7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Angel summoning
- Commitment Spell
- Self Defense
- Killing a Bad Habit
- Object of Acception
- Bene valeas et quiescas somnus
- Meditation to Rid Oneself of Negative Energy
- Meditation Help And Useful Tools
- Power/emotion shifting spell.
- Three Fold
#6941 - Angel summoning
Look into the mirror. Pretend you're not looking at yourself but impartially at another being. When this is accomplished, look 'beyond' yourself in the mirror.
Stay relaxed, if you're tense, this won't work. Only work for as long as you feel fresh and relaxed; several attempts may be necessary before your goal is accomplished. This spell takes time.
Eventually you may see a new face, you may see your guardian angel or another spirit behind your image, you may even see lights. The experience is very personal and varies. Talk with the image in the mirror.
When you're done, the mirror should be wrapped in dark or velvet and kept reserved for this ritual alone.
#6942 - Commitment Spell
Love spells to get a person to commit are rare. Many love spells will provide an obsessed partner, but that isn't exactly commitment. This commitment spell is extremely manipulative and most Witches would consider it black magick and against the Wiccan Rede. You've been warned.
I would recommend practicing relationship and communication skills, and gaining the trust of your desired one by digging deep into their emotions and listening carefully whenever they talk. Find out what makes them tick and see if you are compatible. If you still wish to know the binding commitment spell, here it is. Your decision to use it is your responsibility alone.
Important note: It is not recommended that you tell your target that this working has been done or that a spell has been cast on them. The target will become your enemy if this happens.
Potion Preparation: Bring the fresh water to a boil for 5 minutes. Turn down the heat very low so the mixture stays warm but does not boil. add the rose petals while saying:
"'Dancing on the wind I go,
to aid ________'s love to flow.
His/her love will now fully bloom.
His/her desire for me will come soon!"
Reconfirm your focus, remove the mixture from the stove. Add a pinch of salt while saying:
'No one may interfere magickally,
this spell can only be undone by me.'
Reconfirm your focus; add the ounce of rum while saying:
'Drunk with love he/she will come to me,
no other love will he/she see.
Our love will grow in purity,
and once it is true, this spell is set free.'
Let the mixture cool and put it in a nice glass bottle with the rose quartz. This should be a bottle that has an appealing shape and is worthy of containing such a potion. (Do not use a bottle that used to contain something strong smelling like cologne) Now comes the actual spell casting, so far you have completed the potion, which is an ingredient of the actual spell.
This part of the working should start about 15 minutes before sunrise on a Friday. It should be concluded by 1 hour after sunrise so make sure you know it from start to finish in your mind. Check your local weather station for exact sunrise times.
Clear an open area that you can work in and are comfortable in, this should be approximately a 6-foot diameter space. You should not feel cramped. Find some sort of table with at least 1-foot of top surface space. Place the table in the center of the area you have cleared and assemble the two candles, the strings, the potion, a bowl of salt, incense, target's scent (cologne, etc)
Armed with the salt and starting in the north of your working area, cast a circle by making a salt circle. Cast is clockwise (doesil) while saying:
'I cast this circle to protect me from bane.
I cast this circle to contain my energy until it is open.
The circle is strong and will hold true.'
Light the red candle and facing south say:
'Burning passion and desire,
arise in _______ like a burning fire!'
Place the candle on the table, pick up the taper candle and anoint it with the target's scent. With the cologne or whatever on your index finger, start in the middle of the candle and move down. Go all around the candles bottom half only rubbing in downward strokes. Now start in the middle again and rub up to the wick all around the candle only in upward strokes. Focus on your target coming to you in love.
Take both strings, hold them together and tie a knot at one end while focusing and saying: (fill in the blank with the name of the person you desire.)
"I bind this knot and bring _____'s love."
Tie another knot at the opposite end of the parallel strings while saying:
"I bind this knot and bring _____'s desire."
Tie another knot near the first one on the opposite side:
"I bind this knot and bring _____'s faithfulness."
Tie another knot next to the second one you tied:
"I bind ______'s love to me."
Another next to the third one you tied:
"Come to me, so mote it be!"
Wrap the cord around the anointed taper at the base and light it while saying:
"The fire of love burns in his/her heart!"
Light the incense while saying:
"This smoke does hereby evoke, his/her commitment to me that he/she cannot revoke!"
Sit and focus on your goal, you may wish to chant the following:
"______ to me, so mote it be."
After a few minutes, pick up the red candle and let three drops of wax fall on the bottle of potion (not in it, just on the lid or glass) and say:
"This spell is sealed!"
Put down the candle, remove the knotted cord, open the potion and dip the cord into it once while saying:
"I infuse this cord,
the spell is stored.
So long as knots remain,
his/her love for me will never wane."
Recap the potion and hold it above the incense so that smoke surrounds it. Turn it so the smoke reaches all sides and say:
"This smoke seals his/her love for me!"
Repeat the 'smudging' with incense for the knotted core and say:
"His/her love is bound!"
Place all items back on the table and go around the circle counterclockwise (widdershins) while saying:
"The circle is open,
the spell is released.
His/her love for me,
will never cease!"
Take the potion outside so that sunlight will infuse it. Set it in the sun for as long as remains of the hour past sunrise. Take the potion in and store it in a safe space. Each day place a drop of the potion on your forehead, each breast and on your genital area (on the hair is safest)- 4 drops total. Carry the cord with you at all times and keep it near you when you sleep. Do not let anyone else see it. You can optionally store the cord in a safe space.
Whenever the opportunity arises, sneak a FEW, 3 is best, drops of the potion is food or drink that your target will consume.
This will work, but when is hard to determine as it depends on many factors, among them, your personal power and confidence, timing, the target's will, etc.
#6943 - Self Defense
For all other's that are picking on you,
Will relize what they should not do,
Self defense shall come easy,
Self defense is what everyone will see in me.
By the next day your Muscles should start hurting.
#6944 - Killing a Bad Habit
If you are trying to quit a bad habit, for instance smoking: take something symbolic of your bad habit (like a cigarette). Break the symbol (in the case of a cigarette, you might break it into small pieces.. or smash an alcohol bottle) while saying "I quit, I quit!". Repeat this daily for a week.
#6945 - Object of Acception
This is not just for the advanced witch but for any witch who wishes to let others know they are witches. We allow them to walk their path's let them let us do the same.
Stand outside one the Earth bare foot with a lit candle. Recite the following: "There are those who find me unfitting. They mock and look down on spellcasters and bewitching. I reach out to understand. Why can't we find common ground whilst we rest our feet on common land? Roots of tolerance, reach out from the Earth. Courage guide me as you guide the hearth. Make them see, make them see: we are both children of Earth and Divinity".
#6946 - Bene valeas et quiescas somnus
''Venio ad meum.
I call you here,
Restful night that seem to disappear.
Sleepness I cast you off into the air,
So I may rest in slumbers care.
Mother, Mother come what may,
Aid me so I may sleep at bay.''
Then Chant 5 times: ''Mens Agitat Molem.''
#6947 - Meditation to Rid Oneself of Negative Energy
After done this While lieing down or in the meditation pose Close youre eyes and make a triangle with youre hands. You can put the triangle pose right on youre stomach. After a while I had felt something viberating on the tips of My fingers. This is normal.
Okay the next and last part is while closing youre eyes and imagine something so dark and gruesome and slowly changing into something beautiful. What I had done was seeing a dark and horrible forest and then it cleared up by slowly disipating into thin air to see a meadow of flowers in a long field.
If you have any questions or complaints contact me. If you want some more examples also contact me.
Spell Added By: MysticMage
#6948 - Meditation Help And Useful Tools
This is some good ways to master meditation.
First sit in a quiet room. Feel all the energies flowing inside the room. Some people say that lighting Insence help you calm you're Mind down and focus more. This is optional though.
Next find a good spot to sit down. You may want to find some pillows to make the floor more comfortable. If you have a sound machine or something that produces natural sounds that can help focus you're mind a bit more.
Then, after doing all that are above start meditating. These are some good ways to help start you're mastering of Meditation. TIP: When starting to meditate I always do Mantra's. Mantra's are things you say while Meditating. Like the ommmm thing. This is supposed to help.
#6949 - Power/emotion shifting spell.
#6950 - Three Fold
Do you think someone cast a spell on you, and you'd like to send it back? Use this spell!
Begin by drawing a triangle on a piece of paper. Use your favorite color. As you draw the first line, recite: "Before the day is over". As you draw the second line, recite: "Before the night is through". As you draw the last line, recite: "What you have done to overs will go right back to you".
The spell will then leave you and return to the caster three times as bad as when they first cast it.