7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Healing Potion
- God of speed spell
- Lancea De Ignis Inferni
- Happiness
- Apollo’s Salt
- Happiness Spell
- Strenght (buffing your body) spell
- lucid dream animal spell ~
- Destroying your ememy
- Protection Chant
#841 - Healing Potion
First get the sap and put it in the vial, next get the blackberry leaf and mash it with a rock and then put it in. Put a tiny bit of grape vine leaf in, then put in tree bark (Only a tiny bit) Fll the vial up with cold water. Add one or two drops of essential oil. Let it sit for one minute. Grab amethyst and say "God and Goddess give me the calming power of the amethyst into my hand and when I put the energy into the potion it shall stay there forever." Then put the amethyst energy into the potion. Now charge your wand and stir the potion while saying, "I want this potion to heal any sort of pain. The cactus sap, symbolizing the power to heal burns, the blackberry leaf symbolizing the power to heal stings or bug bites, the grape vine, symbolizing the power to heal emotional pain or headaches, the tree bark, symbolizing the power to heal toothaches, the essential oil, symbolizing the power to heal cuts. To heal any pain apply to pain and it shall ease the pain.If its a headache or emotional pain, put over head or heart, blessed be, mote it be, so be it" And now you're done!
Last edited on May 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#842 - God of speed spell
Start running and Say 10 times while running:
"My sun god helios guide me into the light make me a beauty fight. Give me speed, give me speed, give me speed with the power of the demons light."
Then say 3 times:
"Fasten my Hasten Fasten my speed I will be as fast as a demon of speed and as fast as a ghost of speed."
Last edited on Apr 23, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#843 - Lancea De Ignis Inferni
Okay. Got everything? Let's start. First, make Circle of Protection of Solomon, and make it a little bit bigger then normally. Now put blue candles in triangle facing north and red ones south (represents balance(good/evil, black/white...)). Light them starting from triangle peak of red candles then repeat with blue candles.Summon Azrael The Archangel Of Death. Start making a contract like this:
O greeted You be for eternity, for You are the one and only between worlds. Bless this peak for it shall set You free from souls of hatred. Give this spear's peak a hell fire to torture those in realm of wielder and make this handle a portal between planes. Twelve full moons shall rise and I am offering You blood of zodiac for each one. When the last sacrifice is made make the spear as powerfull as the angel of death himself. Make this light vanish if you accept the deal O Azrael The Archangel Of Death You who keeps souls on their path.
Now that you made contract you have to make sacrifice every full moon no matter is it seeable or not. When you give the last drop of zodiac's blood(i advise you to sacrifice at least as much drops of zodiac blood as there is archangels for Azrael shall be honored) The spear will be ready and fueled with hell fire. This is a powerful spell and the spear is dangerous as it is like prison.
PS If you are not demon hunter or vampire hunter i advise you to not use this as it can hurt you if you are not careful. Be aware that this is used only for people or monsters who have wicked souls. you can't walk down the street and start killing every alcohol or drug addict.
And as always you use this at your own risk and i am not repsonsible for anything you do or spell does to you.
#844 - Happiness
Find a comfortable space ( you may either sit or stand etc. )
Control your breathing and try to remember valuable moments in your life that made you really happy and contented ( etc. your birthday ). Continue doing this for a few moments and you'll soon realize that you're not sad anymore.
I always do this whenever I feel sad. I hope it does the same to you.
Last edited on May 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#845 - Apollo’s Salt
Make sure you have all your needed ingredients set up in your working area before beginning. Light the incense, smudge stick, or Palo Santo, and smoke the area to purify. Cast a protective circle, and begin.
Add the salt — a large handful or so will do — to your mortar, then use your hands to crumble the bay laurel into the mortar as well, atop the salt. Take your pestle in hand and begin to grind, chanting the spell:
Salt of earth, this home protects
From every curse and every hex.
Unwanted ones I ward away,
With Apollo’s leaf of bay.
It should be noted that if you don’t have a mortar and pestle, you can also just use a bowl and spoon, and stir, but this works much better if you hand-grind. Keep grinding and chanting until the salt-bay mixture is as fine as you can get it — your arms will be tired! Once you’re done grinding, transfer the salt to the small jar and add a few drops of the Nag Champa oil, seal the jar, and shake it vigorously until the oil is evenly distributed. Spread a thick line of the salt across every threshold in your dwelling, repeating the spell each time. The protection will last until the salt is worn or blown away, and to re-protect, just spread a new line and say the spell again. This spell can be performed anytime but is most effective when performed on a Thursday, as that day is associated with the home and family. Evoking Hekate is also effective, as She is the Goddess of the threshold and the home. Any unused salt should be stored in the airtight jar in a cool, dark place.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#846 - Happiness Spell
Take ur Jewel and hold it in ur Hand.
Think of the person you wanna see happy (if ur doing this for yourself, think about all the Negative things that happend to you)
Close ur Eyes and Chant this 3 Times:
''God oh' please, bring me peace. Push all the Negative thoughts away, Everything will be Okey. Listen to my heart, oh i plea so mote it Be.''
Now it can take a few minutes Before you Notice anything Different.
Hope this spell worked for you :) have a nice day x
#847 - Strenght (buffing your body) spell
forgive for my sins oh lord...(you need to always say these before doing any kind of magic actions)
"Oh lord of magic but this world is tragic"
"give me powers to increase my strenght as my body is hollow without your scent"
"give me powers oh angels oh lord trust me i shall use this for myself and my poor squad"
#848 - lucid dream animal spell ~
where to start.... where to start...
ok, ok
bare with me-- hey dont click away be patient.
i shall come to thee with a wish
the ability to lucid dream
make my will mine
ok, now just think abt the animal(s) you would like to become
now stay within the quietness for about 30 seconds.
and please do understand that stuff like this does take time and practice-- mental practice--
now lemme just get one thing straight, if you really want massive results feel free to buy lucid dream pills, i mean, tbh im an amateur and i just started making spells, so dont yell at me if your lucid dream doesnt come the night you do it.
okiii bye~
#849 - Destroying your ememy
Cast the Eye across the Existence, through Time, then look towards the Enemy and he shall be Destroyed.
Alchemical spells can be a bit obscure in their wording because everyone must find out their own way of interpreting it. I can't give my interpretation because it won't work for someone else.
#850 - Protection Chant
Chant the following:
“I am the god, Hekau, the divine Word of power, and I am pure in my mouth, and in my belly; I am Ra from whom the gods proceeded. I am Ra, the Light-god (Khu.)