Put the crystal on the bark then splash the water on it then put it on a string so its like a necklace or a bracelet. Say these words onto the crystal: "moarte,va,vine,in,viata". That means "dead will come alive" in Romanian.
Put the purple powder in a dish add the candle wax then the neatle sap then the oak tree sap then light it and a portal should apear. Once that has happened, say: "Portal of mine, gain a mind and take me to (place)".
A spell made by me to call forth the speed of the wind itself.
You may need:
A staff
A small breeze
You may need:
A staff
A small breeze
''Wind, I call forth thee.
Your speed and grace, to be mine.
Not forever, I do tell.''
Hold up your staff.
''There is a time, when I must plea.
This is that time.''
Shove your staff in the ground, do not break it however.
''Now the time has come, please wind, here me out.
Please, grant me your agile ways.
Make me, the grace, that is your soul.
Give me the speed, that is your body.
Let me be the mind, that will be you.''
Take your staff out.
''Oh wind of the mighty ones, give me your agility.
Your soul so pure.
Your heart so clean.
Your mind that is me.
Let this be a milestone, as no other.
For you and I shall be one.
Your speed.
My mind.
Both as one.''
Use the pen to write a 'p' on the left side of the card for the past, and an 'f' on the right side of the card for future. Put the bobby pin in the middle of the card for present. Chant " Oh, time take me to the past/future then back in five minutes". You can go 1,000 years back in time, or 1,000 years in the future.
On a full moon at 9:00, go outside, place the rocks around an area of moist ground. Use 4 to hold up the stick. Light the stick with the match and let it burn for ten seconds. While the stick is burning, get your friends to come outside.
Sit around the fire, hold hands and chant, "Let us be wizards, give us powers". You should chant this five times, then extinguish the fire. The next morning, you will have powers.
This is a beginner spell for protection around you and whoever is around you.
You may need:
You may need:
To do this spell just say the following spell 3 times and the bottom line 2 after:
''Twice around the circles bound,
sink all evil to the ground,
so mote it be.''
This is a spell to reverse a spell that was cast on you.
You may need:
1 black candle
You may need:
1 black candle
On a new moon night burn a black candle and say the following spell:
''Thinking of me but just the same,
return this spell from whence it came,
upon my safety i do hold,
send the damage return three fold!!!!!''
"On this very (day/night) I call upon the protection of the moon
I ask you to protect me and let my health be in full bloom
protect me and my family, this I ask
I ask you humbly to do this very task"
Concentrate very hard. Tense your hands, but no other part of your body. Imagine flames. When you try this, You will never get it the first few times. Thats because many times, a humans brain has many nagging doubts. Banish them from your mind, and, when they are gone, this should be easier.