7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Demonic Shadow Manipulaton
- Powerful Fireblade
- Create Elemental Thought Forms
- Black Mana Control
- Come to Me Spell
- Umbrakinesis
- Summon Kasdeya
- Love Slave
- Penta-Seal
- How to Gain Psychic Abilities
#6521 - Demonic Shadow Manipulaton
Focus on a enems shadow. Imagine it is a demon or some other hellish thing. Imagine it will kill or hurt them. What you imagine will happen. You'll start to see them in pain. This attack is of black magick, so it does run a risk using.
#6522 - Powerful Fireblade
Concentrate on the blade, imagine it is burning brightly and strongly, concentrate your chakra and mana into the blade, if done properly fire should form from the blade. My element is fire, and im a high class sourcer so you must practice this.
#6523 - Create Elemental Thought Forms
To create a thoughtform of an elemental you must have some way of absorbing the energy of that element into your body first, then focus on that energy and shape it how you want the thoughtform to look in your mind.
At first the elemental will appear in the ways listed below:
Fire elemental = a ball of flaming energy floating in air.
Water elemental = floating glass-like ball of energy.
Air elemental = floating bluish form(no exact shape).
Earth elemental = a low floating clay colored form(no exact shape).
#6524 - Black Mana Control
Note: This is more a meditation then a spell.
To do this I suggest you know how to control your own spiritual power. Its not hard all you have to do is focus on the black mana(spiritual energy) that is used with black magic spells and try to maintain this for as long as possible.
#6525 - Come to Me Spell
#6526 - Umbrakinesis
In a dark area or room, focus on the shadows around you and keep your focus on them, in your mind picture the energy being drawn into you, your body absorbing it, then picture it forming into a ball in your hands. Continue doing this repeating a few times (I recamend up to at least 3-5 times).
Note: To control this energy in different ways takes veried levels of concentration.
#6527 - Summon Kasdeya
#6528 - Love Slave
Imagine thaat person in your mind. Imagine him looking at you, staring at you, mouth open. You are walking through the halls of school and he is trailing fight behind you smiling, eyes closed. Then imagine him asleep in his room. Smiling calling your name, with longing in his face, still sleeping he reaches out in front of him. Imagine yourself on a marble throne dressed in a beautiful gown or suit. You are glowing like the sun and your lover is right beside you staring at you, he gets on the ground and startes bowing. Next imagine yourself in a garden with him he smiling kissing you holding you lovingly(or reverse)while still thinking this chant:
"Your heart is mine and will forever be, I am the sun that you feel on your skin. The earth that you walk on the water you drink, the air you breathe. Like a goddess you worship me. Perfect lovely amazingly fine, you are mine you are mine! I am a necessaty a obbsesion, you see. Love me love me. You yearn for me night and day. Up close or far away. Love me, your will is mine. What I ask you must be done, and you will do it with geat fun. Love me, need me, you are all about me! I am the goddess of your world. The controler of your dreams. Your only wish is to love and serve me!"
After cast spell get something to drink, rest, recharge. Sometime soon your spell will work .
SIDE EFECTS : Sudden tiredness thirstyness self confidence and dreams of you and your lover.
WARNING: If spell doesnt turn out the way you hoped do not repeat again!!!! he may turn into your mindless slave. This will not be my fault. Your on your own.
#6529 - Penta-Seal
2 5
3 4
Use the diagram above when the spell refers to any number.
Place the yellow candle on 1.
Place the green candle on 2.
Place the blue candle on 3.
Place the red candle on 4.
Place the white candle on 5.
Light the red candle.
Chant: Fire
Pour two drops of the animals blood on the red candle.
Light the blue candle.
Chant: Water
Pour two drops of the animals blood on the blue candle.
Light the green candle.
Chant: Earth
Pour two drops of the animals blood on the green candle.
Light the white candle.
Chant: Air
Pour two drops of the animals blood on the white candle.
Light the yellow candle.
Chant: Lightning
Pour two drops of the animals blood on the yellow candle.
Chant: With the five elements and the blood of (animal), I bind thee. Do not try to fight, for the binding will only grow tighter and I shall grow stronger. Orbis magnus.
#6530 - How to Gain Psychic Abilities
''vision of future present & past,
psychic spirit i do cast,
to hear & see the things that aren't there,
psychic powers i wish to bare,
i open to see all with my 3rd eye,
psychic bond to me i wish to tie,
unbind my spirit and my mind,
so that my visions shall no longer be confined,
let my visions & dreams come before the rising sun,
as i cast let my will be done,
pychic powers i invoke thee,
as i will so mote it be.''
blow out the candles clockwise starting from north, and before you blow out the candle say:
''psychic powers i invoke thee,
as i will so mote it be.''
let the white candle burn out by itself...as the candle burns out...stare at the flame and make sure to write down any images/mssages that come to you during that time. then once the candle goes out go straight to bed.