An oil that can be used by leos to increase natural power.
You may need:
3 Drops Petitgrain Oil
1 Drop Orange Oil
1 Drop Lime Oil
You may need:
3 Drops Petitgrain Oil
1 Drop Orange Oil
1 Drop Lime Oil
Mix the oils together. Add these oils to a base to keep it from irritating your skin. Then just apply the oils to yourself when doing magical workings to increase your powers if you are a leo.
You can do this one under the crescent moon or at dawn. It will still work. Make the salt star. Place the burning candle in the middle write the name of the person you wish to banish on the paper burn it while saying :
"Crescent Moon , Crescent Light
I call upon you despite night's flight,
Send away this evil knight,
Intrude no longer,
so take flight"
Say it three times. And the next day that person shall be gone.
Well, i have once read that there is no spell more powerful than the ones you write yourself. I made this at a nightmarish sleepover when everyone was having nightmares, We tried to put each other in a trance. Only mine worked. this may not work for you but it's worth a shot.
You may need:
I used...
a dish of water (blessed or not)
Paper towels (one is enough)
2 blankets
a person who is sleepy or a volunteer
candle (optional, if you choose to use it, be sure you have good aim)
lights or matches
You may need:
I used...
a dish of water (blessed or not)
Paper towels (one is enough)
2 blankets
a person who is sleepy or a volunteer
candle (optional, if you choose to use it, be sure you have good aim)
lights or matches
okay first, you spread the blanket somewhere, preferably a rug. Even better is there is no one else in the room but nearby. When I did this, there were girls in the other room laughing and talking.have the volunteer lie down upon the first blanket. Cover them with the second blanket, don't cover their faces. Have the person close their eyes and count to either 50 or 100. When they have finished counting, ask them the first place they think of. If they do not give the name of a place, persist the question until you get a valid answer. My volunteer answered disneyland. Keep asking questions like 'what's the first person you see?' or 'what do you do?' and make it into a little adventure for them. Keep in mind that the volunteer must have muscles relaxed and eyes closed at all times. Keep this up until you feel it is time to stop. Fold the paper towel, not crumple, into a rectangle and dip it into the water. Dry it by twisting it and unfold the twist, it doesn't matter if it's wrinkly. As long as it doen't drip. Place the paper towel upon the volunteer's forehead and ask them what was the firs thing they thought of when they felt the cold wetness of the paper towel. The more ridiculous their answers become, (ex: Who did you see next? socks) the more likely they're entering the dreamworld or the trance. But please be patient with the ridiculous answers. Just go along with it. ( So what did you do with socks?) If you have the candle, have it burning beside you OFF the rug. When it comes time to use it, blow out the flame and quickly, with precise aim, pour a wee bit of the melted wax in the middle of the paper towel. The paper towel is still wet so it should not roll anywhere else, if it does, it shouldn't be off the paper towel. The very next time the sounds (laughter or talking) goes on in the other room, ask them if it sounds loud or quiet. My volunteer answered quiet and distant though the talking was in right the next room. After that, take off the paper towel and place it in the dish of water. Be as quiet as possible and see if your volunteer is awake. If they do not wake up to your shouting, trying shaking them as hard as you can. If that still doesn't work,try pouring melted candle wax into their hand. It doesn't burn flesh, just really hot. If that STILL doesn't work, invent another method of wakening ( many alarm clocks, paper cutting, biting, dogs, etc)
This is a very brief and basic introduction to energy manipulation. The first thing you should learn is how to gather energy. One method: put your hand in front of you, focusing on the palm of your hand. Feel the energy around you, in you, in the air, and visualize it pooling together into the center of your palm.
To control this energy, imagine a stream of color heading out from your hand to a nearby lifeform (animal, plant, etc). You can use this to feel the energy of others around you, and if need be- take energy from your surroundings. You can also give or transfer energy in the same manner. Visualize a pulse of that energy going in the direction you want it to.
If you want to manipulate the energy within yourself, just change the visualization so that the line of energy goes throughout your body instead of out to another source.
Make sure all lights are off, sit on the ground and place the rose patals in a circle around you, then light the white candle with a wood match. Then close your eyes and hum a soft tune to yourself. At the end of the tune Say 'Fairy of (Whatever type), come to me'
When done then blow out the candle then in the mornng a fairy should come to you.