Has worked on hands (no muscles in hands used), but only found it out recently, and as it takes up a lot of energy so I haven't got round to whole body/objects - let me know if it works.
You may need:
Nothing Really (but possibly an object to levitate if wanted)
You may need:
Nothing Really (but possibly an object to levitate if wanted)
(Instructions to levitate hands - tailor as required for other things)
Sit at a table and put your hands out in front of you (if you're doing feet don't put them on the table) and breath in a few times (eyes closed).
Open your eyes and concentrate on your hands. Breath in and out very deliberately. And concentrate on pumping the air to your hands. Slowly, your hands will lift up - if you do it right, it could take less than a minute to get to 2cm (might not seem like much - and you're right - it isn't - but you wold your hands going up 2 meters)- if you do it wrong - it might be more like 5 and then it would only go up a few mm.
Gradually move on to bigger things (please note thats objects that are not part of your body count as bigger then your body as they are harder to levitate).
Meditate for ten minutes. When you're finished, keep calm and in a relaxed state. Light a candle or source of flame and concentrate. Move your hand close to feel the heat. Put your fingers close, almost two inches or so away from the fire. Imagine becoming one with the flame.
This spell is one that will make you fly upto 50mph and you can go as high as 100ft into the air.
You may need:
Open Area
You may need:
Open Area
To fly you hold the feather in your hand and stare at it concentrating on levitating then chant:
"For I am merely a float."
Then close your eyes and in your head you must picture yourself doing the same and then picture your self flying and with your eyes still closed chant:
This will make your spirit come to life, and you need to take GOOD care of it, your inner spirit is SPECIAL.
You may need:
You may need:
In your mind, visualize your glowing energy in a ball within your body. Imagine it quickly zooming out. Chant this: "Spirit of mine I can' define. I'm not playing a game. (Name) is your name".
Then you might feel negitave enrgy, but that's because the spirit needs some of yours to survive, so you can SHARE enrgy, so the spirit is developing "flying power".
To give other powers to your Inner Sprit, chant the following: "A power for you is all you need, since I come and also plead. Spirit, take this as a gift. We are going into shift. Here is the power you get, name, it will see. Don't you know, so mote it be".
#1066 - Psycho Kinesis Pill to develope fully 100% In an hour or more
This is a RARE recipe to develope Psycho Kinesis in an hour or more!
What is psychokinesis?:
Able to move objects with your mind, but your not looking at the object, nor near it.
You may need:
in the last part of day
be a Sunday or Friday
ice cubes
first psychic ability to develope
tea poon of salt and cheese
You may need:
in the last part of day
be a Sunday or Friday
ice cubes
first psychic ability to develope
tea poon of salt and cheese
it must be a sunday or a friday to do this spell*
spread the ice cubes in a circle in a freezer.
sprinkle 2 tea spoon of sugar in ice cubes.
take tea spoon of salt and cheese.
Eat them.
mix up the alcohol in the rest of the sugar and put it in the glass.
stir the the recipe aroung in the cup.
add the ice cubes, then drink all of it, and goto sleep. (for extra power of magick)
Visualize glowing purple energy being absorbed into it. Imagine picking it up and pain growing all over your body. See yourself reappearing in the place you desire to go. As the pain grows through your body, starting at your fingers, you will see a flash and then appear where desired.
Take a piece of paper and write down a question you would like to have answered by a spirit. Chant: "Spirits of the West, do your best. Spirits of the East, bring the least. Spirits of the South, pay heed to my mouth. Spirits of the North, you're the fourth".
Now say some stuff to a spirit(s) and they'll answer back an on paper they magically write back when you close your eyes.
On paper with write down the things you would like. At the end write walking goes to transparent walls! walk through 'em! Light the candle. Crush paper in a small ball and place it in candle say: "Make me the opposite of transparent! I would like to walk through walls, may u make me, blessed be! So mote it be."