With the first and middle fingers (or a wand), trace a pentagram over the object to be protected. Visualize electric-blue or purple flame streaming from your fingers to form the pentagram. Cast this as you trace:
"With this pentagram I lay protection here both night and day. And the one who should not touch, let his fingers burn and twitch. I now invoke the law of three: This is my will, so mote it be!"
An easy-to-do protection spell that invokes the power of dragons.
You may need:
You may need:
Chant the following:
"By the dragons light, on this (month) night, I call to thee to give me your might. By the power of three ,I conjure thee to protect all that surrounds me. So mote it be, so mote it be!".
An exercise to make the stars seem brighter at night.
You may need:
Dried Lacuma
A fire
You may need:
Dried Lacuma
A fire
Best done during the warmer months. On a stary night take dried Lucuma and toss it into the fire. After a few minutes you will notice that the stars are swirling in the sky.
Imagine a blue ball of energy inside the candles. Caress the candles as you chant: " If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, so make momma happy all the time".
Start stomping your foot while doing this and visualize that the blue ball of energy grows and envelops you. As the energy increases, so will the stomping. Stop once you reach the climax of it. Then put the candles someplace where they can burn undisturbed to send the energy out and about. This spell is best performed on a Friday and the full moon. For longer effects you can make it a seven-day spell.
The glyph can be any shape. When a harmful spell has been cast at you. You can dispel it with this.
You may need:
Ink from a blessed pen.
Powders or chalk for inscribing the glyph at the moment of the harmfull spell.
You may need:
Ink from a blessed pen.
Powders or chalk for inscribing the glyph at the moment of the harmfull spell.
To create a glyph:
''Elements of Earth and Air, Fire and Water, Light and Shadow, enter into this mighty glyph I now inscribe before me! Come forth when I so bid and grant me passage through thy domains, carry me hither unharmed and free from all threat!''
To return to the glyph:
''Elements come forth - encircle my body and take me from this place, to where I have bidden thee!''
The glyph at first should be drawn before-hand in a safe place with the pen. When you think or know when an enemy has cast a curse, pour the powder or draw with the chalk the same symbol you made before.
The curse will enter the symbol instead of you and will be destroyed at the other end.
To keep the protection up, you must create another glyph; the one that has captured a curse already won't catch another one.
Close your eyes and visualize yourself with a mask on and black robes on. Visualize the mask slowly disintegrating and yourself awakening. When you awaken, visualize getting up and black wings spreading out. See another you in front of you with white wings and white robes.
Visualize the one with black wings and black robes entering the normal you and fusing with the normal you, becoming the same being. Then visualize the one with white wings and robes burning in black flames. Imagine that the new you is awake with a mask on like the mask out of bleach.
Become one with this and accept it is you. Visualize the flames and mist being absorbed into the new you and then move the new you around a bit use its dark powers in the visualizations.
Creates a sphere of blackness. While this spell is in effect, no light can enter.
You may need:
Blackened athame
You may need:
Blackened athame
Raise your shaded blade, at each quarter cry: "Shades of darkness I conjure thee, let the shadow descend!". This brings into existence a 20 foot radius sphere of impenetrable darkness centered on the caster's position at the time of casting. The sphere may not be moved.
A spell for helping nature from being completely destroyed.
You may need:
2 white candles
1 flower
You may need:
2 white candles
1 flower
Light the candles and hold the flower with respect while saying: "Nature is my mother, nature is my home so we rescpect each other and i will not leave her alone. Let me be the one to help her not being gone".