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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7154 Spiritual Spells
  1. Wish Granting Powers ~My Spell~
  2. Create Your Own Dragon
  3. A spell for inner power
  4. Demon Blood Potion
  5. Renunciation of the Darkness Prayer
  6. Prayer for Lost and Attached Souls
  7. Energy Protection Strategies - Violet Cloaking
  8. Prayer to Protect from Interference from Dark Force
  9. Forgiveness Prayer
  10. Energy Protection Strategies - Smudging

#961 - Wish Granting Powers ~My Spell~

This is a spell I made that gives you the power to grant unlimited wishes no matter how impossible or simple and they will be granted instantly
You may need:

  • Belief
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Belief
  • Voice
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    What 2 Do:
    Say this spell 3x

    I call on magick above and below
    And the 4 elements of wind, fire,
    water, and earth
    to give me this power
    I shall grant unlimited wishes
    No matter how impossible
    No matter how simple
    I shall grant wishes for everyone
    including me
    Please give me this ability
    I shall have this power in 2 days
    So mote it be

    You can grant wishes for everyone
    including yourself

    They're unlimited

    They will be granted instantly

    Added to on Dec 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #962 - Create Your Own Dragon

    This spell will create a dragon egg that will hatch into the dragon of your choice and stay with you, protect you and never betray you. The magic that it knows has to be taught to it, meaning that it will only have it's claws and teeth when it hatches. It will hopefully be on the physical plane.
    You may need:

  • A voice
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    You may need:

  • A voice
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    Go into a room. Make sure that you are alone. Sit/lay down and make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes, relax and think about your dragon. Visualize what it looks like. The scales/fur, the wings, eyes, tail and anything else. Visualize it with whatever accessories it will have. Your dragon has to be the only thing occupying your thoughts right now. Clear your mind of anything other than your dragon, especially the thoughts that might distract you from what you're doing. Still thinking about your dragon, recite this one time:
    ''God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
    Hear my plea.
    Send me a dragon,
    So beautiful and free.
    Let it stay by my side,
    As gentle as can be.
    God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
    Hear my plea.

    God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
    Answer my call.
    Send me a dragon,
    The most majestic of all.
    In exactly 3 days,
    I shall recieve my dragon.
    God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
    So mote it be!''

    Just as the words say, you will recieve your egg in exactly three days. Every night until you get your dragon, chant this before you go to bed:
    ''God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
    Answer my call.
    Send me a dragon,
    The most majestic of all.
    In exactly (how many days are left until the third day) day(s),
    I shall recieve my dragon.
    God/Goddess of (your dragon's element),
    So mote it be!''

    This spell has yet to be tested, so I can not guarantee that it will work. I will try it out as soon as possible abd update this page when I do. If anyone tests this before I do, please message me and tell me if it worked or not.

    Added to on Dec 05, 2017
    Last edited on May 14, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #963 - A spell for inner power

    A spell to hopefully get abit more inner power.
    You may need:

  • A full moon on your birthday
  • Yourself
  • Your imagination
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    You may need:

  • A full moon on your birthday
  • Yourself
  • Your imagination
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    For this spell you meed to know exactly what time you were born ( e.g 1:59pm). In the minutes building up to your birth time hold your hands together and imagine a ball of energy inside you slowly waking up and turning on. As soon as the clock hits your birth time say '' I think i have inner power, i have inner power, i am my inner power, by the power of my belief, the full moons energy and my birth time of turning ( your age), this is my will so mote it be!'' While saying this imagine the energy getting bigger and brighter like it is feeding off your words. As soon as the minute is finnished imagine the energy spreading out and all over your body.

    Symptoms so far to look out for:
    A shiver down your spine when you send the energy out
    Feeling lighter then usual

    Hope this works for you all.

    Added to on Dec 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #964 - Demon Blood Potion

    This potion is used for the purpose of enhancing biokinesis, or power charging. This cannot be used to transform into a demon.
    You may need:

  • Pan
  • Citrus of any kind
  • Thyme leaf
  • One drop of holy water(optional)
  • Regular water
  • Stovetop
  • Tea bag
  • Mug
  • Sugar(optional)
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    You may need:

  • Pan
  • Citrus of any kind
  • Thyme leaf
  • One drop of holy water(optional)
  • Regular water
  • Stovetop
  • Tea bag
  • Mug
  • Sugar(optional)
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    Fill the pan with regular water. Next, take any citrus fruit and squeeze it's juice into the pan, then add the thyme leaf. Let it boil for 1 minute. After that, add holy water. Pour the contents of the potion into the mug eith a teabag. You may add sugar to taste.

    Side effects:

    Added to on Dec 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #965 - Renunciation of the Darkness Prayer

    Use this prayer if you are sensing any dark force entities attempting to influence you or interfere with your path in anyway.

    You may need:

  • Candle (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Candle (optional)
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    It is helpful to either look at a flame of light or imagine one whilst saying this prayer/spell.

    Repeat this spell/prayer 3 times.

    ''In the name of the Light, I rebuke you, darkness. I revoke all contracts, agreements or initiations with the darkness, or any beings of the darkness. For now and throughout all eternity. For as long as my soul exists. I am free. For so it is. Amen.''

    Added to on Dec 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #966 - Prayer for Lost and Attached Souls

    To be used if you sense a negative, heavy, dense presence.

    ie. lost or attached soul/ghost/spirit that has not passed over.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Repeat this spell/prayer 3 times.

    ''Source, please release this soul from this energy field so that it can complete its path in the highest good of all.''

    Added to on Dec 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #967 - Energy Protection Strategies - Violet Cloaking

    Use to protect your energy field from others (both physical and/or spiritual) that carry dense and/or heavy energy and who are not of the purest and highest light.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Visualize yourself being surrounded by a violet cloak of light covering your whole body and head.

    You can also surround your car or home with this violet cloak.

    Added to on Dec 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #968 - Prayer to Protect from Interference from Dark Force

    A spell for protection from dark entities and/or demons.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Repeat this prayer/spell 3 times.

    ''I call upon Archangel Michael and the Almighty Rescue Angels of Light and the Warriors or Light to bind and encapsulate any and all Dark Force Entities that are attempting to interfere with me and all those connected to me. Bind them in an inescapable capsule of Light, bind them tighter and tighter still and take them to their appointed place in the Light where they can no longer interfere with me and all those connected to me.

    I call upon Archangel Michael and the Almighty Rescue Angels of Light and the Warriors or Light to bind and encapsulate any and all Dark Force Entities that are attempting to interfere with me and all those connected to me. Bind and encapsulate all those at the same level, all their associates, all those under them, all those above them, their commanders in an inescapable capsule of Light, bind them tighter and tighter still and take them to their appointed place in the Light where they can no longer interfere with me and all those connected to me.

    I call upon Archangel Michael and the Almighty Rescue Angels of Light and the Warriors or Light to bind and encapsulate any and all Dark Force Entities that are attempting to interfere with me and all those connected to me. I call upon the Legions of Heaven to travel to the 4 horizons- north, south, east and west, above and below and to continue to bind and encapsulate any and all replacements that are being sent and/or will be sent. Bind them in an inescapable capsule of Light. Bind them tighter and tighter still and take them to their appointed please in the Light where they can no longer interfere with me and all those connected to me.''

    Added to on Dec 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #969 - Forgiveness Prayer

    To be used if you need to forgive others or yourself.

    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Repeat this spell/prayer 3 times.

    ''If anyone or anything, including God, has hurt me in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it with love and compassion. If I have hurt anyone or anything, including myself, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it with love and compassion.''

    Added to on Dec 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #970 - Energy Protection Strategies - Smudging

    Use to cleanse dense, heavy energy in your energy field or physical environment.
    You may need:

  • Sage or sweetgrass
  • Lighter
  • Feather (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Sage or sweetgrass
  • Lighter
  • Feather (optional)
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    Using dried sage or sweetgrass, light the plant and blow out the flame.

    To cleanse your energy field, using your hand or a feather, sweep smoke over all areas of your body, head, front and back and under feet.

    To cleanse a room, go to each corner of the room starting at the floor and let smoke rise to ceiling. Complete for each corner ensuring that smoke dissipates throughout the entire room.

    Added to on Dec 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters