This spell must be done before 9:00 PM. Close your eyes and summon your psychic mind. Imagine the shade of green you want your eyes to turn. Repeat this chant once and once only:
''Eyes of green
shall be seen
by all around
and all who are found
Green eyes shall be mine
Before tonight's stroke of nine.''
This spell is for energetically disguising yourself so that you are hidden, kind of like an invisibility spell.
You may need:
You may need:
To successfully cast the spell, take your wand or your right hand and choose any wand/index finger maneuvre as long as when you say: ''Disguise'', you point at yourself w/ your wand or index finger. As you do the maneuvre, say: ''Lies, Guise, Give me a disguise!'' And point at yourself w/ your wand or your index finger as you say: ''Disguise.''
To undo the spell, do your maneuvre of choice (or a different one than the one used to cast the spell) while saying: ''Lies, Guise, No more a disguise!''
P.S. when doing the undoing part of the spell, you still have to point at yourself w/ your wand or your index finger as you say: ''Disguise.''
This spell is simply for conjuring up a little popularity your way so that people will want to pay attention to you and talk to you as well.
You may need:
You may need:
To successfully cast the spell, imagine yourself and then say: ''For everyone that I see, all eyes are fixed on me. I want popularity, all attention goes to me.''
To successfully undo the spell, just say: ''Undo this popularity, I've had enough of what I see.''
A powerful spell that invokes the elements to protect you from harm.It really works based on me,family & friends who used it
You may need:
1 blue candle
1 red candle
1 green candle
1 white or grey candle
to make the spell stronger.
dragons blood
or anyother protection herbs/stones
You may need:
1 blue candle
1 red candle
1 green candle
1 white or grey candle
to make the spell stronger.
dragons blood
or anyother protection herbs/stones
cast your circle in a quiet & peaceful place.put the candles inside the circle in the following order/direction,north=green candle,east=white/grey candle,west=blue candle,south=red candle.If you have...put any herbs/stones for protection in the middle of the circle.light the candles from north & clockwise,when lighting them say *i invoke the element of earth to the north* & so on.BTW green=earth,white/grey=air,blue=water,red=fire.
when all the candles are ready then you can stand or sit in the middle or outside of the circle.relax & say *i invoke all the four elements by my side all that wish me harm shall not pass,so mote it be!
start off with north & say *earth protect me from north & around,block & crush thee threat*
*air protect me from the east & around,blow & send back all thee threat*
*fire protect me from the south & around,burn & banish all thee threat*
^water protect me from the west & all around,wash away & cleanse all thee threat*
thank the elements =)
Place all the herbs in a small jar and stir. Add either of the wet ingredients into the jar and fill to the top. Let the jar sit in a cool/dark place for 4-6 weeks. Check the jar every few days. Once the mixture is ready, strain.
Use the 4 Thieves Vinegar as a disinfectant for hands & body.
Before going to sleep, light the candle. Hold your hands as you usually would when praying. Hold your hands higher than your heart and lower than your shoulders. The Bible should be balanced on your forearms. Clear your mind, stare into the flame, and pray. Once you're done, sleep.