7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Candle of Darkness
- Casting a Circle
- Alchemical Spark
- Attract a new friend and talk better potion.
- When the lost Lamb cried
- The Saturn Transit
- Cleansing
- Enchanting Art
- Soul Setting Tea
- white magic money spell
#771 - Candle of Darkness
Instead of just pouring stearin (at least, so do I usually) around the candle wick, pour it by layers near the wick, and put niter around the wick between the layers, each time saying:
- "Within this niter my evil now lies,
- Oh spirits, I look at it with my eyes,
- When I light the candle, you shall come forth,
- Bring evil from deep caves, the south and the north."
Then encase the candle in stearin, so the imbued niter is trapped inside. Now, you have prepared the candle of darkness.
Be careful, for when the spirits bring evil and pain to the candle, you may be affected and become somewhat ill.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#772 - Casting a Circle
Step One: Setting the Scene
In your room, or wherever you may be casting the circle, find where north is.
North is symbolic of the element of earth, so put as few or as many items that symbolize earth to you there.
Do the same for the other three elements: air (east), fire (south), and water (west)
For example, in my room, I have my plants, a few rocks, and a hand made clay pot in the north, a collection of feathers and bird-related items in the east, a plastic lightning bolt sculpture to the South, and an array of seashells in the west.
Have your altar within this circle. Not necessarily in the center. My desk altar is right next to my north display of plants.
Step Two: Building Energy
Prepare your candles. You may dress them in oil if you'd like, or carve symbols of protection into them. I just use plain white tealights.
WARNING: Be safe when working with fire. Ensure the flame is far from anything flammable. Keep them out of drafty areas, and use common sense.
Prepare to light your candles, and SAFELY place one near each element set up, with one on your altar. If it is not practical to put the candles near your symbols, you can put them closer to the center, or in the same arrangement on your altar. You can light them in any order you like, but I like starting north, and working deosil (clockwise), and ending with the one on my altar.
Step Three: Cleansing
Prepare your sage to be burned. You can light it with your altar candle if you wish, or with your lighter or match. With your hand, or a bundle of feathers, gently fan the smoke around the circumference of your circle, especially focusing on the elemental corners, and the doorway, if this in indoors, and always ensure a window is open. Be careful not to flick any burning material on the floor. Fan the smoke around yourself, if you wish. Allow the remaining smoke to fill the center of the circle.
You can also sprinkle holy water, and/or salt throughout the space, or any other cleansing you prefer.
Step Four: Using the Circle
You are now free to do what you wish in your circle. You can meditate, do your spell work, or just relax in your sacred space.
Step Five: Closing the Circle
Some people have elaborate closing rituals. I simply blow out the candles in reverse order.
#773 - Alchemical Spark
Inscribe the paper as to draw spirits of fire to it.
Mix the powders while chanting:
- "Metal, fire, magic mark,
- Hear my will and make a spark!"
Add glue to the mix and roll a ball; wrap it in the paper while the glue hadn't dried out yet. Chant:
- "Water, plant, all world around.
- The fire sleeps until it's doubled."
Let the ball dry. Now you have prepared the alchemical component of the spell.
When you want to cast it, light the ball on fire while chanting:
- "Here I give the second fire.
- Spark of flame is my desire!"
Throw the ball before the spell activates. You should have a bright spark and a bit of fire.
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#774 - Attract a new friend and talk better potion.
1.Get your cup put the water in the cup then add a pinch of sugar and say This is sweet just like me may it help meet new friends! 2.Add rose petals (If you have it).Add the butter spread it around say May The goddess of love gives the things I desire. 3.Spray the air fresher 2 times (If had).Squeeze soap 3 times.(If had).Now say May this attract good friends who support me and willing to be with me may I be the same way help me talk goddess of love and friends.Fuill my desire just like others. 4.Dip your yarn in the potion. Say When I have this anywhere anytime may it help me find my true desire I seek I will protect this treat this is my will so mote it be. 5.You have you thing.Warning!!: Once you take it off it will mean nothing to you.Plus you have to talk to others.It wont come to you just come to you.
#775 - When the lost Lamb cried
- Place bowl in the center of your alter. Then feel energies in the form of intent leave your body and have it tell the bowl to place the Rituals energy into a being object oir area after the spell is over.
- Sprinkle the sage around the bowl praying to your deity or God/Goddess in a circle formation
- Place the rosemary in the bowl
- Place the Apache tear or Aquamarine to the left of the bowl if it is aquamarine and right if apache tear. Then tell the stone you are sorry for their loss and history of grief.(In doing this because the both stones represent tears in away you are activating them to take on the responsibility of absorbing grief into themselves.)
- Place the Water into the bowl in small sips to the bowl for each pour apologize for the energy that was brought into the universe from your being. Then after the bowl is full you may realse any guilt into the bowl by willing your energy into it.
- After step 5 chant your sins or what you believe you did wrong into the spell. then say to the spell no that i have given my life force and pain unto you purify my wounds of sin my (God/Goddess or Deitys name). After that the spell is complete.
You should feel pressujres aches and pains leave your body after this spell is you used it on yourself and on others it will have the same feeling.
#776 - The Saturn Transit
The Saturn Transit is a hard and difficult period that lasts for about three quarters of a decade according to Indian astrologers. Whether or not you are going through the Saturn Transit, and what hardships you will endure during the Saturn Transit, depends on your date and time of birth, the place of your birth, the current time and date and your current location.
To know if you are going through the Saturn Transit, and when you will go through the Saturn Transit, please go to Astrology Circle, and also see an Indian astrologer.
During the Shani Sade Sati, you should wear a gold, silver or stainless steel ring with a blue sapphire on it on the middle finger of your right hand.
Read the Shani Stotra and Mrityunjaya Japa during the Shani Sade Sati.
Every Saturday during the Shani Sade Sati, offer sugar, black sesame seeds and sesame oil to Saturn.
For the Shani Sade Sati, donate oil, iron, black cloth and black gram to a Brahman.
If you do these things for the Shani Sade Sati or Saturn Transit, Saturn will bless your hard work with great success and prosperity.
#777 - Cleansing
Fill the bathtub with hot water. Put salt and garlic into the hot bath water. Slice an apple, a lemon and an onion. Put these fruit and vegetable slices into the hot bath water. Now, relax in the bath!
You can also put these ingredients into the hot water of a spa pool or hot spring, and then relax in the spa pool or hot spring.
#778 - Enchanting Art
There is two main arts of enchantment. One being Emotional Enchantment, famous with witches and demonic magic. It can also be used for good, if even mostly used for curses. And there is Ki Enchantment, the vastness of possibilitys in this art is too big to put here. It is recommended you check out Colors of Power 2 the spell on this site for the emotional enchantment section. The key to enchanting is to take the energy you want to use and put your intention into it, then make your consciousness a generator of it as it poures into the object until it can generate that energy itself. Remake its nature. The moon is useful for this, but I bet no one calls a full moon the enchanters moon anymore.
The Crystal Grid: Depending on what shape calls you, you will choose a shape, and put your crystals into a shape on your alter, or on the floor. Crystals good for this are golden quartz, clear spiked quartz, diamond, broken marble, jade, ect. And some metals can replace it, if random or best in pyrimad form will work. These include gold, iron (not steel), copper, zink and many more of that nature. You use it to poure your energy to it and the grid will redirect the enegy and make it more under control as it goes into the item. Chants can help with the power of enchantment, you may use or make your own, it only matters you intention.
Emotional Enchantments: For these you use aura magic to enchant objects
The most known is the classic Witch Enchantment usually a curse, so that something happens to you, there is an opposite as well, a blessing but its harder. You force red and yellow into an object. So that the person in possession will begin to think thar something is going to happen, of that you choose. And after repetitive thinking they will sommon it into reality without knowing.
Charm of Raw Emotion is a very simple one, you take a object, usually a rock or a necklace, and choose a color, choose what emotion specifically you want to input and begin enchanting.
Telepathic Phone enchantment is used to make people experienced in telapathic arts able to comunicate at a distance. Enchant 2 items for each of you then use the yellow to conect the objects. Now try pulling energy through your item so it pulls from the other and read it. That way you can hear all thoughts and emotion near it.
Ki Enchantments: These use your ki, the hardest to generate but most powerful. Crystal Grid is recommended.
Samurai and his Weapon is an old tale between a samurai, or ninja and his sword. While practicing with thaos weapon you would tranfer your ki into it, being that ki is natural in your body its as if it make you one, like its part of you. Ive used this many times. It makes a connection with your weapon so that when tou pick it up your ki flows though it, so it is more powerful, swords cut sharper even if they feel dull, dont think it works on firearms. Your ability to use it will seem divine after a while of practice with this.
The rest of the enchantments are waiting to be discover by you imagination. Being that Ki can lift objects, change temperature, hurt and heal mortals, effect plant growth, and much more. You can even combine both arts of enchantment to make a special enchantment.
These same methods are used in rune making but its more symbolic with runes.
#779 - Soul Setting Tea
Begin by folding your coffee twice ( fold it in half vertically then fold the already folded sheet in half again horizontally this time).
Turn the paper so that the creased part is in an L shape
Do not cut the L, instead use the L part of your square
Unfold the square sheet
Place your herbs in the center
Fold the sheet into a similar design as an unsealed tea bag (make sure its not open on any sides except the top flap)
fold down the top flap and punch a hole in the middle of it
use your twine to tie it up
cut off the string till its a short or long as you want it.
If you want a paper tag as well fold a piece of the excess paper in half
cut it as you please
put a hold in it
tie it the the opposite end of the string that holds the tea bag.
*sorry if this is confusing.
enjoy your tea
#780 - white magic money spell
step 1 write the amount of money required on the piece of paper do this thoughtfully and carefully and imagine the outcome and that you already have that money
step 2 using a gold/silver coin make a mark on a green candle this mark has to be either a dollar $, pound £ or a euro €
step 3 take a few drops of peppermint oil if you have it and rub it along the candle or around the candle if using a tea light candle and think about the money and how your gonna use it once again visualize having the money already
step 4 light the candle and allow it to burn for at least 10 mins if you have more time let it burn for a while longer again thinking about the amount of money and the outcome.
step 5 take the piece of paper and fold into 3 and again into 3 to form a small envelope
step 6 using the coin from earlier place this into the envelope
step 7 carefully drip some melted wax from the candle you're using to seal the envelope while doing this say very clearly
step 8 blow out your candle and place the envelope in a safe place where NO ONE ELSE can touch it
I myself have done this spell and it does work but only when your in need it does not work if you do this for greed have fun with this and if it works for you do let me know if it doesn't work for you I'm sorry it might not work for everyone you need a strong belief it will work.