male), or vamir (for female).
Now, after the sex is written, write the following, no matter what type of Djinn you choose.
al aman.
Now, write the word for the type of Djinn you wish to choose after the period after aman.
*For a Marid Djinn (most powerful, friendly, water element), write-
Majirr Al-Amari
*For an Ifrit (Efrit) Djinn (malicious, second most powerful, fire element), write
Flamarr Al-Amari
*For a Guhl (shapeshifting), write
Sul Al-Amari
*And for a Sila (the weakest of the Djinn, however, recommended if you are a beginner), write
Shamal Al-Amari
Then, after the type of Djinn, write the following:
Closun ontei.
Now, you may feel the Djinns presence in the room with you. If you dont dont worry, as many people dont unless they are familiar with the energies a Djinn puts off.
Now, you must request that the Djinn be bound to your item (ring, pendant, etc.) in exchange for some of your psychic energy (Djinn feed off of psychic energies, but it must be offered to them, so the Djinn will gladly accept your offer.
To do this, say I wish you to be physically and spiritually bound to this ____ (name of item) presented to you here. You dont have to do anything special with the item
just make sure its near your casting area, so the Djinn doesnt enter into the wrong item. Then say In exchange for your mortal services, I offer you a certain amount of my own energies.
Then, you must perform a short (1 or 2 minutes) meditation, during which, you will concentrate as hard as you can on transferring your energy from your body, and into the item you wish to bind the Djinn to. After youve finished your meditation, and transferred some of your energy into the item, the Djinn should be bound the item. Now, to close the spell, say the following 3 times:
En (in) tien (tea-in) Allah (ah-lah) cluman (clue-mon).
After you have said the recitation, blow out the red candle, then the black, and then the white.
Wipe off the lipstick from the mirror, as the spell is now completed.
Also, as a special bonus, I am going to include some tips on beginning communications with your Djinn. However, these tips are not originally mine, and I am passing them to you by permission of another Djinn conjurer, who wishes to remain anonymous. Here they are:
Since your Djinn is new to you, there is very little chance it will appear as a physical manifestation until it gains your trust. If you wish to ask it a question, however, there are ways that most Djinn prefer to answer you.
If you wish to ask it a question, before it gets used to you, and will answer you with audible sound, do this: Take a pencil in your weakest hand, and place it on the first line of an empty piece of paper. Ask the question outloud, in the presence of the Djinn, and command the Djinn to guide your hand and lead your to answers. Then, close your eyes, and begin moving the pencil slowly in random patterns, just doing whatever feels right, without thinking about what youre writing, until the paper is covered. Then, open your eyes, and examine the paper. Many times you will find that (if your Djinn isnt too stubborn), it will have guided your hand to write out the answer to your questions within the paper. Just look for words scattered among the random marks.
Another way, and a way the Djinn prefer to communicate with their masters, is through the dream world. To communicate this way, simply have the Djinn close to you, and, right before you go to bed, do a 10 or 15 minute meditation on the question you would like the Djinn to answer. Then, go to sleep immediately after. Youll find that the Djinn will appear in your dreams, in one form or another, and will help to advise and guide you. You will find these techniques very useful for asking the Djinn information about itself, such as its name, and if it is ready to start granting your wishes, etc.
#6313 - Vanish an Entity
Walk around the place the entity is at as you light the candles and hold a cross. Chant: "You do not live here. You must pass to a better life or vanish to the gates of Hell. Leave now".
#6314 - Moon Blessing
OH,The great Moon
please give me the
protection,the blessing
and the power
to live in peace
So mote it be.
#6315 - Flying Power
Go out in the moonlight but when it is raining. Look at the moon and say, "In the morning when I wake up, from all the magic rain drops that fall over me, let me know that I can fly, soar and go through the skies".
#6316 - Mermaid
Spill the water on your head and pour the sand on your legs and feet while you say: "The water will make my hair grow to my breasts. The sand will make my feet shrivel with happiness. From now on, let my tail grow in three days or less. Make my legs transform".
You can change the spell if you're a boy: "More than I want, more than I need, a merman is what I want to be. Make it happen to all can see".
#6317 - To Love Again
Slowly pour the water into the bowl and drop each petal one by one into it. Set the blue and white candle on the left side of the bowl (blue furthest from the bowl) and the red and pink one on the right (Pink last on the furthest side). Big candle goes behind the bowl.
Sing this song and light the candles in this order and do the actions in order too. "The bitter taste of tears I've cried (blue). The emptiness of love, divides (white). All this pain, I know not when (red). My broken heart will love again". Dip your finger in the water.
"I whisper now and sing so fair". Drop water from finger to put out one of the candles. "My last love seemed not to care". Put another candle out. "As the moon shines down on my despair". Put another candle out. "Please let me love again".
Put away all ingredients when you are finished.
#6318 - Make Someone Contact You
On Thursday evening, light a green candle and place a photo or picture of the person you wish to hear from. Gaze into the flame and say: "Person, seek me out and come to me. In voice or flesh. Hear this call of heart and mind, o friend of mine. Let the focus that protects me go forth and make this be. By heaven and earth, by stone and fire, so mote it be".
#6319 - Potion To Banish a Ghost
#6320 - Draw Down The Moon
Sit between the candles, facing the moon. Meditate on the moon for a couple minutes, just let her light fill you up.
Hold the mirror on your lap, catching the Moon's reflection and point it so it bounces off the moon and points to you. Let it absorb into your skin and your mind and your soul. Once you feel powerful, begin to chant as many times as you wish:
''Mother of the moon
the past and the soon
The light of the night
Come to me tonight.''
This spell is rather simple but works amazingly. I did it on the last full moon and my senses are amazing now.
If you have any questions, ask me.
Blessed be x
Chaos PyroDragon