A powerful spell that invokes the elements to protect you from harm.It really works based on me,family & friends who used it
You may need:
1 blue candle
1 red candle
1 green candle
1 white or grey candle
to make the spell stronger.
dragons blood
or anyother protection herbs/stones
You may need:
1 blue candle
1 red candle
1 green candle
1 white or grey candle
to make the spell stronger.
dragons blood
or anyother protection herbs/stones
cast your circle in a quiet & peaceful place.put the candles inside the circle in the following order/direction,north=green candle,east=white/grey candle,west=blue candle,south=red candle.If you have...put any herbs/stones for protection in the middle of the circle.light the candles from north & clockwise,when lighting them say *i invoke the element of earth to the north* & so on.BTW green=earth,white/grey=air,blue=water,red=fire.
when all the candles are ready then you can stand or sit in the middle or outside of the circle.relax & say *i invoke all the four elements by my side all that wish me harm shall not pass,so mote it be!
start off with north & say *earth protect me from north & around,block & crush thee threat*
*air protect me from the east & around,blow & send back all thee threat*
*fire protect me from the south & around,burn & banish all thee threat*
^water protect me from the west & all around,wash away & cleanse all thee threat*
thank the elements =)
Place all the herbs in a small jar and stir. Add either of the wet ingredients into the jar and fill to the top. Let the jar sit in a cool/dark place for 4-6 weeks. Check the jar every few days. Once the mixture is ready, strain.
Use the 4 Thieves Vinegar as a disinfectant for hands & body.
Before going to sleep, light the candle. Hold your hands as you usually would when praying. Hold your hands higher than your heart and lower than your shoulders. The Bible should be balanced on your forearms. Clear your mind, stare into the flame, and pray. Once you're done, sleep.
This spell doesn't really turn into a tree, it will make you feel like a tree.
All you have to do is find a nice quiet spot. Then stand completely still. (You can still breathe just breathe lightly) Then, close your eyes and think of your feet connecting the the ground (or floor) with roots. Then imagine leaves growing on the upper part of your body. With the lower parts of your body you can imagine bark. Then you can imagine yourself out in the middle of a peaceful forrest or a silent park. Or you can imagine yourself being a tree near a lake.
Removes Germs in every square inch of one's home, school or office.
You may need:
You may need:
Picture a germ. Any color, size, etc. Then picture it suddenly catching fire. Next Imagine that the germ is fully burned. But wait, the germs are still there. After you finish "imagining" the germ(s) burned, say:
"Make this __(Place)__, which encloses me: Now 100% germ free. Banish germs from these halls, remove them, permanently, from these walls. By the power of fire & by the power of air, I banish germs everywhere"
Then you should feel a slight breeze & your office, house, school, etc germ free.
To make a tarot reading more accurate and powerful.
You may need:
White Canndle
Deck of Tarot Cards
You may need:
White Canndle
Deck of Tarot Cards
Light the White candle in front of the deck and place your hands over the deck then say:
''Deck of Tarot, hear my need,
and understand that i should pleed,
for future sight and knowledge of past,
come to me now and fast!''