Lets you see things that you wouldn't normally see.
You may need:
You may need:
Chant: "Shades of darkness, grant me vision in thy realm of shadow!". For the duration of this spell the caster is able to see in both natural and magickal darkness as if under normal light conditions. This spell only lasts around 15 minutes.
First of all, visualize a white or black light (which ever one is more suitable) and visualize yourself inside that light. Now picture that lightgetting blurry and taking in the colors of the objects around you. See yourself getting blurry or being sucked into the light and the light taking the form of the objects around you until you cannot see the light. Your eyes
must be closed for you to do this.
This is a spell to hear sounds and other things from far away.
You may need:
You may need:
Cup your right hand around your right ear and say: "Some sounds are here and some sounds are astray so give me the hearing of far away." To stop the spell, just un-cup your hand and take it off of your ear and shake your head a little.
Put your finger on the area of the globe you wish to go then think of the area while chanting the following: "I wish to go, I wish to fly: take me here before I die!".
Draw a Pentacle for both hands
Clear your mind of all thoughts ex: Friends, your girlfriend/boyfriend
family etc.
Chant the following
I call forth the goddess of time
While the time is going by
By second,minute,hour and day
Bring it up as i say!
Bring the time up on my mental screen,
I call forth the goddess of time,
So mote it be!
Allows you to adopt the guise of any animal you choose.
***Please note that this spell is text exerted from the book entitled "Wizardology"***
You may need:
Dolphin's milk
Honeydew mellon
You may need:
Dolphin's milk
Honeydew mellon
Drink the mixture of honeydew and dolphin's milk, then recite:
"Bestia Animo, my human shape shall go. Bestio Betietta,it shall be for the better. Bestio Anifornum, I shall turn into a (the name of an animal).
Here's is the Latin version of the spell.
"Optimus Bestia, Meus humanus vultus vadum vado, Optimus bestietta, is vadum exsisto pro melior, Optimus anifornum, Ego vadum verto in a _____________. "
You might also want to say the animals name in latin. Here are a few translations.
Dog- Canis
Cat- Cattus
Bird- Bird
Fish- Piscis
Wolf- Lupus
Bear- Gero
Lion- Leo
***Note: If you lack dolphin's milk, the spell will work only you will not physically shapeshift, you will only have the senses of the animal, along with its mental abilities. Also, make sure to focus.***
To make yourself levitate, you would probably need a couple of incense and/or candles. First find a peaceful spot were there is no noise or distraction. Then relax, imaging you are sitting upon a rock. Just let your mind float and drift then just imagine yourself getting higher and higher up. You should be levitating. Note: Only you can see yourself floating, no one else. Again you will need full focus to make yourself rise.