Allows the caster to change the shape, split, or move a cloud.
You may need:
a cloud
You may need:
a cloud
This works best with cumulus clouds(the white, fluffy clouds).
Pick a cloud and decide what you want to do with it. For beginners I suggest small changes. Once you know what you want it to do you must then visualize it. When visualizing DONT just imagine the cloud after it has changed. You must visualize it changing.
Well, that is the basics. You can also use your hands, wand, voice, or whatever. Many people find that by ''talking'' to the cloud it helps them when moving it but every person is different. So just experiment and find what works for you. But You MUST always visualize.
Figure out what somebody is feeling by using this spell.
You may need:
1 blue or black pen
1 piece of paper
You may need:
1 blue or black pen
1 piece of paper
If you want to know how someone is feeling they must be in the same room with you. Write their full name on the top of the paper. (At least first name and last name) and write down the expression on their face, what they did or want to do that day and all the other things that you can add up to tell how they are feeling.
Then, say (or whisper, because you probably don't want them to hear) this: "With all this information I shall find, what's going on in ____'s mind. I do it for good and not for evil. We shall now start this head retrieval".
Now, read everything you have written on your paper. What does it say? From the information you have written, what emotion do you think that person is feeling? If it's not enough information, you can walk up to the person and say "Hi, how was your day?" if they say their day was bad, they are probably mad or sad. If they say they had a great day then the person is obviously happy. But you also have to listen to their tone of voice to make sure their not being sarcastic.
With two people, one lies down and shuts their eyes while another lies still. The other person then chants, "light as a feather, stiff as a board" repeatedly until levitation happens.
Give the selected target gruesome images of you in their sleep.
You may need:
A 2 or more person coven is good to have for power.
You may need:
A 2 or more person coven is good to have for power.
Sit in a circle.
Close your eyes.....keep saying your victims name and at the same time imagine your attack in their dream.
For example.
Imagine you have opened their bedroom door with a knife and are about to kill them.
Keep imagining your image until it becomes clear,make sure you are still saying the persons name.
The spell is best done at night possibly when your victim may be asleep.
I find this is a good spell for bullies....I have used it many the time and they try to avoid me during the day.
1 Candle(same number of candles as same number of witches).
1 piece of paper with the date and time you wanna go in the past.
You may need:
1 Candle(same number of candles as same number of witches).
1 piece of paper with the date and time you wanna go in the past.
In the candle you put the little piece of paper with the date on it.And while it's burning in the flame you chant:
''I wanna see the highest power
take me now in my past,
right now at this hour
bring me back at last!''
For getting back use the spell to See the future.It is quite easy!!!
This spell allows you to see into your own future.
You may need:
1 candle(color doesn't matter).
1 little piece of paper small as your hand.
You may need:
1 candle(color doesn't matter).
1 little piece of paper small as your hand.
On the small piece of paper you write the date you want to be in the future.Then take the paper, put it on the burning candle and let it go. Make sure that you take the candle with you.
Then say these words:
"Get this message now
as slowly as I bow,
change the time
and on other place
in the future I'll be found!"
To get back to your time just do the same thing with the same candle. If you don't take the candle with you,you may stay in the future. You can make your own spell for getting back to you time in the past.
First perform a cleansing ritual. Place the crystal on the ground in front of you. Hold the staff or rod out in front of you horizontally. Recite the following spell.
"As stone is to earth so staff is to stone. Death and rebirth. Heart and bone. May light fly, I call away stone. I summon you sky. Call me on".
Visualize as you see fit the pushing and pulling. And now you levitate.
Creates a sphere of blackness. While this spell is in effect, no light can enter.
You may need:
Blackened athame
You may need:
Blackened athame
Raise your shaded blade, at each quarter cry: "Shades of darkness I conjure thee, let the shadow descend!". This brings into existence a 20 foot radius sphere of impenetrable darkness centered on the caster's position at the time of casting. The sphere may not be moved.