7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Third Eye Opening
- Protection Chant
- Voodoo Love Doll
- Spell to make your Husband Loyal
- Reconciliation to Summon a Mutual Love
- Wishing spell
- Light Power
- Dream Spell
- Dream Catcher Curse
- Banish Slander
#6891 - Third Eye Opening
"Alfy layla wa layla
Alfy layla wa layla...
By the moon, on Arabian nights,
By the silence of ancient sites,
By the secrets of arcane rites,
By the flicker of candle lights...
Ifta, ya simsim!
Open sesame!"
"Open my third eye, open my mind's eye,
Release my sixth sense.
Help me to see the unseen.
Let me Be as I have never been."
"Let me See as I have never seen.
Open my third eye, open my mind's eye,
Open my Self to understanding.
afly layla wa layla
afly layla wa layla...
By the power of moonlight,
By the power of clear sight,
Ifta ya simsim!
Open sesame!"
You should begin to feel your third eye's power.
#6892 - Protection Chant
Chant the following:
"Divine Goddess, Goddess Divine,
Divine God, God Divine,
If evil dwells within this place,
Please make it leave my space."
#6893 - Voodoo Love Doll
You should make the doll yourself. Carve it from some
natural material such as wax, wood or clay; bake a doughboy (be sure to use lots of
spices), or sew a rag doll. A store bought figure can be used, but it won't be nearly as
powerful as the homemade.
Some very personal belongings of the man you want to enchant, a lock of his hair, a
fingernail clipping, something he's worn should be incorporated into, or attached to, the
doll. Add also one of your nail clippings, a strand of your hair, etc. Use as many of these
personal things as possible the more links you create between you, your beloved and
the doll, the stronger your spell.
Start the ritual on the first day of the new moon. Name the doll, aloud, after the man and
scratch or write his name on the figure. For writing, your blood is best, but if you use ink
(red, of course) add a drop of your blood to it.
Next, using a thorn or pin, gently prick the figure's heart (don't overdo it or you kill him)
"As this thorn (pin) pierces your heart,
so let it be pierced with love for me."
Or wrap the doll in three ribbons of different colors; black, white and red are often used,
but you may choose any shades. As you wrap say:
"Threads bind; body entwine;
Heart find linked to mine."
If you've baked your doll, eat a piece of it every night, saying,
"As you become part of me,
so let me become part of you."
Do any one of these rituals, but always the same one, for fifteen minutes each evening
until the moon is full; at the next new moon, start again.
If be doesn't respond soon enough, light a red candle and lightly singe the doll's feet,
"For you I yearn.
For me you burn."
Before long, his feet should carry him straight to you (unless you've burned them too
When you're not working with your doll, wrap it in a clean cloth of silk, linen or cotton
never a synthetic fabric and put it away where no one but yourself can find it.
#6894 - Spell to make your Husband Loyal
First take a lock of your husbands hair and have it tied with a ribbon that is pink in color. Light three pink candles. Then hollow out the apple and place the lock of hair inside the apple along with 7 rose petals, a lock of your own hair tied with white ribbon and add 3 drops of cinnamon oil. Next pass the apple through the flame of each of the three pink candles visualizing your husband and yourself. Tie the apple in a piece of white cloth and have it buried under your bedroom window. This will help strengthen the bond between you and your husband.
#6895 - Reconciliation to Summon a Mutual Love
This spell should be cast at dawn, as this is a time of new beginnings. You should perform the spell during the first dawn following a new moon. In casting the spell at this time of the month, when natural cycles are beginning again, you are creating a new start within the cycle of your relationship.
This spell should be performed facing east, the direction of the sunrise. As the sun rises, the increasing light and warmth will mirror the warmth of your heart.
Place the two white candles, in their holders, side by side on the red cloth. These candles represent you and your partner. Light the candles so that they burn in unison.
Sit quietly and meditate on the happiness your relationship has brought to you. Release your judgements, anger and preconceived ideas. Focus on what you want from your relationship and what you can give to it.
Six is the number of marriage, harmony, balance and equilibrium. For this reason, you will use six stones during this spell. Mystically, Onyx is used to help change habits. Rose Quartz is used for forgiveness and to open the heart.
Pick up the first stone. With the stone in your hand, say out loud one gift you have received from your relationship. Place this stone next to the burning candles.
Pick up the next stone. Say out loud one positive energy or quality that you want to bring to your relationship. Place the stone next to the burning candles.
One by one, pick up the next four stones. With each stone in hand, verbalize a different gift your relationship has given you or a new energy you want to bring to the relationship. Place the stones around the candles so that when each stone is placed, a perfect circle has been formed.
Allow the candles to burn down. Once the candles have burned out, place the six stones in a velvet pouch. Sleep with this pouch under your pillow until the next new moon.
#6896 - Wishing spell
#6897 - Light Power
First concentrate on the energy source.
Then as soon as you feel the light energy running through your body.
Chant the following:
"Oh Godess of light,
I will use your power."
#6898 - Dream Spell
Stand next to or near the sleeping person for up to a minute. Sprinkle a small amount of water in a circle around them. Make sure that none of the water touches them. Sit down about a foot away, then sprinkle a few drops of water upon yourself. Chant:
"(Person)’s dreams, listen to me. I control now what you will see".
Stare at the person for up to a minute. Close your eyes and visualize what you want the person to dream of.
#6899 - Dream Catcher Curse
Lay the dream catcher on the ground. Make sure you are alone. Sprinkle the ashes or soot on the dream catcher as you chant: "Dream catcher, dream catcher, hear me call. Hear my words once and for all. Flood (person)s dreams forever with fear. Let you be my only witness here".
#6900 - Banish Slander
Gather the following: White paper Red Pen Cloves (powdered or whole) - quite a bit A small bowl Incense stick or oil burner if possible Time of spell Seven Days On a small piece of the white paper with the red pen, right the name of your accuser or libeler BACKWARDS, nine times, in a list format.
Roll up this piece of paper very small and place in the small bowl. (A great way to boost this spell is to tie the paper with a Witches knot.) Tie 3 times a knot and bless it each time in name or the Morrigan If you have powdered cloves, great, if not, crush the cloves with a mortar and pestle, or grind them in your food processor, or coffee grinder you need enough to cover the piece of paper in the bowl completely and have enough to take some out of the bowl each morning and night for seven days without uncovering the paper.
Every morning and evening for seven days, take a pinch of the cloves and burn them, inhaling and watching the smoke while envisioning and meditating on the accusations or libel against you or your loved one also "going up in smoke."
Start your morning this way, end your day this way. (The burning cloves smell great, very relaxing) On the seventh night, burn all of the remaining cloves and the paper with the writing on it. Feel that the libel and slander is done, that no one will believe these false statements and that it has all turned to ashes for the one against you.
When the ashes have cooled, dispose of them in living water, a river, stream, lake, the ocean. If you do not have a source of living water near you, down the drain or toilet works .