7156 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Happiness Spell
- Strenght (buffing your body) spell
- lucid dream animal spell ~
- Destroying your ememy
- Protection Chant
- Garden Blessing
- Sea Salt Purifcation Spell
- Familiar talisman
- A+ On Your Exam Spell
- Necklace Good Luck Spell
#841 - Happiness Spell
Take ur Jewel and hold it in ur Hand.
Think of the person you wanna see happy (if ur doing this for yourself, think about all the Negative things that happend to you)
Close ur Eyes and Chant this 3 Times:
''God oh' please, bring me peace. Push all the Negative thoughts away, Everything will be Okey. Listen to my heart, oh i plea so mote it Be.''
Now it can take a few minutes Before you Notice anything Different.
Hope this spell worked for you :) have a nice day x
#842 - Strenght (buffing your body) spell
forgive for my sins oh lord...(you need to always say these before doing any kind of magic actions)
"Oh lord of magic but this world is tragic"
"give me powers to increase my strenght as my body is hollow without your scent"
"give me powers oh angels oh lord trust me i shall use this for myself and my poor squad"
#843 - lucid dream animal spell ~
where to start.... where to start...
ok, ok
bare with me-- hey dont click away be patient.
i shall come to thee with a wish
the ability to lucid dream
make my will mine
ok, now just think abt the animal(s) you would like to become
now stay within the quietness for about 30 seconds.
and please do understand that stuff like this does take time and practice-- mental practice--
now lemme just get one thing straight, if you really want massive results feel free to buy lucid dream pills, i mean, tbh im an amateur and i just started making spells, so dont yell at me if your lucid dream doesnt come the night you do it.
okiii bye~
#844 - Destroying your ememy
Cast the Eye across the Existence, through Time, then look towards the Enemy and he shall be Destroyed.
Alchemical spells can be a bit obscure in their wording because everyone must find out their own way of interpreting it. I can't give my interpretation because it won't work for someone else.
#845 - Protection Chant
Chant the following:
“I am the god, Hekau, the divine Word of power, and I am pure in my mouth, and in my belly; I am Ra from whom the gods proceeded. I am Ra, the Light-god (Khu.)
#846 - Garden Blessing
This spell can be performed at any time you wish, day or night, and as frequently as you feel it needs performed, to bless and protect your garden.
Take your consecrated water, the incense, and lighter out to your garden. Sprinkle the consecrated water over your plants, then light the incense and smudge the area, speaking the spell:
By nourishing sun and calming moon,
Be all ye blessed, no plague to face.
O Nature Queen, lay down Thy boon,
That rot and damage be erased.
As I have willed it, so mote it be.
Pour the remainder of your sacred water over the plants, then stick the incense into the ground and allow it to burn out. Mix the ashes into the soil, and then cast the stick remaining away from the garden.
#847 - Sea Salt Purifcation Spell
First meditate for 3-5 minutes, and then draw a circle in front of you with the chalk.
Now place the bowls w/lids inside the circle and then put 3-5 handfuls of sea salt in the bowls.
Next focus all of the negative energy into one bowl, while doing, say the following:
" Gods and Goddesses, you know me well and love me so, but all of this negative energy has to go, because this is not who I am, this is not me please Gods and Goddesses hear my plea take the negative energy from me."
With your hands over the first bowl, feel all of the negative energy leaving your body and going into the bowl. Now place the lid on the bowl.
Now focus on the second bowl of sae salt and visualize it changing to pink and purple colors. While focusing on the sea salt in the second bowl say the following:
" Gods and Goddesses hear my plea and feel me with thy positive energy. From the negative energy I've been set free."
Now visualize the purple and pink colors filling up your body with positive energy. Place the lid on the bowl and put them somewhere safe.
Repeat the spell as many times as needed.
#848 - Familiar talisman
Fold the paper in three horizontal folds like a pamphlet
Draw the symbols depicting the spirit's power element and whether it is a ghost, a demon, or divine
Then will the symbols to combine and produce a spirit that will serve you
After that you should be able to see the spirit leave the talisman and appear to you
They usually look like wisps of course smoke or mist to colored shapes to realistic depictions
Last edited on Jul 23, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#849 - A+ On Your Exam Spell
Harvest the rosemary in the morning after the sun has dried the dew but before the heat of the day sets in. Use a sharp magical knife (a bolline) to cut it, as usual. Lay the rosemary at your window sill until 8 PM. Take a bath at 7:30 and use all you desire to make it the most relaxing it can be. Then, wear your comfiest clothes and get the rosemary off the window sill. Lay somewhere in your quiet place and put the textbook, pencil, and rosemary next to you.
Make sure you can really smell the rosemary. Close your eyes and imagine yourself going through your school. Imagine yourself sitting at your desk and finding a piece of paper with the grade 90-100 on it. Get up and break the rosemary over the pencil before rubbing parts of it over the pencil. Make sure you use the pencil the next day, and you're sure to get that A!
Last edited on Aug 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#850 - Necklace Good Luck Spell
Hold the charm in one hand. Imagine your magical energy (must be green) flowing into the charm and filling it up with good luck. When the charm is filled, imagine that it turned green. Then, imagine a bright green light being emitted from it. That light should keep getting bigger and brighter until it encompasses the entire charm. When it encompasses the entire charm, imagine the light zooming back into the charm.