7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- How to make a Death Note Spell no. 1
- Summon The Fairies
- Illiuipnosis
- To Summon Thunder and Lightning
- Summon Your Inner Spirit
- Develop Aerokinesis
- Forming into Vampire 1
- to become a satonist.
- Comfort
- Dragon Summon
#6461 - How to make a Death Note Spell no. 1
First buy a note book from any store in the innocent manner.
Then a pen and a marker.
But if you have a notebook, tear out its pages if it is the blank one.
It is the cheaper way to have them. Same goes for a light colored pen and a marker to mark it with.
Then go to http://www.realdeathnote.webs.com/ and go to translation. Copy and paste it in word or in the preferred dicitionary of fantasy and magickal language online.
Use undecipherable language or font (For font Elvish and Enochian works best for some people. In English, I would advise you to write in Drow or other transliterate language in English since only you can translate it unless some religious freak or a pig (anarchist slang for cop or a detective cop) gets a hold of it.)
For example, since I will use drow: ''Memory of Death'' goes like this: Zha'linth d' Elghinn for translation. But if you want to make it truly undecipherable type in the font of your choosing as long as no one reads it.
Print it off, and write down in your blood or spit by copying from the paper you've printed off. I prefer spit since it doesn't get you into trouble with the psych police and you can easily disguise it into your dragon's blood ink available from many occult stores. I have this ink since I have been involved with the occult in my life and let me tell you, it works like real blood when you combine menses, spit, or blood in it.
Now inscribe one of the phrases for the pen with the marker by saying, ''I'm the lord your god,'' ''Will of god will be obeyed'', or ''Sword of God's will''. Or put the word Goddess or God/dess or even Satan in it by dipping it in ink and writing in the language of your choice.
Put it on the altar with two white or black candles, one near each side and say, ''By the powers of Darkness, I ask this book to kill those with names written into it. By the darkness and might, I summon the angel of death (or Shinigami) to activate this book in pure darkness.'' Then meditate while the candles burn down before snuffing them. Let the darkness get sucked into the book and turn darkest greyish black.
Or if you don't have time, let the candles burn down while meditating on it all day and night long.
The Full moon is optional but grants certain powers to it
#6462 - Summon The Fairies
2. Place the 2 leaves on each side and your ''gift'' infront of the candle. Now imagine you and the fairies foing something.
3. Now chant:
''Fairies of all kind here my call,
Nature fairies, house faries, Let me see you all
Fairies O fairies here me now
Let me hear and see you and your sounds
So mote it be!
(that night you should here voices talking to you so dont have much sound in your room the voices will be the fairies. Now befriend them and you can do anything, talk even play good luck)
#6463 - Illiuipnosis
To Do Illiuipnosis
First, try to convince people to focus on your energy.
Then, try to feel all the energy in the room you are in,
then you need to find the correct one, try to feel what you wanna feel out of energy's. Then, when you have found the correct one, embrace it! Mix up your energy with that energy you want. Then try to psycholy guess who's energy it is. To do that, follow the enrgy's path, but slowly. Then stand very near to that person who has the energy. Focus on them, try to see through them. See there energy coming into knoking your old energy into them, and they will turn pale, or faint, or maybe just stand there silent for a while, and you'll know you stole or traded energy's. If they are knocked out longer then 37 minutes, you have all there energy, and they have none, so try to feel you in pain, without a correct energy soul. Vizulize Yellow or brown energy flowing to them, and wait an hour then they shall be better.
#6464 - To Summon Thunder and Lightning
Thunder my anger,
Lightning my might,
Bring to me clouds,
Black as night
#6465 - Summon Your Inner Spirit
In your mind, visualize your glowing energy in a ball within your body. Imagine it quickly zooming out. Chant this: "Spirit of mine I can' define. I'm not playing a game. (Name) is your name".
Then you might feel negitave enrgy, but that's because the spirit needs some of yours to survive, so you can SHARE enrgy, so the spirit is developing "flying power".
To give other powers to your Inner Sprit, chant the following: "A power for you is all you need, since I come and also plead. Spirit, take this as a gift. We are going into shift. Here is the power you get, name, it will see. Don't you know, so mote it be".
#6466 - Develop Aerokinesis
Put the salt sprinkled in a circle aroung the mixing bowl.
And chant this spell to magick-bless it:
"This salt of my fault,
shall be set to de-fault.
So bless it be."
Now rub your finger aroun and aroung in the blessed salt. then pour some into the mixing bowl, and eat the other part of the rest of salt left.
Now were gonna magick-spell cast on the sugar to put an affect on it
"This sugar I guess,
shall be lugar,
So be blessed."
And mix the recipe items up with your finger or mind...in the bowl.
Then slowly drink it. After done drinking it, light the candle and chant "So mote it be" 10 times.
#6467 - Forming into Vampire 1
Start to see sparks of FLYING ENERGY coming from your open mind.
With the tooth pick, vizulize it embracing you, inside YOUR mouth.
Vizulize it as a set-pair of fangs.
On the paper, set the glass bottle on.
Look inside the glass bottle.
Now take the nive and place it on your arm.
Then chant this IN the glass bottle so that it will be loud enough,
spirits may here your wish:
''Spirits I call,
Rigth from a hall,
Make my wish come
true, is a please,
It's a delight,
I need!''
Then you may feel REAL paranormal activity, AROUND YOU!
May cause tooth-akes
Become Dizzy; Faint
Pale Skin; Cold Skin
Please let me know this spell has caused NO GOOD right away if it does, and I'll post a fix-it spell.
#6468 - to become a satonist.
''Evil I see,
Evil, I wanna be,
Warship Saton,
once and for all,
grow back and be tall''
Then with the pen, draw a BIG BLACK pentacle picture on your FOUR-HEAD, HAND, AND BOTH LEGS.
''Then throw away the cross of God's...
Then a demon POPS-OUT and blows out ALL the candles symbolizing you are now a Satonist! If the demon may NOT pop up, blow out the candles yourself.
Time it might take for the Demon to enter:
10 Min; to 12 Min
A second; Min
Year Spell was used:
Tips and Side Affects:
Never say outside; In day
You may use a pentacle figure replacing the pic; Never drop pentacle if do
Donnot get cut; Donnot stay in Church so long; Donnot use any kinetic powers
Blood Drips everwhere (FROM YOU)
Many Cuts all over you; DONNOT GET CUT
Red Skin;Pale Skin;Yellow Skin;Fire Heat on you all time
#6469 - Comfort
Take the comfort Rune in both your hands and hold it to your heart. Relax and close your eyes and Visualize glowing hands reaching out and wiping away your tears from your face, Feel the warmth and comfort melting into your skin. Visualize warm arms embarrassing you, holding you, squeezing the hurt from your mind and heart.
Now Visualize your problems being taken away by the hands. Chant the following for as long as you want:
''I asked for comfort
And I found it within myself.
I will embrace the arms of warmth.
I will find comfort in this gloomy world.
Take the comfort rune and wear it as an Amulet, carry it in your pocket or keep in your purse or Wallet.
#6470 - Dragon Summon
Draw the circle. Then put the rose in the middle. Light the incense around the circle. Then put the picture or card on the rose then drop the blood on picture and say:"I summon (Insert name of dragon here) of (insert where it is from here)."