7148 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Mental Combat spell 1-durza
- Chilling Hand
- Sigil Magic
- Stop gossip
- Dream of me
- Attraction
- Mind Transfer
- Unpredictable Spirits
- Detonating Vail
- Anti-Nightmare spell
#6491 - Mental Combat spell 1-durza
Gather energy and bring it into your mind. Mold it into a spear. (A simple spear not a fancy piece of art) Put a lot of energy in to it. Now throw it out of your mind through your third eye chakra (3rd eye does not have to be developed, but it helps a little) and see it hit targets mental armor. If you do not see it shatter in mindseye keep trying or try the other methodsI will soon list. (depending on when you do this defines soon.
#6492 - Chilling Hand
Place the ice in one or both hands, and hold them out infront of you, then speak the following 4 times making your voice louder each time(starting from a wisper):
"Cold chill freeze thee ones betrayed
frozen hearts become colder.
Hate makes its mark upon thy shoulders
aura of a frozen spirit.
Let my touch be chilling to the bone."
After do this wait about 3-4 minutes to insure the spell takes effect.
Note: You will not feel anything until you use the hand you held the ice in on the one you wanted to freeze(one time use per casting), also it best to use that hand to freeze the person intended with 9 hours.
#6493 - Sigil Magic
Instead of just letting the pen/pencil/whatever just do whatever, be more specific. Think about what you want, put it into a sentance; writing it down may help in a minute. For example, if the goal is to achieve second sight, put it into a positive statement of will such as:
"I will see auras."
Or whatever.
Next (this is the part where writing the sentance previously might be helpfu), take all the letters from that sentance and eliminate ones that repeat, so that it looks something like this:
Now take the remaining letters and become one contiguous thing, more like a picture. And there's your sigil.
After drawing the Sigil, concentrate on it; commit it to memory. Now destroy it (burn it, reduce it to a mushy pulp with water, whatever- be creative). Once the sigil is in your mind, it's there whether you think about it or not, so it'll do its job if you work with it. Just like anything else; a sigil can't help you if you just sit there and wait for something to happen- it can only work alongside you.
#6494 - Stop gossip
''If nothing but ill from your lips can fall,
Then let there be
Nothing from them at all''
Eventually that person will stop gossiping
#6495 - Dream of me
Then write the name of the person whom you want to perform the spell on and also state exactly what you want them to dream of you. Then prepare an altar and cast a circle around the altar. Once this is done, place yourself at the center and hold the dream pillow in your hands, place the parchment on the pillow and say the following spell:
''Blessed Mother, Holy Goddess
Send (name of the person) a dream
And awaken his/her mind
Carry my voice far and galore
To the place where even sleep lays ashore
Send him/her this message loud and clear
This is not just a prayer mere.''
The incantation can be changed in a way to match your preference.
#6496 - Attraction
What you do, if you have a candle, light it. Or incsense. Who cares...OKAY, take the DNA fragment, and put it on the mirror. It should reflect. Take the picture of you. Kiss the mirror. Let the mirror shine on the two pieces. Place the 3 tree leaves in a 'triangle' around the mirror. Put the gemstone ontop of the DNA and picture, and say this:
"How do we compare
Oh how I should really dare...
The gods and goddesses make power upon thee,
make (name of person) come to me,
love will be enpowered
my beauty/handsomeness will be showered
I mote it be!"
#6497 - Mind Transfer
Meditate and clear the mind. For necromancers'; follow out the first ordeal. When the mind is then free, think clearly using the third eye and intense visualization and focus of a person you with to transfer awareness, and consciousness to. Hold the image clearly within your mind of this person, everything of who they are and what they look like. As you do this, speak aloud or silently this phraze:
Yug! N'gha K'yun Bth'gth Gllur Ph'nglui Yzkaa!
If done correctly this shall hold for a length of 2 seconds up to a full 15 minutes at first. But after a time and practice, this can be done to hold permanently, or as long as you wish it to. But remember this: A strong mind can enter the weak of minds, but not the weak entering the strong. If you would like the proper pronounciation of this verse please feel free to private message me. I shall try to help.
#6498 - Unpredictable Spirits
Come to the path shone my way,
Forces of strength to control my way,
come into my darkness and strike it away,
Forces of power, to control my way,
come to my field and strike it away.
#6499 - Detonating Vail
To do this you need to have be able to have total focus, and its perfered to be done outside since the dark energy does explode and cause wide spread damage. Ok now to creat the dark vail place the cloth or whatever your using as your vail, in the darkest area around you, then just focus on moving as much dark energy as possible(the amount of dark energy effects the range of the explosion) into your vail, then your ready to test it out. Just place the vail over something u want destroyed and focus your mind on the energy in the vail and picture it exploding(you should stand some distance from the vail before detinating it.)
#6500 - Anti-Nightmare spell
First of all, light the little white candle near your bed placed in the bowl or something safe to put the candle in, (because you are going to sleep after all-i don't want to get you burned :) ) Than put the scissors under your pillow...the mirror as well.
Pick items as small as possible or it would be a real massacre in the morning.
When you lay down on your bed and place your head on the pillow, turn your head towards the light of the candle and just welcome your dream knowing that this time it won't be a nightmare... Why?
The white candle is for enlightening the path to your good dreams and cast the evil that surrounds you when you go to sleep.
The mirror is placed under the pillow because of the demons that hunt the ''sleepers'', those night creatures are followers of Mara (mythical being who torments people in their sleep [Mara has many names in other cultures, aka: Mare, Mahr, Mora and lots and lots...]) The mirror will trap the demon and the knife or the scissors will not allow it to touch you...
In the morning don't forget to place the items near open window and if it is a sunny morning...even better let the sun light clear them.
Do this spell as much as you think it's necessary..
Hope it will help to destroy your dream demons...