7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
- Bad Luck/Death
- Banish Someone
- Black magic:severe pain infliction spell(iro itamio)
- To unleash a demon from hell
- Ultimate Healing Spell/Eternal Life
- Protection against demon and evil spirits
- How to make your own working spell
- 3 doors of Imagination Ritual
- removing a curse
- controlling energy
#891 - Bad Luck/Death
You know, the title?
Write the names of the people you want to curse, cover it in lighter fluid, and burn it. The smoke will attract spirits. When the paper is completely burned, say: Now that you have gathered here, I need you to listen, these people are bad and have had to much blissin, make them suffer, make them learn to be tougher.
Master_Jaret has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Dec 15, 2017
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Spells Of Magic
on Feb 15, 2018
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#892 - Banish Someone
this is a spell/ritual to banish someone from your life. I created this spell because a story that I was writing needed it. I have not used it so I don't know if it will work or not so please message me the results.
Place three black candles in a triangle formation and place the fire proof bowl with the picture in the middle. Light the candles. Cast a protective circle if you wish. Sit in between two of the candles, facing the bowl. Hold you hands over top of the bowl and visualize black light coming from your hands, into the picture; bringing with it all of the hate you feel for that person.
Chant: ''Nightmares I send your way, about how all you have wronged day by day. In two days time you will take leave bringing with you all the pain. I banish you (the person's name), not to return in this life or the next''
Pick up one corner of the picture and burn the other three corners with the other three candles and throw it into the fire proof bowl wile saying:
''This curse is cast, relief at last. This person shall not hurt me. Revenge is taken. I'm not mistaken. I mean my words, first to last.'' (this part I found on this website but thought it goes perfectly with it).
If it works correctly the person should have nightmares about all of his wrongs and in two days, leave.
Agoodwitch has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Jul 01, 2016
#893 - Black magic:severe pain infliction spell(iro itamio)
This spell utilities anger or hate as its foundation to cause instant pain, but as most black magic spells it comes at a price.
You may need:
dried orange peels,
candles(any color),
white sage,
ashes of a rodent,
large paint brush(optional),
farrow powder,
paper and black ribbon,
- Juice at least three healthy,plump oranges,their peels are fresh so are not needed.
- Burn the dried orange peels in a steel basin to cleanse the room for the ritual.
- Mix the orange peel ashes with the above herbs,the rodent ashes and seedless fresh orange juice.
- Write the persons name in the paper and tie the ribbon around it.
- Spill a little of your blood with the atheme and mix with your magic mixture. Smear a little blood on the paper also(you can't draw enough magic for this spell from yourself without dying so you'll use a demon as a battery).
- Draw a magic circle anti-clockwise with the magic mix and brush,adorn the insides with protective runes.
- position the candles four sides around the circle.
- Light the candle and more orange peels,keep the basin with the dry orange peels in the center.
- Stand in the circle and summon the demon by chanting ''shokan oni'' ten times. You will feel its presence. Say the trigger word ''kuro itamio'' and toss the paper into the fire while visualizing the persons face.
zalzyn has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Feb 10, 2018
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Spells Of Magic
on Feb 10, 2018
Last edited on Aug 05, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#894 - To unleash a demon from hell
If you want to unleash a demonic entity then here you go.
You need to be very grounded, and relaxed. Place the five candles in a circle (unlighted). Smudge the area, with the sage or inscense. You will want to sit in the circle and ground even further. Then start at the North side of the circle and work your way following north, east, south and west. Then when you're feeling ready, say in a strong voice, '' Dameonum quae sunt ab inferno, et beattos vos ad me. O placet, obsecro, audi vocem meam. Concendo libere concendo locum. Ill dimittemte. Manei et ill te vagenter. Demones inferni, et ego invocbote. Novit me, liberabit vos intempore, sic fiat semper.'' Then remain in the circle for a few minutes and collect your energy and in reverse order blow out your candles. And the spell will be completed.
DanaGriffith has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jan 02, 2018
#895 - Ultimate Healing Spell/Eternal Life
This is a spell to maintain your health from every disease imaginable and to defeat death and live eternally in the highest heaven. ps it really only helps/works if your soul is predestined
On the fifth day of every month for 3 months exactly you will have to go out into the moonlight (if you cant find the light of the moon watch a video of it) while in the presence of the moonlight guard your chest on the right side with a clenched fist and hold your opposite arm in the air (sort of life youre being crucified) and scream in your highest voice mentally not aloud Just As Fire Burns
Immortals Wake
If A Spirit Is Here With Me Then Take My Place
Be My Remorse Shut My Gates Of Hell
And Release Me From This Torment Shell
you just have to scream this once mentally and shut your eyes when youre done. You will then see the spirit that is going to hell for you as a replacement but you have to bind yourself to it so that when you die you can take it to heaven.
Amen so be it
So mote it be
babyzazalola has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Feb 06, 2018
#896 - Protection against demon and evil spirits
I Do not own this if you know The person who made this let me know so i CAN Credit them.
Spiritman1 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 02, 2017
#897 - How to make your own working spell
This will help you make your own spell
Ok, so what you need to do is think of what spell you want to make. Then, on a peice of paper, write what spell you are wanting to make, write down ingredients that would enhance the spell, and then write a short poem about the spell. Make sure you have Mote it be in the poem. Then, fold it in half, and draw a pentagram. Then, whatever ingredients you chose, you need to have with you. Then say the short poem with the ingredients you've selected.
Syonder has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Nov 02, 2016
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Spells Of Magic
on Feb 04, 2018
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Jan 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#898 - 3 doors of Imagination Ritual
These is a Ritual about 3 doors of Imagination there will be 3 Demons Per Round *Warning* Doing this can be very Dangerous Make sure you follow the rules)
You may need:
Needs to be 3am *
Need to be in the bathroom with all lights out in the house*
3 Candles any color make sure each one is different any color effects the Ritural*
Paper at least 3 and a pen*
Be alone
First round your going to light one candle,Then right down IceFlare in messy hand writing, Look in the mirror and hold the paper then put your hands on the mirror then look at the mirror and say..
''Iceflare in the Candle of (The first color you light), Summon
yourself, And we will play a game of Hide and seek,Iceflare Count to 60 and find me, If you cant find me in 60 secs game over.'' (If you win that round you can move on to the next round) *Btw Iceflare is more of a Nice Demon just dont make her mad*
Go back to the bathroom and the candle should be blow out,There should be one candy heart that is Red.(you can eat it but eat it at your own risk)
Next you wanna light Your Second Candle of choice, Then right down (Something you want *It has to be something like a Jewel or Candy bar*) Then hold the Paper and put both hands on the mirror and say...
''Demon of Wishes, can you give me (Any candy bar or Jewel) If i win this round, We will play Truth or dare,.
(Then close your eyes and dont look at the Demon if you have a camera dont show it to the demon and cont to 20 then open your eyes and see the Truth/Dare and you haft to do it cuz it will be watching) *The dare/Truth will not be Death unless you break one of the rules*
When its done you have your gift in the bathroom by the candle you lit and the candle will be out*
Last round: Light the last candle then put your hands on the Mirror then Say..
''Let the Darkness Rise,Hell and Heaven, When i open the door there will be a note.. that says one thing thats in my future.. I played your games so let me see whats in store of my future!''
Then open the door in 10 secs and you should see a note if you dont check some were in your house.
Sometimes If you Bring Candy to the demon it will help you throw one hard thing in your life. make sure you keep the candy in the bathroom sink the hole Ritural and you should notise The candy Despering if you do so make sure its 3 pices though.
Cubix has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Dec 04, 2017
#899 - removing a curse
Visualize all blocks in your life-path being removed. Anoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil.
You may need:
3 parts Galangal
2 parts Vetivert
1 part thistle
2 parts dried ginger root
1 rosemary oils
aid me in my quest,
protect me from all evil forms,
turn back the negativity being sent
Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray, or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and its elemental spirits by repeating three times:
Loner94 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 28, 2017
#900 - controlling energy
Helps with enegry manipulation and energy balance
light the incence and candle, then begin to meditate for 5 to10 minutestgen think of a color the first one that comes to mind is the color you will imagine image the color filling every object around you but leaving a thin film over top now imagin thias energy floowing into a ball, outstretch your hand to recieve the energy and niw do what you want with the energy
goldgod has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jun 20, 2017
7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters