7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Magical Instruments - Knife of Black
- Magical Instruments - Knife of white
- Conact your spirit angel.
- For Traveling Or Battle
- Sleep
- Demonic protection bath
- Dream Pet
- Better Fortune Tea
- *+Welsh Fire Fairy Spell and Potion+*
- Astral Falling Spell
#791 - Magical Instruments - Knife of Black
First off, thank you for going through this process. I promise you if done properly this instrument can conduct magical energies when performing any of my other spells.
This blade needs to be crafted on a Saturday at 10 - 11 pm or 22:00 - 23:00 under the light of the new moon, what I mean is that everything listed in the "ingredients" needs to be collected & crafted just prior to crafting this blade.
On the night of Saturday in the hour of 10 while bathing in the dark of night, take the steel blade and place it just over the fire for 3 seconds, repeat this 3 times.
Next, take both the cats blood and the grass juice and pour both on the blade to cool it.
Following the cooling, take the goat horn and leather strips and tie the horn to the base of the blade as a hilt.
lastly, chant the following while holding your new blade to the stars:
"I conjure and form this instrument to serve me in my works of magic by the virtue and influence of the planet Jupiter, during whose day and hour of reign these were made! By virtue of the Elements, Gemstones, Herbs, Snow, Hail, and Winds! It is my will that you possess all the necessary virtues that I may succeed in all the works I intend! I invoke you, Oh great spirits, you, Damahu, Lumech, Gadal, Pancia, and Velaos, Merod, Lamidoch, Baldach, Ancreton, and Adonay, Metatron, to help me in every step of this work, that I may obtain the secrets of the highest science and be successful in my endeavors"
once done, place your new knife into the red silk bag along with both powdered flowers.
Check out my other works to find a use for this new instrument. I generally provide a spell a week, If you would like a specific spell in the category of love/attraction/binding please message me
Last edited on Apr 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#792 - Magical Instruments - Knife of white
First off, thank you for going through this process. I promise you if done properly this instrument can conduct magical energies when performing any of my other spells.
This blade needs to be crafted on a Thursday at 9 - 10 pm or 21:00 - 22:00 under the light of the full moon, what I mean is that everything listed in the "ingredients" needs to be collected & crafted just prior to crafting this blade.
On the night of Thursday in the hour of 9 while bathing in the full moon, take the steel blade and place it just over the fire for 3 seconds, repeat this 3 times.
Next, take both the moles blood and the flower juice and pour both on the blade to cool it.
Following the cooling, take the goat horn and leather strips and tie the horn to the base of the blade as a hilt.
lastly, chant the following while holding your new blade to the moon:
"I conjure and form this instrument to serve me in my works of magic by the virtue and influence of the planet Jupiter, during whose day and hour of reign these were made! By virtue of the Elements, Gemstones, Herbs, Snow, Hail, and Winds! It is my will that you possess all the necessary virtues that I may succeed in all the works I intend! I invoke you, Oh great spirits, you, Damahu, Lumech, Gadal, Pancia, and Velaos, Merod, Lamidoch, Baldach, Ancreton, and Adonay, Metatron, to help me in every step of this work, that I may obtain the secrets of the highest science and be successful in my endeavors"
once done, place your new knife into the red silk bag along with both powdered flowers.
Check out my other works to find a use for this new instrument. I generally provide a spell a week, If you would like a specific spell in the category of love/attraction/binding please message me
#793 - Conact your spirit angel.
Find a comfortable place to be in after close your eyes visualize a bridge connected by the heaven and earth and your on it. You see a angel.Say lead me somewhere. If they lead to the heavens there your angel.If they lead you to earth there not your angel and try again. You can talk to them. Note:It will be hard if you use dark magic.
#794 - For Traveling Or Battle
Grind equal parts of the dried components in a wooden bowl, mixing thoroughly. Add a pinch to drinking water or food for luck and safety.
You can adjust the proportions slightly to accommodate your preferences, but be sparing.
#795 - Sleep
Look into the person’s eyes and say “ (First and last name) not a peep, close your eyes and go to sleep.”
#796 - Demonic protection bath
this will be a dangerous ritual. Read all before doing.
step one:
fill up the tub about halfway, and get undressed.
step two:
place the red candles about three feet away from you. Place the black candle next to you (or as close as possible).
step three:
drop about ten drops of the essential oil into the tub water.
step four:
step into the bathtub and lay down.
step five:
cut a small cut into your wrist. And let the blood drop into the tub. Then chant 3x:
"lucifur, demonic protection, I demand protection, with my blood, this is my greatest desire, so mote it be."
relax in the bath for as long as you need. Then drain the bath, and get dressed. Continue life and day.
blessed be.
#797 - Dream Pet
Step 1: Draw a picture of the pet. It can be a unicorn, pegasus, dragon, pink penguin, or just a plain old house dog! It can be a hybrid, go as big as you want! Color the picture.
Step 2: Fold the paper and write down the abilities, eye color, fur/scale/feather color, life span, height, weight, length, species(s), and more. Also write the behavior of your pet.
Step 3: Fold the paper and put the paper and rock under your pillow. Now for 1 week, every night, chant "I wish my dream pet will come to life, I promise to love you with all my heart." and kiss the paper. On the last day, the stone should be different. Look for your pet.
#798 - Better Fortune Tea
Begin by making your Ginseng Herbal Mixture . Then, begin adding your herbs, I find that while adding my herbs it helps to voice what they are and what i'm using them for. Add your teaspoon of Ginger for strength and energy. Stir well until fully incorporated. Proceed to add your eighth a teaspoon of nutmeg for luck, followed by your cinnamon for love and luck as well as strength and success. Stir until both herbs are well incorporated. Next add your sugar for love and flavour (mostly flavour). Stir until completely dissolved before adding (if you chose) Honey/Agave nectar can also be used for love (but mostly flavour). Finally, add in the Lemon Juice to reduce negativity (because no one needs that in their life), and to cleanse. Once you have mixed that in take a moment to pray to your deity (optional). Truly believe that your luck and fortune will change for the better and begin drinking.
Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#799 - *+Welsh Fire Fairy Spell and Potion+*
There are four versions of this potion, this being the first one. One for each element. Really consider which element you want your power to be. However, the spell is the same. This one, we are doing Fire Fairy.
1: Light your candle.
2: Close your eyes and breath deeply.
3: Imagine your eternal flame burning strongly.
4: Imagine your wings on your back.
Now its time to make the potion.
5: Take your bowl and pour 2 cups of water into the bowl.
6: Take your fairy dust or glitter and sprinkle it into the bowl. DO NOT STIR!
7: Put in the glitter glue.
8: Now take your petals and leaves and put them in the bowl.
9: Stir them with your stick/mixing tool and make sure they are covered in sparkles.
10: Once the candle is melted a good amount, put the candle in the potion. Be very careful.
11: Now pour your milk or cream into the potion OR melt your butter and pour it into the potion.
12: Stir.
13: Now say the spell at the bottom of the instructions, then use your stick to put the potion in the middle of your forehead, the tip of your nose and your chin.
#800 - Astral Falling Spell
Chant this while holding a sapphire in your left hand " O thy heavens lo above, make an astral mystery from above" seven times. There is something I should mention. If you pick up a piece of the substance a god like entity the Astral Lord will attack you. Now unless you want to be devoured you will have to negotiate with it or you will have to be a VERY powerful mage. So don't try this unless you are good with magic. And I do know the Astral Lord.