This spell will release your inner dragon traits, making you stronger in battle. You could fly, breath fire, anything that a drgon can do, depending on your pesonality.
You may need:
Wand or Sceptor (Staff)
Magical Abilities
You may need:
Wand or Sceptor (Staff)
Magical Abilities
Light the fire and flick your wand in a circular motion over it, your wand pointing horizontally. While doing this, cast the spell
''Look deep into my core, let my inner dragon soar.'' Within 9 days, your dragon traits will show. If you are not satisfied, do the spell again.
Mix the ingredients together. Say the incantation: "Magick wheel, twist. Magick weehl, turn round this house. This spell has begun. Goddess, shine your light on this place with harm to none. Thy will be done, so mote it be". Your house is now protected.
Make a fireball and make it big then shape it into a bow. You can make arrows on your own by simply pulling the fires string. There are many different types of arrows you can use: simple ones, explosive ones, ones where when you shoot them they spin into a cyclone of fire and continue to spin 5 seconds after impact. Use your imagination.
You tired of not getting what you want? Tired of rude people or ones you don't like? This spell will cause people to fear you.
You may need:
You may need:
First create a ball of malice and darkness around you. This ball is a sheild and must envelope you entirely. Next you must look at your target or targets. Then summon your evil eyes to attack with your defensive sheild. Physically use them to drain as a phycic vampire by either making it seperate into smaller orbs that pierce your targets heart and soul or still have them attached to the orb by making it into a spikey like thing.
Banishes negitivity, and the occassional unwanted neighbor too.
You may need:
few drops Patchouli oil
You may need:
few drops Patchouli oil
Very little oil is needed for this spell. No words are even needed to be spoken either. Draw a banishing pentacle on the inside of your door. Or even on the unwated neightbor/s front door when they are not around. Please use caution with this spell!! It does work! Within two full moon phases they should be gone.
First you light the candles
Second you take the Sun Stone and dip it in the bowl of water.
Then you put the Sun Stone in your hand and rise it to the sky and say
'' Spirits of the sun and sky hear my call make sun seep from the clouds do you keep so mote it be.
Put the ash on the tip of your wand ( Then repeat the first step)