7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Aura/Power Charge
- Summon a Tatsu
- Get a dog spell
- Colors of Power 2
- Storms Invitation
- Banishing Bad Spirits
- Patience Enchantment
- Bear transformation Spell
- A Binding Curse
- luck call (spell) Good&Bad
#821 - Aura/Power Charge
You will first understand something about yourself and the way energy comes from humans. And don't think your some kind of Neko or whatever. If your reptilian side is strong no matter we are all part snake. This will only not work if your vampiric whereas you have given your gifts as a human up.
And so as a creation of the One, you are part of it, giving you the ability to create. The symbol of the philosopher's stone is represented by the energy projected by your brain. This is the pineal gland. It represents the infinite, so what treasure hunters have been looking fir is in all if us. The circle in a square in a triangle in another circle. So what you take from this is that energy does not drain from somewhere when you charge, it doesn't come from a place on your body, it just is. And so your PSI ball appears and is as powerful as you believe it to be.
Instructions: Find yourself where you meditate peacefully, and alone. Remeber how the energy creates from your very belief. And imagine your aura (energy field) charging. Try to see the color blue among the colors. Create it. And to make your aura so much more powerful, that you may astral project if you will, chant these words in sets of three.
Cho Ku Re
Sei Hi Ki
Hon Der Sho Zen
Dai Ko Myo
So with this you accept the contract of the One. Do no evil with this or it will woe upon you with fire. As long as you stray from evil you will be free to use it. Of course keep in mind greed of power in your intention can disable it's use.
Last edited on Oct 12, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#822 - Summon a Tatsu
Take the blank white paper hold it horizontally and fold in to thirds. Like making a paper fan with only there parts.
Then draw a circle on one side of the talisman in black ink.
Then draw waves inside the circle in blue
Then draw symbols telling the Tatsu directors of your will. In blue
Then will the tatsu to come into being from the black circles center.
Then will the symbols you drew to control the Tatsu.
You will feel his presence but you will not see him unless you can see spirits.
The presence Wil be feeling the emotion of fear and safety.
#823 - Get a dog spell
Print or draw a picture of dog you want.
And write that blank 'Anubis'.
You can get your dog through the God of Dog, 'Anubis'.
If you keep the paper after you get your dog, Anubis will protect you and your dog.
Last edited on Oct 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#824 - Colors of Power 2
The spell Colors of Power explained how to use the "colors" and what they meant. Ill make it easy and go over it again. This will include a futher explanation of what it is, and how to think to be sure it works.
The colors you see at night are these little sparks of what seems to light or static. However many colors are seen. Mainly blue amd purple, but people differ in basic energy's that represent what energy you put out. You can see these best in the dark, the sun's energy can make it harder to use it. This energy is your aura. You can later expand your vision to other's auras and energy flowing through the air and earth.
Using the same technique as a PSI ball you can manipulate it, usually just look to see what happens but don't look directly into it. The energy from your third eye will disrupt it. Thats why most say to close your eyes. Knowing that it is a part of you, take this energy and move it as you wish. It will take practice. Soon you can manipulate it without hands, or mabey you already can, not for me to say. Without meditation you can practice by simply looking for them in the dark as you sleep, and look for them in day time too. In day you can look at something white to see it.
These are the very energys that you can empower someone with or effect their mood with practice. And.... unfortunately 'vampires' use it too, which are negatively charged people who steal other energy. The vampire race is long gone, however you can still corrupt your soul and blood with it. The best way to use it is to spread "good vibes" as many call it. Which can litterly prevent cancer by ridding of toxicity. But you will have to know what each color does, of which I know much more about as of know.
Red: Emotion: Might, Rage, Righteousness, sometimes the joyful; Magical Meaning: The physical, Streangth of will, High Power (Capable of Destruction) it can also hold the colors in your grip unless your blue based
Blue: Emotion: when light it is fulfilling, empowering, enlightening; Magical Meaning: Magic, images, power, expansive, emotion (holds the colors in your grip unless you are red based)
Green: Light; Emotion: Creativity, Sparking of many unfolding events; Light in color almost yellow; jelosy, Cloying, falsehood combining with brown; Magical Meaning: Used as a spark, leaves a lot to the imagination. Can be very good.
Yellow: Intelligence, mysticism, comunication, thought; not much emotion to this one, can be used to communicate telepathically or tune in on others thoughts
Brown: Ego, personal gain, individual effects on surroundings; have bith emotion and magical meaning in one
Purple: Emotion: Lusts, Desires; Magical Meaning: Royalty, Authority, Wisdom
The difference between emotion and magic is the shine you see, sometimes it shines light, others it seems plane. At first you will only see emotion. The light will come. The shining light is the magic light, the plane is the emotion.
Using this in meditation is a very comon thing among astral projection, using shapes. Making shapes with these colors will do powerful things. But as you make practice this remember that it matters not where you draw the energy but it is there, you.... create it. Within everyone's brain lies the installation that allows creation, hence you believe it, and it is. Your will can create. So doing this not only awaken your third eye but exercises your ability to create. Vok Kii Alvaki
Later you will learn to enchant with this...
Last edited on Dec 22, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#825 - Storms Invitation
Before you start doing anything it is very important that your tea drenched paper is completely dried. Peppermint is used to increase your abilities. Think of it as a boost to enhance your Spell.
Also the clearer the sky, the better the yield. Think of it like writing a note on a clean white sheet of paper. A blank slate if you will.
As for the stone. It matters not what type it is or the kind of cut or shape. The important thing is that you have a connection to the stone. It’s used for establishing your energy to the Spell. So the deeper the connection the stronger the Spell.
So now that you have everything ready! Let’s Conjure up a storm.
1. Find a safe place outside (Perhaps an area you cast Spell’s frequently) and take three long breathes. Really channel your energy. Focus on what your trying to accomplish with this Spell.
2. Using your pencil and tea paper, inscribe drawings of a Sun, Moon, Star, Cloud and Lightning Bolt. Doesn’t matter where or how. The symbols just need to be on the paper.
3. Light the candle and immerse yourself in its warmth and gentle fragrance. Let the wick burn brightly as you take another long solitary breathe.
4. Place the stone in your non-dominant hand as you light the paper on fire. Place the paper on the ground. (Preferably on stone or gravel. Not grass or wood!) Hold the stone tightly as the paper catches flame. And repeat these words. “Untamed, Downpour, Strike and Flash. Rolling Thunder, Gust and Splash.”
5. Once the paper is gone and it’s ashes spreads through the winds, put the stone down and quickly cover you candle tightly close it. Let the flame suffocate and die within that small container and steep.
6. Then quickly place the stone in your dominant hand and tap the candle lid three times. Imbuing your energy directly into the catalyst. Really focus on every tap.
7. Now open the lid and allow all that concentrated smoke to release into the atmosphere while taking one last long breathe as you look upwards to the sky.
You’ve just invited stormy weather into your life. Wether it obliges is up to fate and Mother Nature herself. Please understand that my particular brand of magick is not one that forces results but asks permission for achievement. We are not Gods. But some times we are instilled with their generosity.
Happy Casting! 💚
#826 - Banishing Bad Spirits
Here is what I have to say, and here are the instructions that I will give you.
These are the things that Jehovah, the God of Armies, hates.
Galatians 5:19
Now the works of the flesh are plainly seen, and they are sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct,
Galatians 5:20
idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects,
Galatians 5:21
envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and things like these. I am forewarning you about these things, the same way I already warned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit God's Kingdom.
These are on the other hand, are things that he loves.
Galatians 5:22
On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,
Galatians 5:23
mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Have faith, and pray here in a way that I pray.
"Oh Jehovah, the one true living God, please help me deal with these wicked spirits that I've been accursed by. PLEASE grant me Holy Spirit to deal with these problems. I would like to ask for forgiveness of my sins and mistakes by Christ Jesus' ransom sacrifice, and in his name I would like to ask for all things and pray. Amen. So let it be."
However, prayer to Jehovah the God of Armies, the God of Love, is a privilege. Try your best to only pray to him and no one else, and to follow his conduct as I previously stated from his Bible. It is my prayer that you, dear reader, find this and have a happier, healthier life.
Also, try to avoid praying for what you want, pray for Jehovah's Spirituality or Holy Spirit to be with you to make decisions to make him happy, and pray for the poor, the crippled, the lame. Once you've become closer to Jehovah God, he may begin to speak to you. Be sure to listen to what he says, because if you do not he may grow indignant with you because he's only trying to help you. Pray constantly for whatever issue you may face, and try to avoid things he does not approve of and try and gather together as much as you can of what he does approve of, such as the following : love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control. Be sure to pray for what you believe is right after praying for his spirit to guide you, and only then after you gather a bunch of those good qualities would I recommend to pray for what you want.
Whatever you do, do not curse Him, do not hate Him, and do not pray for your will, but for his.
I pray for you now that you will find this and this will help you in your daily lives, because it's helped me. I hope that you will continue walking in faith with Jehovah, the God of Love. Amen. So let it be.
#827 - Patience Enchantment
Before you do anything, make sure you've cleansed the object. Leftover negative energy that hasn't been removed can decrease the enchantment's strength.
First, hold the object close to you and hold a hand above it as well. Chant as many times as you like: "I enchant this (item) to give me patience. Patience with myself and with others." I like to chant this about 5 times. While you chant, envision new blue energy surrounding the object. Envision the word "patience" made of the blue energy above, around, near, or on the object.
Finish with: "With this energy, I enchant this (item) to give me more patience. So mote it be."
Good luck guys! I've used the enchantment on my favorite bracelet and it's been working pretty well for me!
#828 - Bear transformation Spell
Put the hair and the twigs in the water.
Dip the end of the feather in the ink, like a quill
Dip the end of the feather into a bowl, and draw around it in a paw print shape.
Take all of the things out the water, dip the blackberry in for 5 minutes and eat it.
On the next Waning Crescent chant those words 5 times:
Last edited on Jun 01, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#829 - A Binding Curse
Here is the spell
“(enter name here), I bind thee to prevent further harm of others (or of yourself if they are suicidal). If you break these bonds, (effect), (effect), and (effect) will happen to you. By the power of (god/goddess of your choosing), so mote it be!”
notice- I do not own this spell. If you are the one who wrote it just contact me and I’ll take it down. I just wished to share it because of how much it has helped me and I did not see it on this website already.
#830 - luck call (spell) Good&Bad
1:sit outdoors crosslegged in a spot where you know youll fell comfy.
2:place the candles around you and light them
3:place the two bowls between you
4:place the ground or in sticks cinnamon on the left bowl
5;place the 2 daisy flowers on the right bowl
6:close your eyes
7:chant,"Oh goddess Tyche, hear my plea. Bring the luck forth to thee. Please let this be. This is my chance so please mote it be!" 10x
8:burn the cinnamon sticks and let the smell penetrate the air
9:burn out the candles
10:take the daisys and place them in your room.
WARNING: Goddess Tyche is the one with good AND bad luck. SHe may bing upon good or BAD luck. JUst warning you.)
11 extra step: thank the goddess Tyche. ALWAYS WHEN DOING SPELL AND AFTER.