7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Power Water
- Bestowing
- Cherokee Protection Spell
- Blast
- Scarecrow charm
- How to Bind Someone in Friendship
- How to Consecrate a Book
- Cleansing
- How to Make Friends
- Anti Spirit Circle
#6581 - Power Water
Place bowl of water in the pentagram and chant: "wind fire earth and water help lead the way, to cast this spell i need you, make his water as pure as a newborn dove." Chant three times then thank the spirits for lending you their power then drink water before casting your spell.
#6582 - Bestowing
Light the candle, and think about what you need for at least five-ten minutes. Then say "forces of the universe I call upon (say what you need/want), I call upon this smoke which rises from the fire to warp itself around (your receptive hand) so mote it be." Hold your receptive hand over the candle before blowing it out for about 10-15 seconds, blow out the candle. You should feel a tingle pulsating down your receptive arm to the rest of your body.
#6583 - Cherokee Protection Spell
Pour the boiling water, white sage, and lavender in the pot at the same time, stir with the smugde stick, then chant:
"O great spirit protect us, breath in the scent it gives of."
#6584 - Blast
To do the blast spell you need a small amount of mana.To create the flame you'll need to sit in lotus style, and chant in regular speech "Tala Raka" several times until you get a basic flame. Then you can hurl it up to ten feet. Caution this spell affects everyone but the caster in the ten foot radius.The closer your foe is to the fireball the harder it hits.
#6585 - Scarecrow charm
Construct the scarecrow by aligning the two chopsticks in a cross position then make the face with the cardboard and glue it on. Use the cloth for its clothing but while you are doing this you must chant: "O deities ok Khena come to my aid. Bless this object with thy light , may it protect me both day and night." Then light the black candle and visualize what will happen when the charm is completed.Then anoint the scarecrow with Sandalwood oil and say a short personal prayer. Next, pour the black sand into the empty can and firmly plant the scarecrow firmly into it . Leave it in the light of the full moon overnight. In the morning put it in the place where you stay the most.
#6586 - How to Bind Someone in Friendship
Cast the circle and sweep the floor with a besom. Visualize for a few moments what you want and how it will be when you finish the spell. Before lighting the candle, inscribe it with the astrological symbol of jupiter (for prosperity) and saturn (for binding). Then light it.
Chant: "Friendship eternal, true and steadfast I shall have thee now at last". Take the red thread and the two personal items and as you bind them together chant: "You and I bound together in friendship and trust now and forever!". Then tie the thread and knot it securely visualising the magick being locked in.
Now take the picture hold it in your gith hand and send loving energies into it then chant: "More than brothers/sisters we are now to each other. We endow our knowledge our secrets and all and both of us together shall stand tall free from mistrust deception and lies. By this spell i strengthen our ties together we stand now and forever here to support one or the other!"
Now recite the latin incantaion for manifestation: "Per omnes vires terrae et maris. Per omnes potentias lunae et solis. Velut volo ut liceat esse. Carmen canta et fiat. Beata sint!". Put everything in the green box and keep it hidden (put a protection spell on it if you want) but make sure to put it out in the sun for a few minutes every Thursday.
#6587 - How to Consecrate a Book
Begin by setting everything on your altar and casting a circle. Light the oil. On the front page of your book, draw a pentagram while visualizing that you are infusing the book with power. Recite the incantation:
"This book is blessed by powers, all. Powers of the element now heed my call! Powers of the earth, I ask thee to grant this book your power. Powers of water. I ask thee to grant this book your power. Powers of fire, I ask thee to grant this book your power. Powers of air, I ask thee to grant this book your power"
As you mention each of the different elements, place something symbolic of that element on the various points of the pentagram you have drawn in your book. This will infuse the book with the powers of those elements.
Recite this latin incantation to seal the spell: "Per omnes vires terrae et maris. Per omnes potentias lunae et solis. Velut volo ut liceat esse. Carmen canta et fiat.Beata sint!"
#6588 - Cleansing
Lay crushed garlic onto the parchment, then splash the cinnamon oil upon the garlic. Wrap parchment in any way. Draw a pentagram with the blessed pen. With the lit incense stick set the parchment alight. and say "Divine goddess and god, lift my spirits to the beyond cast away negatives. Clear my inner eye."
#6589 - How to Make Friends
Write the names down of the individuals you wish to befriend on the first page and set it in the middle of the road overnight in the rain. If it's gone or you can't read the writing it's a good sign. If it's still there but can't read writing it's still a good sign. If t is still there and barely wet, you will have a hard time making friends.
#6590 - Anti Spirit Circle
Hold the crystal in your hand, then put salt around the area you want to protect. Say: "Spirits of evil, go away. I am protected by the power of good and all things right. Evil spirits go away". Repeat three times.