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1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1234 Trick Spells
1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1234 Trick Spells
  1. Time Stand Still
  2. Looking into the Past or Future
  3. Freeze Time
  4. See the Future
  5. Make Objects Levitate
  6. Down to the World of Hate
  7. The Secert to Fire Manipulation
  8. Freeze Time
  9. Glass Eye
  10. Beat the Clock

#1191 - Time Stand Still

Everything doesn't freeze like in the movies- your magic keeps you in the moment, giving you time to relax.
You may need:

  • Clock
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    You may need:

  • Clock
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    Stare at the clock. Listen to the rhythm of the ticking, and allow that noise to fill you up. Make your body correspond to that rhythm. When you think you have fallen into the rhythm of the clock, recite: "Time stand still, I order you. No one minute pass until I'm through doing what I need to do. Time stand still, I order you".

    Say it calmly, and try to say in the rhythm of the ticking. Say it seven times ( seven is a magic number) to continue the spell, stay in the rhythm of the clock. To break the spell recite: "No more shall we defy the clock. Time shall no longer be in a lock. No more shall we be ruled by the tick tock".

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    Last edited on Oct 31, 2015
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    #1192 - Looking into the Past or Future

    It well let you see threw time.
    You may need:

  • 1 Iron Bowl
  • 1 or more Candles
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • 1 Wand/Hand
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    You may need:

  • 1 Iron Bowl
  • 1 or more Candles
  • 1 Cup of Water
  • 1 Wand/Hand
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    First cast a circle and put the water in the bowl place it in the middle of the circle then light the candle. Put the candle next to the bowl thin take your wand/hand and mix the water with it.

    Say this chant:

    "O powers of water fire earth air and spirit I summon your powers let me see the light the dark the future the past so mote it be."

    Thin look in the water if you did it right you can see the year you want.

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    #1193 - Freeze Time

    This spell will only last for a couple minutes
    You may need:

  • 5 Green used candles
  • Small bowl
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    You may need:

  • 5 Green used candles
  • Small bowl
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    Take the 5 green used candles and pick off the melted wax. Place the wax in the small bowl and mix with water. Repeat the following while mixing:

    "Brain Freeze. Water Freeze. Time Freeze!"

    Repeat until completely mixed.

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    #1194 - See the Future

    A simple spell to see into the future.
    You may need:

  • Small glass of water
  • Sugar
  • Pepper
  • Paper towels
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    You may need:

  • Small glass of water
  • Sugar
  • Pepper
  • Paper towels
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    Put some sugar and pepper in the water (Note: Please make sure you put the sugar in first or the spell will not work). After this lay the paper towels out because it could get a little messy. Then tip the glass back and forth lightly while repeating "Show me the future, I want to see, show me the future, I want to see." Repeat this until the cup is almost half-empty (half-full). Then look through the glass. You can look through the glass from the side or from the top through the water ( looking through the side will work better). You will only see the future of what you are looking at through the glass.

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    #1195 - Make Objects Levitate

    A spell to let you make objects levitate with a swipe of your hand.
    You may need:

  • Apple juice
  • Milk
  • Pepper
  • Something long
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    You may need:

  • Apple juice
  • Milk
  • Pepper
  • Something long
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    Mix the liquids and spice together and dip something long (long candle or stick) in the potion and point it at the object you want to make levitate. Then keep pointing the long object and keep pointing it at the object and recite the following:

    "I take this object that's so long. The power is in my hand. Make the object in range levitate from land".

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    #1196 - Down to the World of Hate

    the spell: Demon of hatred,come to me,as i summoned you,ful fill my wish,as they look into ur eyes,let them see,what should no mortal could never see.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mirror
  • Photo of your Victim
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Mirror
  • Photo of your Victim
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    This is is kinda hard to master so if you are willing to this you must have a photo of your victim and a mirror so that once you put the photo on the mirrior and chant the spell it may work.

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    #1197 - The Secert to Fire Manipulation

    Practice your Fire Manipulation.
    You may need:

  • Open Third Eye
  • Patience
  • Lite Candle
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Open Third Eye
  • Patience
  • Lite Candle
  • Voice
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    Yes, yes! You want to be ''Avatario'', or whatever. Listen, Fire Manipulation takes time and you cant just say ALAKAZAM! So, listen up kids and HEY this is a 18 YEARS and up Practice!! Dont want you little Kiddies burning down houses, OKAY?

    *So You Want to know the Secert? Controling the AIR around the Fire!*

    Okay start with a Lite Candle. Get in a comfortable position by the candle. Like sit in a chair with the Candle being on the table, or What ever...I think you got it. GOOD.

    Focus on the the air in the room and around the flame with your Third Eye. Helps if you close your two other eyes...The Number One and Two, Moron.

    Now Chant your meditation Hmmm, If you dont got one. STOP!!! Get One, Leason stops right hear Little Chickies! Your Meditatation Hmmmm, will find you...WHATS MINE? Get your Own. Im not going to answer that question for you. Thats something you need to find for yourselfs.

    Now your chanting, right? Well Start!! Okay now focus all the air coming together, into one tight ball of energy. Alright, Now were Getting Somewhere!

    Okay, Practice moving the orb around, Then try useing it around the flame. You can use your hands for this if you like, But Dont Touch The Flame!! God, think how stupid youd feel if you had to go to the emergency room because you burnt yourself by touching FIRE!! Stupid!

    *ALRIGHT thats it. Any Questions Plesea contact me. AGIAN this takes ALOT of PRACTICE and TIME. It took me 45 times before I could even form a orb of air... and I touched the fire, it burnt ME!! YOUR NOT SUPERHUMAN!!! FROM: Family Spell Book, Reworded.*

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    #1198 - Freeze Time

    This spell allows you to freeze time.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    First close your eyes and imagine a clock and focus on that clocks ticking and then say the spell: "Time stand still- I order you. No minutes pass until I'm through doing what I have to do. Time stand still- I order you".

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    #1199 - Glass Eye

    A spell to help widen your third eye.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Black calligraphic pen
  • Rose paper
  • Rose water
  • Glass stone or sea glass
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Black calligraphic pen
  • Rose paper
  • Rose water
  • Glass stone or sea glass
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    First of all you need to have rose paper. But to have rose paper, you must have rose water- composed of rose and fresh water.First get a jar and fill it to the brim with the water. Then add a freshly cut rose. Any color. Seal jar and let sit in cool place for at least 3 months. And there you go!

    Dip paper in rose water jar. Let dry, then with pen draw an eye. Small enough so that the glass can cover it completely. Let the ink dry. Place glass stone over drawn eye. Put both of your pointer fingers and thumbs on either side of the stone. Like you’re holding it in place.

    Close eyes and Chant these words, as many times as it takes: "Now open my unseen eye so I may see what is to be seen through thee". When your head starts to ache, you know its working. You can stop anytime, but don’t strain yourself. If you do, you could hurt yourself.

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    #1200 - Beat the Clock

    Speed up Time
    You may need:

  • none
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    You may need:

  • none
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    Draw a Pentacle on your Left hand with a blessed Red pen. Visualize a Sand Clock as you draw.

    Put your left hand on your third eye and say:

    ''Sands of Time show me thy way
    Turn the nights into days
    Rose petals so light and grace
    Speed up Time, in this place''

    The spell will last for 24 hours or until the pentacle is erased, naturally or washed away, so don't try to get sweaty hands.

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    1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters