This is to help all of those that are new to meditation and want a few tips.
You may need:
You may need:
This is some good ways to master meditation.
First sit in a quiet room. Feel all the energies flowing inside the room. Some people say that lighting Insence help you calm you're Mind down and focus more. This is optional though.
Next find a good spot to sit down. You may want to find some pillows to make the floor more comfortable. If you have a sound machine or something that produces natural sounds that can help focus you're mind a bit more.
Then, after doing all that are above start meditating. These are some good ways to help start you're mastering of Meditation. TIP: When starting to meditate I always do Mantra's. Mantra's are things you say while Meditating. Like the ommmm thing. This is supposed to help.
This spell allows the caster to switch powers and emotions with someone of choice sort of like the power swap spell on this website only my spell works and is less complicated.
You may need:
Good focus.
You may need:
Good focus.
To successfully cast the spell, First say both your names, starting with you then the person's name. While saying the person's name, envision the person. Do not worry about your name. Just the other's name. Then say:''Caminus-Corporeus-Meum-Corporeus-Sua-Eorum-Nominato!'' Pronunciation:''Cam-Inn-Us/Coor-Poor-ee-us/Mee-Um/Coor-Poor-ee-us/Soo-a/Ee-oor-um/Nom-Inn-Oto.''P.S. Clap out infront of you as you say nominato!
This spell will send a spell back to the caster three times as bad.
You may need:
Crayon/Colored pencil
You may need:
Crayon/Colored pencil
Do you think someone cast a spell on you, and you'd like to send it back? Use this spell!
Begin by drawing a triangle on a piece of paper. Use your favorite color. As you draw the first line, recite: "Before the day is over". As you draw the second line, recite: "Before the night is through". As you draw the last line, recite: "What you have done to overs will go right back to you".
The spell will then leave you and return to the caster three times as bad as when they first cast it.
Begin by filling the glass with water. Place the picture/hair of the victim into the water. Recite: "For a death from ice and snow, to my enemy I will show. As the spirits twist and turn, my enemy's soul will forever burn". Place the cup in the freezer. If the cup has cracked when you check it in the morning, your spell has worked.
This spell will give you power when you cast spells you have created yourself.
You may need:
Any Blue Marker or Pen
A stool
You may need:
Any Blue Marker or Pen
A stool
First, start by drawing a circle on both your hands. Then, inside, draw stars. If you mess up, simply scrub it away and start again. Next, stand up on the stool and close your eyes. Keep your hands closed together, but keep space inside of them. Imagine a light trying to get out and open your hands. You see a ball of light. Play with the light a little bit, and remember to feel it and stretch it. That's when you should imagine it covering your body, going inside, and out, at least one time. Then say the following:
''Let this little ball of power give me power when I cast my spells.''
The longer you play with the ball of light the more powerful the spell will be.
First of all,make sure you are comfortable.
You could sit cross legged but i find that lying down works best.
Close your eyes,and imagine that everything that your troubles are in brown sacks.
Imagine a large metal dumpster.
Now imagine yourself going over to pick up each worry,one at a time.
Concentrate on that worry,
Then imagine putting it in the dumpster.
When all the worries are gone,imagine putting the lid on the dumpster,and locking it.Now imagine breaking the key so badly it cannot be repaired.
Combine with slow heavy breaths-in through the nose,out through the mouth.
This should give you complete peace of mind.
You dont have to do it everyday,just when something is bothering you.
I find it works very well.
If you have any questions or feedback on this method,feel free to message me!
A spell to gain the ability to see into the future.
You may need:
2 red candles
2 white candles
You may need:
2 red candles
2 white candles
Sit cross-legged in the floor. Place two red candles on your left, then place two white candles on your right. Place your hands above your head and say the following:
"Gods of power- Gods of might,
Give me the power of future sight.
Help me see what is to come,
Help me see the future, done".
When finished, blow the candles out and remove them.
If you open this some positive changes will happen in your life within the next year or two. But I don't mind if you use it on another to bring good luck to them, too.
You may need:
You may need:
"For all those whom this ye see,
By the powers within me,
Luck be given unto thee,
So mote it be!"
Light some incense, preferably myrrh or patchouli and a white candle. You will also need a bowl of water and one of salt. Take the item, cover it with salt, place your right hand over the bowl (unless your left handed, then use your left) and envision a white light leaving your palm and passing through the bowl, washing away all negative energies. Then say:
Blessed Lord and Lady, with salt and smoke I consecrate this tool in your name. Let it serve me well.
Remove the item from the salt, shaking off the salt as you do so, then pass it through the incense smoke, sprinkle it with water, then pass it through the candle flame. Your item is now consecrated.