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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
  1. Tea Drinker's Chant
  2. Method for meeting your spirit guide
  3. Creating and Elemental Chord
  4. Verbal Spellcraft
  5. How to make you own Annabelle type doll. (untested, but should work.)
  6. rain song
  7. Isis Invocation
  8. 8 Herb General Good-Attracting Mix
  9. Control the fire element

#751 - Tea Drinker's Chant

A simple and easy spell to either bring things into your life or banish them from it.
You may need:

  • Your favorite drinking mug/cup
  • Stirring spoon or stick
  • Desired drink (While tea is the example I'm using, any drink that requires stirring can work!)
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    You may need:

  • Your favorite drinking mug/cup
  • Stirring spoon or stick
  • Desired drink (While tea is the example I'm using, any drink that requires stirring can work!)
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    Firstly, prepare your tea. While it is brewing, keep your mind calm and clear. Focus is important, as with any spell, so you want your mind as free as possible.

    When your tea is finished (and still hot!), add any ingredients you enjoy (If you don't take anything in your tea or beverage, skip straight to the stirring step) Such as sugar, honey, mint candies, etc. As you add these ingredients, take soothing deep breaths as if meditating.

    Now for the stirring, which is the most important bit. To bring something into your life, whether it be money, luck, or even friendship, you must stir clockwise. To banish something from your life, such as depression, anger, or bad luck, stir counterclockwise.

    As you stir, bring an image to your mind of what you want brought to you or banished. Stare into the cup as you stir, focusing on the center of the swirling liquid.

    Next, say the names of the things you want brought or banished, aloud or in your head, as you stir. Example:

    To bring luck, love, happiness and fortune, you would say; "Bring Luck, love, happiness and fortune into my life"

    To banish sadness, anger, hate and misfortune, you would say; "Banish sadness, anger, hate and misfortune from my life"

    Once you've finished chanting, however many times you feel necessary, drink your beverage and continue your time as you normally would.

    Added to on Sep 05, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #752 - Method for meeting your spirit guide

    A guided meditation to help you meet your spirit guide
    You may need:

  • A quiet place
  • Relaxation items (such as candles, incense or oils, etc)
  • Calming music if preferred
  • Imagination
  • A comfortable place to sit or lay
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    You may need:

  • A quiet place
  • Relaxation items (such as candles, incense or oils, etc)
  • Calming music if preferred
  • Imagination
  • A comfortable place to sit or lay
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    Note: It is important to know that people are not limited to one spirit guide and can have many, and sometimes guides can change form or even take the shape of a human being. Guides can take any shape, regardless of reality or myth.

    During this, you will want to be as in touch with yourself as possible, which is why many of the ingredients can be molded and changed to suit your personal preference. Add or remove whatever you please, as long as you are comfortable and relaxed.

    Once you have set your atmosphere to your liking, sit or lay down. Take deep, slow breaths, as if you were trying to sleep. In your mind's eye (Imagination), picture a golden light ball at your center (just above your belly button). Hold it's image for a moment, then imagine it slowly expanding and covering your entire body with each exhale.

    Once your body is completely filled with golden light, picture all of that light flowing from the top of your head as if it were water being poured upwards. When all the light is above your head, forming a sort of oval shape, let it hover for a moment. This light, is you. When you are ready, picture the light flowing into the entrance of a place.

    This place can be any place, a forest, a house, perhaps even underwater. It is a place where you feel free, complete, and safe. It is the home of your soul, your mind, and heart. Here, you can go and be away from the troubles of the world. From the spot where you entered your place, imagine a path extending before you, growing from your feet and into the distance. At the end of this path, there is another entryway standing unattached to any structure. It may be a door, a window, or even a gate, and can be made of any material.

    Walk your path, and when you reach the entryway, you must cross it's threshold, by opening it or climbing through. Beyond the entry, your guides await you, and you may speak to them.

    Added to on Sep 04, 2018
    Last edited on Oct 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #753 - Creating and Elemental Chord

    Create a braided elemental chord for circle casting and protection
    You may need:

  • Several Feet Of Colored yarn
  • Concentration
  • Patience
  • Plenty of space
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    You may need:

  • Several Feet Of Colored yarn
  • Concentration
  • Patience
  • Plenty of space
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    Note: the length of the chord must be long enough to encircle you three times, while you are in a seated position.

    Take red(fire), yellow(air), green(earth) and blue(water) yarn (the yarn can be variegated with the colors, but you will still need to section it into three strands) and lay each string in long sections close to each other. One section should be comprised of each of the four colors. Make two more sections like this. The length of each section should be long enough to encircle you and any items you wish to be with you inside a circle.

    Once you have three sections made up of four strings each, create a sort of triangular shape (It should look a bit like this: / | \ ) and tie a knot at the top of the triangle. Then proceed to braid each of the three sections together (It may get complicated, but remember to be patient and clear minded!). As you braid, think of positive thoughts that make you happy, and keep your mind clear and warm. Be certain you are in a relaxed state before performing this. You may chant or sing to yourself while braiding.

    Once your braided chord is long enough, you are ready to use it for circle casting! Do this by standing and placing items you cast spells or meditate with around you in a circle, or in front of you in the direction you'll be facing. Place one end of the chord in the direction of North, and go clockwise from there in a circle surrounding both you and your items. As you reach each cardinal direction, call the elements to you by chanting;

    "I call the element of Earth, who resides in the North, to be with me in this circle.

    I call the element of Air, who resides in the East, to be with me in this circle.

    I call the element of Fire, who resides in the South, to be with me in this circle.

    I call upon the element of Water, who resides in the West, to be with me in this circle."

    You can chant this in your head or aloud, and as many times as you wish until the chord has encircled you three times. Once you've encircled yourself thrice, place the tips of the chord together to ensure a secure circle. Then, you are ready to use the circle for whatever you may need!

    Added to on Sep 04, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #754 - Verbal Spellcraft

    Guide to casting magic using the power of vibrant sound
    You may need:

    You may need:


    Uses: Energy Conversion(into anything really,) Conjoring, Spiritual Contact, and Generally Making Chants for Spells

    Detailed Info: Using words we are able to alter our world with words, whether thinking them or speaking them. As humans in this age we use words as a way to project our intention. Thoughts manifest causing a vibration, and speaking furthers that manifestation into stronger vibrations hense commanding the world around us if we have the will. Your thoughts and feelings heavily effect your output which is why so many say to have faith in your work. Whether it's true or not, the most successful mages and alchemists have said that everything is vibrations. And that is a great way to think of it to get a hold on all forms of magic, so even your mind and thoughts can produce a special level of vibration in this light projection of a world.

    Language Differences: Using your native language usually doesn't work so well because it seems fake, especially if your reading this in English as that language has been designed to not we as freindly to casters. It along with many has a very dark past. Although there isnt a language that hasn't been tainted, we still have less tainted ones. So I will list off the one's not to use; English, Spanish, Chinese, Australian. If you have dark intentions then your best chances are with; Spanish(the version spoken in Spain), Latin, French. Note: Latin is a old and powerful language used by many of the saurians and possibly crafted by them. The essence of Latin is dark feels cloying.

    Words Within Yourself: An art you must be careful not to go full board with or you could me like a madman. For this it usually happens when you start to practice magic, you feel this sort of feeling of magic and begin to generate words that seem to be none sense, of course most of it is. But some you will feel it has meaning, you can seek out these barley pronouncable words and feel it for meaning. Sometimes it has more meaning then can be explained in english. It's something that usually takes years but with it you will have you own chants that only apply to you, and expose something about yourself.

    Forming Chants: Using a language of choice as instructed above you can form your chant, or even what has been disguised as made up myths... you would only recognize it as thuum or shouts. But they are simply small and powerful chants commanding something into the world without ritual. We have long since lost any dragon languages or saurian tongues... as far as the public knows I would guess. So we can try to use some the easily learned human languages to Alvaki (thuum basically)

    If anyone would like to get a translation on an Angelic Language for their chant I would be happy to help, so long as it is used for light. Unless by some luck a person who reads this is close enough for me to train, I will not be teaching this complex language over internet, I wouldn't like to die with this however, I must share my knowlege.

    Added to on Sep 03, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #755 - How to make you own Annabelle type doll. (untested, but should work.)

    This teaches you how to create a killer doll like seen in the film Annabelle. Warning: This doll (if you decide to proceed with this) is a weapon made by my race, the yuk, and one that is designed for covert assassination. You must put into circulation of it after a week as it activates a week after your creation of it. You must set the target(s) and deploy it by then...or the doll targets you. At which point, it will kill you off in a period of three days. Note: the doll takes a month to reach each target, and takes a period of three days to assassinate each target. And it assassinates each target by cause of accident(s).
    You may need:

  • Sheets of Fabric of various for making a doll.
  • White string. (Your own hair works too, however, only use your own hair if you know how to add it to a doll to give it a scalp)
  • water.
  • Your blood.
  • A captured demon.
  • The full names and birthdays of your target(s)
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    You may need:

  • Sheets of Fabric of various for making a doll.
  • White string. (Your own hair works too, however, only use your own hair if you know how to add it to a doll to give it a scalp)
  • water.
  • Your blood.
  • A captured demon.
  • The full names and birthdays of your target(s)
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    Part 1.


    If you are lazy, or do not know how to sew, you can simply buy a doll provided the doll is 13 inches high. and the doll in question must have a height of 13 inches. But the hair (or top of the head if it is a bald plushy) must be dyed completely red with the blood dye you shall be taught how to make.


    1. sew together your doll, and make it 13 inches in height, however, do not add the string or hair to do doll just yet.

    2. prepare the dye. take a Table-spoon of your own blood, and two table-spoons of water, mix together until both are well blended.

    3. soke the string or hair you have in the dye, and leave overnight. It should by completely red by morning.

    4. add the now dyed string or hair to the top of the head of your doll, and form the scalp.

    5. Capture a demon using your best method of doing such.

    6. Force the demon into your doll, and bind the demon to the doll by this spell: "Onto you, I bind this to you. I make it so, so mote it so."

    7. Wait a day.

    8. Time to set your target(s) Ex: "Target 1 is Alfred E. Newman. Birthday Second of November, 1983"

    9. Deploy your doll by either giving it to goodwill, or tossing it into the year of the home some little girl resides.

    Added to on Aug 31, 2018
    Last edited on Aug 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #756 - rain song

    sing this how ever you feel feels right. if you want to hum it you can. not sure if this will work for you, but it's worth a shot. you just need happy thoughts about the rain and a comfortable spot.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    sing "Rain falls down, down to the ground

    spirits rise, spirits sing, and they dance to the musical beat that rains" sing as many times as you want.

    Added to on Aug 30, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #757 - Isis Invocation

    Communicate with this Egyptian, Deity, Goddess. Ask her what she can do to help you.
    You may need:

  • An image or statue of Isis
  • Water in a chalice or cup
  • A candle
  • White towel or rag
  • Bell
  • Optional: Use your imagination and creativity. Decorate the altar with rocks, minerals or other materials in which you feel, connects you to the divine.
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    You may need:

  • An image or statue of Isis
  • Water in a chalice or cup
  • A candle
  • White towel or rag
  • Bell
  • Optional: Use your imagination and creativity. Decorate the altar with rocks, minerals or other materials in which you feel, connects you to the divine.
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    1.) Set up your altar while placing Isis image, or statue of Isis in center, or above altar. You can set up the rest of your altar how ever you prefer to do so.

    2.) Light your candle.

    3.) Call upon Isis by ringing bell. You can conduct your own prayer or use this to help with the invocation. Search up Omnisutra - Book of the dead. Invocation of Isis on YouTube.

    4.) Expand your consciousnesses how ever you need to. Focus on what you want to tell Isis.

    5.) Listen deep while meditating on Isis. Count your breaths until you reach 10.

    6.) You can now ring the bell.

    7.) Offer up your offering if you have any. Isis will accept milk, honey, flowers, incense and candles. She is also a fertility Goddess, and may also accept your semen, if your a male. I'm not sure how it is for the females. This ritual can consist of a deep sexual offering. Thus, it can be a sexual spell for some.

    8.) Optional: Proceed your ritual with adoration to Osiris and Invocation of Horus. In early Egypt, Horus was the brother of Isis and Osiris. He eventually became the son of Isis and Osiris. This is how most modern pagans view Isis, Osiris and Horus. It is somewhat of a Trinitarian concept, if you think about it.

    9.) Optional: Chant the A Ka Dua or listen to it on YouTube. It's okay if your not sure what the A Ka Dua chant is. It is a sacred Egyptian chant. You will feel the energy within yourself and will thus, understand it more fully, when listening.

    9.) Blow out the candle and politely tell Isis, "good-bye" and thank her for her time.

    Added to on Aug 23, 2018
    Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #758 - 8 Herb General Good-Attracting Mix

    A small, specialized mixture of eight herbs to attract good fortune with a small description of what the Herb attracts. Can be used as a leave-taking charm or in a potion. Your choice!
    You may need:

  • Small Container or Bag
  • Ginger
  • Mustard Seeds
  • Marjoram Leaves
  • Coriander Seeds
  • Paprika
  • Thyme
  • Lemongrass
  • Cumin
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    You may need:

  • Small Container or Bag
  • Ginger
  • Mustard Seeds
  • Marjoram Leaves
  • Coriander Seeds
  • Paprika
  • Thyme
  • Lemongrass
  • Cumin
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    The layers are only suggested. The logic is that the individual herbs will work stronger for their purpose while borrowing energy from the herbs below/above it, which will do the same.

    Measurements are also only a suggestion. Put more of what herb you desire the effects of, or less, etc.

    It might not take immediate effect, the herbs might need some time to get used to each other. What happened with me was that I had a really bad day after making it. After that really bad day, I'd say I've been more fortunate than before I made the leave-alone charm.

    That being said, you may have to wait for them to get along with each other before it starts working towards your good.

    I found kitchen spices and herbs to work just fine, as they don't rot, but for a stronger effect, go ahead and use whatever fresh herbs you have available. You just might have to replace them sooner.

    You will have to eventually replace the herbs in the container. I suggest burning or burying for disposal.

    Alright. Let's dive right in.

    For my small container, I used an empty Cream of Tartar container.

    Bottom Layer: 2 tablespoons of Ginger to promote good health and protection.

    2nd Layer: 1 teaspoon of Mustard Seed to attract faith and success.

    3rd Layer: 1 teaspoon of Marjoram Leaves to dispell negativity.

    4th Layer: 2 teaspoons of Coriander Seeds to draw peace and union.

    5th Layer: 1/2 teaspoon of Paprika to energize the herbs longer.

    6th Layer: 2 teaspoons of Thyme to attract loyalty, affection, and good sleep.

    7th Layer: 1 teaspoon of Lemongrass for psychic cleansing and/or opening.

    8th Layer: 2 teaspoons of Cumin to draw in fidelity and to drive away evil.

    Nothing is stopping you from giving the mixture a blessing of your choice. In fact, I encourage it.

    Don't hesitate to mail me if you have any questions!

    Added to on Aug 21, 2018
    Last edited on Oct 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #759 - Control the fire element

    Learn to control fire with this spell
    You may need:

  • Yourself
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    You may need:

  • Yourself
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    Get into a mediative state; clearing your mind

    Now, imagine you are walking through a void, approaching a ball of fire. Put your hands in this fire

    You'll need to repeat this exercise a few times after the first one, but eventually you will get control over the element. It's worth te wait.

    Added to on Aug 20, 2018
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    This is a spell to make any type of stuffed animal come to life and become your loyal companion. As long as you believe this spell will work Blessed Be!!!!!! I haven't tried this spell yet so please msg me if it works.
    You may need:

  • Stuffed Animal(Any type)
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Chalk
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Stuffed Animal(Any type)
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Chalk
  • Belief
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    • Draw a circle on the floor with the chalk, and place the stuffed animal in the middle.
    • Take your pen and write its
    • Name:
    • Weight:
    • Accessories:
    • Special Abilities:
    • Magical Powers:
    • Behavior:

    After you've done that say the following words:

    "Gods and Goddesses, I call to you, to bring this stuffed animal to life to become my loyal companion, and to protect me at all times". SO MOTE IT BE!

    Once you have said the chant write SO MOTE IT BE as big as you can on the paper.

    Fold the paper in half before you write SO MOTE IT BE on the paper.

    Now fold the paper in half again and write and say the words:

    "Oh stuffed animal companion of mine come to me across this great divide and settle here by my side. Come and to me and be loyal and protect me Blessed Be!"

    After that place the stuffed animal next to your bed and place the paper under your mattress and the next day the stuffed animal will be alive.


    You can even give it wings if you wish. Also msg me and let me know how any of my spells work. And yes you will get lots of looks.

    Added to on Aug 20, 2018
    Last edited on Nov 03, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters