7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Unbinding Spell
- Meus Infantis
- Honor Your Household Spirits
- Simple Funerary Rite
- Dreaming Exercise: Meet Your Unborn Child
- Protection Puppet
- Puppet
- Protection in the Snow
- Stop the Storm
- Bones of Anger Hex
#7021 - Unbinding Spell
Put the candle at the points of a pentagram. Light all 5 candles starting with the top of the pentagram. Form the rest of the pentagram with the salt and chant, “For this life I return the gift for this soul. Return the power for this being. Return to him/her the born magic”.
#7022 - Meus Infantis
The child will need to know you while it’s in the womb. Your conscious or unconscious mind will hold the baby in your stomach on the psychic plane. You will be linked to the child in a deeper way than the mother could ever be. This making it also revenge because you’re preventing a mother from truly ever being close to their child.
Drink the tea twice each day for it is the only way you can grow close to the child it is like the milk of your breast to the child. Say this spell after drinking the tea: "Bring to her laughter and joy. Giveth thee a girl or boy. Goddess aid me in such doing: To grace (name of girl) with a baby's cooing. Tiny toes and widened eyes, like a drought I can stop its cries. Control of power is what'll have to be taught. My help and guidance for the child will be sought. Love me like the child loves no other.
I am before grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother.Blessed by my hand on all the child shall embark. Blessed by the Goddess may the child bear her mark. By the power of Mother Earth I commit these words into thy soul. By the powers of three times three. As I will it so shall it be."
#7023 - Honor Your Household Spirits
When presenting your house spirits with offerings of incense,candles or what not you can say this little chant: "Wraith of the house, take heart and live. To every chamber, this light I give. To every corner, this breath I send. Approve and favor my willing hand".
#7024 - Simple Funerary Rite
If you can do so, do this outdoors. If not, inside is fine. Sit on the ground/floor. Light the candle and the stick of incense that reminds you of your friend. (IE. if he was an outdoorsman, select a woodsy scent like evergreen or sandalwood, if he was a homebody, cinnamon, etc.) If you have a photo of him, set it in front of you. If not, hold the image of your friend firmly in your mind.
Take a small fire-safe bowl filled with the wine. Warm the wine over the candle flame. Visualizing your friend surrounded by a soft white glow, wish him well on his journey and assure him you will see him again in your next life. Drink the wine and let yourself remember all the wonderful things you and he shared.
#7025 - Dreaming Exercise: Meet Your Unborn Child
Keep a pen and paper beside your bed so that you may write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Keep in mind that you may awaken during the night and should write down any dreams before falling back asleep.
As you lie down to go to sleep, count yourself down from ten to one, stopping periodically to remind yourself to take a deep breath and go deeper. If you find you are still tense from the day, count down again from ten to one. When you are very relaxed and nearing sleep, tell yourself with belief and intent that you will meet with your unborn child this night during dreaming and that you will remember it upon waking.
Turn your attention to the child in your womb. If you are not the mother, focus your attention on your image of the baby and continue as directed. Visualize your intention to meet with this being in a dream that night and send it with the feel of a question. Be specific that you are asking the child to meet you in a dream.
Allow yourself to fall asleep.
#7026 - Protection Puppet
Perform actual ritual on the Full Moon. Construct the "skeleton" out of dogwood twigs,lashing the twigs together with black thread, using an acorn for the head. I'm used nine herbs, cotton thread & stuffing, eucalyptus, sage, thyme, oak leaves & an acorn, parsley, some dogwood shavings, fern and birch bark. I began consecrating and grinding these items, meditating on the purpose all the while three nights before the full moon.
Mix in nail clippings,hair and some blood (not necessary, I just like to use it on my personal spells). On a piece of birch bark draw the rune of "Ohl" with Dragon's Blood ink roll it up and tie it to the "torso' of the puppet with black thread. Fashion clothes out of your own clothing and apply some of your own hair to the puppet. On the night of the full moon cast your circle and sew the clothes onto the little guy and stuff him. After your done stuffing it, anoint it with cedar wood or another protective oil and placing your puppet on the pentacle on the altar.
Meditate in the purposeand then dedicate it to the south. Incantation: Magic doll, my little friend. Away from me all harm you send. Protect me now through day and night, as I bless you with this rite. All empowered these herbs within. See me safe through thick and thin. Protect me now oh little one. Keep me safe and harm to none. Blessed by the powers of three. As I will, So Mote it Be!
Take the puppet and pass it through the flame to the south, the water to the west, the salt to the North, and the smoke (sandalwood) to the East. After that put it into a white muslin pouch with a black and white agate, some rose petals and a rosemary sprig. On the pouch again draw the rune of Ohl with Dragon's Blood ink. Carry this pouch with you and recharge or change the herbs every so often.
#7027 - Puppet
To make a fabric puppet cut a human outline from two pieces of fabric with their right sides together.It does not need to be detailed. You can keep the hands and feet rounded. If the puppet is to represent you, use a piece of fabric from some of your old clothes.
Sew most of the figure with right sides together. Leave a small area unsewn. Turn it right side out and stuff. You may stuff the figure with batting, tissue, straw, paper, or whatever is handy. You may add herbs, a lock of hair or other personal effect. Sew the hole. You may add button eyes and decorate to personalize.
Do not make puppets of other people unless you have permission. Do not destroy the puppet. If it represents another person, give it to that person to keep it safe. If it was made for binding, bury it.
#7028 - Protection in the Snow
Place the peppercorn in a bowl while saying "I charge you with protection". Place the salt in second, while saying "I charge you with stability". Now place the cayenne pepper in while saying, "I charge you with warmth". Next, place the ginger in while saying, "I charge you with protection". Do the same for the cloves.
Mix the assembled spices and salt with your fingers, while visualizing yourself healthy and protected. Transfer the herbs to the center of the cloth squares. Fold it in half and then in half again. Sew up or tie the ends. Carry this with you during snowy seasons.
#7029 - Stop the Storm
Take some frankincense and a hematite stone, place them on a pentacle you'vedrawn on the ground (with your sword or wand). Place the tool of your choice in the middle of the pentacle and while holding the stone in your hand say: "Morrigan goddess of the storm I ask for your help in every form, turn it back into the sea, absorb it into the rock into the tree, send this storm far from me. And if my Goddess does agree than manifest please make it be!"
Then take the silver or deep blue glitter and sprinkle it around the perimeter of the pentacle and let some fall off of your hand into the wind. Leave the stone as an offering to the elements and the Goddess. Please Note : that if the storm does not come to your back yard it will go to someone else's, try not to deplete your land of anything it needs just for the sake of seeing if you can do it.
#7030 - Bones of Anger Hex
Gather bones of chickens and dry them in the sun for a few days.Then when you are ready to do this hex make sure you are worked up into a frenzy of anger and hatred. This will add to the potency of your hex! Be thinking of all this while doing this hex and when it says 'with these bones I now do crush" take a hammer or use your feet to stomp and crush these bones as if they were your enemy before you!
When you are done sweep them up and place them in a bag. You will then want to sprinkle the dust and remains of the bones on your enemy’s property around his house. If you have a bell ring it 3 times and say, “I call upon the Ancient Ones from the great abyss to do my bidding. I invoke Cthulhu, God of Anger and the creatures of the underworld hear me now”.
"Bones of anger, bones to dust- full of fury, revenge is just. I scatter these bones, these bones of rage: take thine enemy, bring him pain. I see thine enemy before me now. I bind him, crush him, and bring him down. With these bones I now do crush: Make thine enemy turn to dust. Torment, fire, out of control: With this hex I curse your soul".