7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- The Dragon of the Flames
- Spirit Fusion
- Summon A Dragon
- Bladder Magic
- Stop Following Me
- Magic Goblin Trap
- Banish Poltergiest
- Love Potion
- Banish Demon
- Writing Your Own Spells
#6351 - The Dragon of the Flames
Focus a small flame in it and speak the following in a deep and fierce voice.
''Rise with a mighty blaze, Burning Dragon of the Searing Flame!''
The small flame should bust into a large flame.
As long as you can hold it, you can harness the Great Flame of this one of many elemental dragons.
#6352 - Spirit Fusion
To Fuse with your selected spirit, Hold your hand out to them with all of your energy focused on the center point of your palm. When you feel a tremendous increase in the energy focused in your palm, bring your hand to your mouth and in one long breath inhale the energy. You should feel it course through you. Then close your eyes and let go of half of your being. The spirit will come over that half. Then merge once again with the other half of your being. Once you open your eyes you will fell a strong force exerting from you. You have completed a fusion.
While in a fusion, you will take on characteristics of said spirit, usually in behavior but over time you may subconsciously change yourself to better suit the spirit your fusing with. For Example, my partner is a tiger spirit and I keep long nails and eat mostly meats.
Now, defusing with the spirit is simple. There are two methods. One, Force the spirit out of your contentiousness and exhale it out. Two, Relax and let go, and the spirit will leave in time.
1-This may NOT work for every person, especially the first time.
2-Letting a spirit hold more than half of your contentiousness is dangerous and can potentially rip you out of your body or destroy your body.
3-Be EXTREMELY selective in your choice in spirit. Once again, I suggest using your guardian or totem.
#6353 - Summon A Dragon
1: Place the black candles at north and south
2: Place the element colour candles at eats and west
Sit in the middle of the candle range.
Concentrate on locked gates. Imagine a key in your hand and chant:
''I have the key, I have the power,
The gates shall open at the (seventh) hour,
A dragon shall rise, and be my friend,
We shall both live until the end''
Seventh is in brackets because it is changeable. This is just when you want your dragon to come through. That is the time when you need the protection. This is also an immortality spell.
#6354 - Bladder Magic
If you really need to go to the bathroom, but can't, just chant this simple spell: "Ooh, ahh! I need to pee! I must stop and cross my knees! Oh, Gods above, I call to thee: help me please to stop this pee". Tap your leg with your hand.
#6355 - Stop Following Me
Imagine the person following you, then imagine a thread of energy wrapping around the person's feet. Imagine a saw cutting through that thread. Turn away from the person and chant: "Get away from me. You're getting on me nerves. I've had enough. Get away or I'll teach you".
#6356 - Magic Goblin Trap
Place an apple inside a horribly smelling sock. Tap the apple with your wand. Throw the apple sock into a suspected goblin territory and watch. A goblin may be attracted by the smell and come over. When the goblin sees the apple, it will cry out and you may capture him.
#6357 - Banish Poltergiest
Stand with your legs apart and bellow at the poltergiest: "Purchai! Putong! Gabindo!".
Use both hands in a downward karate chop while facing the direction you believe the poltergiest to be in.
#6358 - Love Potion
Strain the reminding herbs and such out of the pan and pour into a bottle.
Hold your hands over the potion and imagine a glowing silver or pink orb being lowered into the potion.
''Love pure, and Love strong
This love will past long
Roses and candle light
Love, Love, Come to me tonight.''
Wear on neck, wrists and forehead to attract love.
Or pour into ritual bath to attract love for a month.
#6359 - Banish Demon
Look the demon straight in the eyes (if it has none you're out of luck) Make your voice as deep as possible and yell: "carlem! koas! camerinthum! (the demons name)."
Use both hands and make a dramatic pushing motion. The demon should look as if its melting through the ground.
#6360 - Writing Your Own Spells
Draw a pentacle on the floor with the chalk. Then stand inside of the pentacle. Light the candle with a match. Once done, you should concentrate on a specific emotion you feel. If you are angry, make a short rhyme about anger and so on. When chanting, lay your writing hand over the fire of the candle. Once done, blow out the candle and end with, "Harm to none, so mote it be".