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1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1234 Trick Spells
1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1234 Trick Spells
  1. Contact Somebody Important to You
  2. Become a bird shifter spell
  3. Grow Wings (Pre-made Audio Track Spell)
  4. Make a TV turn on by itself instantly spell
  5. how to: magick ball, magick blast
  6. Curse of time
  7. Curse of time spell-works
  8. Thought injection
  9. Death Spell to kill Enemy
  10. Breathe smoke through your nose

#121 - Contact Somebody Important to You

Contact an important one for you through visualisation.
You may need:

  • White candle
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Concentration
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    Light the candle. Make sure you will not be interrupted before you start meditating. Sit cross-legged, take a few, deep breathes. Focus on your breath. Realize that on a basic level you are alive, and breathing. Focus on each part of your body individually. Start from the bottom parts of your body (like feet, legs) and slowly go up to the top of your head. Experience all the feelings flowing from your whole body.

    Visualize you are now standing in a white room. You are wearing clothes in equal colors. Suddenly light is slowly covering your entire body. You may feel excitement, ecstasy, but that can also be silence or stillness. Turn around. There's a door. Go through it. Visualize yourself entering the persons room, seeing them inside just sitting and doing what they do on a daily basis. You can now talk to them. If should not seem to pay attention to you while you are being there. If they respond you in any way, it means the visualization has failed, but you can try again later. This might need practice and proper. After you had said everything, go back to the white room and open your eyes. Blow out the candle.

    Added to on Jun 03, 2018
    Last edited on Sep 18, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #122 - Become a bird shifter spell

    this spell basically will give you the ability to change your form into a bird. the transformation may take a few days to a week to get all in
    You may need:

  • -2 white candles
  • -1 or 2 feathers
  • -picture printed or on phone of desired phone
  • -mirror
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    You may need:

  • -2 white candles
  • -1 or 2 feathers
  • -picture printed or on phone of desired phone
  • -mirror
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    1:place a mirror infront of you.

    2:place the two candles around the mirror (light them)

    3:grab the feather(s) and place it(them) infront of the mirror

    4:grab a picture of the bird you wanna be and place it facing the mirror

    5:chant 10x:"oh gods and godesses,hear my plea. Give me the ability to change form of the bird ive selected thee.make me an (desired bird name) . oh please by the power of three so mote it be."

    6:blow out the candles and keep the feathers with you


    -body may feel tingly

    -arms and lower back may hurt

    -enhanced vision may occur

    -sensing better

    -+ others

    (this spell was made by me, if you get more side effects than the ones listed here, message me and tell me)

    Added to on May 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #123 - Grow Wings (Pre-made Audio Track Spell)

    This is a recorded drum spell that will make you grow wings! All you need do is meditate to the drumbeat of this track until you feel the wings start to grow in!
    You may need:

  • Headphones
  • Calm & Clear Mind
  • Focus
  • A place to lay down and meditate.
  • The Soundcloud app (FREE)
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    You may need:

  • Headphones
  • Calm & Clear Mind
  • Focus
  • A place to lay down and meditate.
  • The Soundcloud app (FREE)
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    Find a calm place to meditate, this spell is prerecorded and all you need do is listen with a calm and clear mind, while focusing beyond the drumbeat. You must be relaxed and open to the energy, accepting of it for this to work and for your wings to grow in. This spell also grants higher dimensional magicks to the user.

    Then go to the following link and listen on repeat while following the above steps:


    Added to on May 09, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #124 - Make a TV turn on by itself instantly spell

    This might make a TV turn on by itself instantly.
    You may need:

  • TV
  • Pointer Finger
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • TV
  • Pointer Finger
  • Voice
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    Point your pointer finger at the TV and say this once:"Turn on please."

    Added to on Apr 28, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #125 - how to: magick ball, magick blast

    basically to do a energy blast , but instead of making a psi ball and holding there i will teach you how to do a simple psi blast , ki blast , chi blast, magick blast , etc
    You may need:

  • -no candles or any supplies
  • -energy ( simple right? )
  • -your will
  • -a lightweight object ( preferably foil or paper )
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    You may need:

  • -no candles or any supplies
  • -energy ( simple right? )
  • -your will
  • -a lightweight object ( preferably foil or paper )
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    step 1: grab a right amount of paper

    step 2: make a crease in the middle of the piece of paper and set it on a flat surface

    step 2: make sure your at least 3 feet away

    step 3: hold your hands like your holding a ball or put your hands in a comfortable position but make sure at least to look like your holding a small ball or not donest really matter but acting like your holding the ball can flow the energy better , now feel something in your stomach area ( you will feel ether a pull inwards in your stomach similar on how a black hole is or you might feel liquid shifting , just make sure you feel inhuman things but if you don't feel anything its okay because your energy is not high enough , meaning like a battery bar your energy is low ), now once you feel something in your stomach feel or imagine mist coming out of your hands or feel fire coming outside your hands or lots of heat or just pull it out in your hands , you will feel things that are alien like or not, after that visualize and feel the balls shape and density and how much energy it is emitting from it ( simply just feel the ball ), if you cant imagine that just look at the invisible ball in between your hands and put more energy into it and you will see some kind of mist or spots that wans't there in the first place

    step 4: now after you made the magick ball or whatever , simply stop the flow of magick into the ball ( much like a traffic stop ), now pull more energy or chi or magick into your arms , put more than you put in the ball and now that you feel its filled up thrust your hands forward and thrust all the energy into the ball and propelling it forward faster

    if this donest work than just keep practicing and if its too easy increase your distance from the object and do less hand movements

    Added to on Apr 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #126 - Curse of time

    this is a simple spell which you can use to change time and make it go faster.
    You may need:

  • -pencil/piece of paper
  • -belief
  • -strong mind/will
  • -know what an analog clock looks like
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    You may need:

  • -pencil/piece of paper
  • -belief
  • -strong mind/will
  • -know what an analog clock looks like
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    you will draw a small analog clock on your paper,

    -write the innitials,"C.O.T" next to the drawing of the clock.

    -under the innitials, write the time it is currently, and put a dash next to the time you want it to be.

    chant: curse of time,curse of time. take place take time. (and in your head, add ,"make it my desired time.")

    -rules for it to work:


    2.dont look at the clock every ten seconds. it wont work.

    3.if when you say the spell, if you see the number change quick, that is one of the signs its working.

    this spell was my creation and is proven to work.

    Added to on Apr 13, 2018
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #127 - Curse of time spell-works

    This is a spell that can change time to the time you desire. Ive tested this one with a friend. it works very good so if you need to pass the time quick of a boring class, or just to get time to go faster, go on this one.
    You may need:

  • -piece of paper
  • -pencil
  • -mind/speaking
  • -belief
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    You may need:

  • -piece of paper
  • -pencil
  • -mind/speaking
  • -belief
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    1. draw a clock of the analog clocks on a piece of paper(doesnt have to be perfect)

    2. put the initials:"C.O.T" next to the drawing of the clock (its Curse Of Time)

    3.below the initials write the tie it currently is and then, write the time you want it to be after.

    4.chant in your head or normal:"curse of time, curse of time. take place take time. make it (desired time)."

    5.thats all you need! now dont look at the clock for abit ok? it doesnt work if you keep looking every ten seconds.

    6: try a lttle patience, it works ive tried this.

    (i created this spell by the way)

    Added to on Apr 12, 2018
    Last edited on Jan 21, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #128 - Thought injection

    this experimental spell will inject your target's brain with a thought of your choosing, contact me about any results or suggestions.
    You may need:

  • strong visualization
  • belief
  • (optional) chant to any higher power to grant you success
  • (optional) any thing purple to add ti the atmosphere (purple candles - purple decorations - purple stone etc...)
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    You may need:

  • strong visualization
  • belief
  • (optional) chant to any higher power to grant you success
  • (optional) any thing purple to add ti the atmosphere (purple candles - purple decorations - purple stone etc...)
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    the chances of this spell's success depends on your abilities, power, and the target's mental defenses, trying to understand how your target thinks will help you to inject more convincing thoughts.
    you can not use this spell to make someone do anything against their core values, the brain will simply remove the thought if it was too odd, for example, you can not use this spell to change someone's religion, or to make him your slave ... but you can use it to make him like a new activity or hobby or slightly change his opinion on someone.
    use it morally.

    1) create a comforting atmosphere, meditate, gather energy, and visualize a syringe, this syringe should be made of any type of metal and look metallic so that it can penetrate mind defenses.

    2) fill the syringe with transparent fluid with a taint of purple to it, purple is the color of thought and psychic power, so this will look like normal mental power.

    3) visualize a psi ball, and turn it into a bubble, this psi bubble will burst and cause no harm once inside the target's head.

    4) now concentrate on the thought you want, think of it, see it's effect, imagine any voice, smell, taste or any feeling linked to it, and even believe in this thought as your own thought, this will be the thought you'll inject in the target's brain.

    5) now concentrate into removing that thought from your head, and put it inside the psi bubble , this is the hardest part and could need some practice.

    6) put the psi ball inside the syringe, let it settle in the middle of the liquid with nearly half the liquid below it, and half the liquid above it.

    7) (optional) before you move to the next step, send prayers or chants to any god or entity you worship, if you do not follow any god then try asking the power of mind, or mental spirits, for help, if you do not know how to chant try this simple chant : "oh (who ever you ask for help) please make this succeed, I am doing it because I'm in need, I ask for you to grant me success, for this action, no more, no less", any outside power will help you with visualizing, luck, and overall success rate, tho you can skip this step.

    8) now keep visualizing the syringe, and go to your target, you must be close and able to see the target for better effect, tho if your psychic abilities are strong you can do it remotely .... now imagine the syringe penetrating the target's brain, and slowly let the contents of it flow in your target's head ... start with the fluid to disguise the spell and let the brain not be wary, then inject the thought, then the rest of the fluid these steps mask the thought and make the brain less suspicious of it as it thinks it is receiving mental power/blessing.

    9) if the psi bubble does not burst on it's own, then visualize it bursting.

    you should see subtle change in behavior in few minutes, but give it few days to have full effect, it will mostly grow in power each time the target thinks or sleeps.

    Added to on Mar 23, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #129 - Death Spell to kill Enemy

    This spell is should be practise first you have to master meditation, candles,invoking gods spirits. You have to cast this death spell with anger and full of determination to kill your enemy.
    You may need:

  • Black Candle 1 to 3
  • Spoon
  • Names if your enemies.
  • Pointed knife or needle
  • Photo* or picture of enemies
  • Open mind meditation
  • Open a circle draw it using salt
  • Or chalk
  • Remember you should be inside in circle
  • The candles too, so you cannot be possess by demons or spirits. Dont be afraid! Pack dome salts and onions inside the circle
  • Banish ''''''Demonic spiritus''
  • I kill you i kill you and send back you ri the hell by the power of my soul im here safe from my curst and connecting to the spirit of Angels demon destroy! Say r
  • This in latin with angers and d
  • Full of power.
  • Then throw salts with banishing prayer for angels, with protections by angels.
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    You may need:

  • Black Candle 1 to 3
  • Spoon
  • Names if your enemies.
  • Pointed knife or needle
  • Photo* or picture of enemies
  • Open mind meditation
  • Open a circle draw it using salt
  • Or chalk
  • Remember you should be inside in circle
  • The candles too, so you cannot be possess by demons or spirits. Dont be afraid! Pack dome salts and onions inside the circle
  • Banish ''''''Demonic spiritus''
  • I kill you i kill you and send back you ri the hell by the power of my soul im here safe from my curst and connecting to the spirit of Angels demon destroy! Say r
  • This in latin with angers and d
  • Full of power.
  • Then throw salts with banishing prayer for angels, with protections by angels.
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    Light black candles 3 black candles

    Put the photos or names in the doll. Another way is to etch their names in the candles.

    Say these words: You are the black candle i want to die, (say the name of enemy) you are the spirit of my enemy should die spiritu of death i call you take this life as a blow my breath with angers ,( hold up the candle with etched name) spiritu of death take away this persona life after i blow out this candle.

    Translate un latin

    "Meditate, ' I here call upon the Powerful Spirit of death I ask your help to kill my enemies

    Appear to me now show yourself! Kill ( name of enemies)

    By the power of you full moon tonight

    I swear this WOrds until they die i swear they die

    Until the candles light gone! This is my will so mote it be!

    Added to on Mar 14, 2018
    Last edited on Dec 21, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #130 - Breathe smoke through your nose

    Title says it all.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Inhale a loud of air through your mouth and hold it in for a few seconds. Then cup a hand over your mouth and squeeze. Then release the air through your nose.

    Added to on Feb 27, 2018
    Last edited on Apr 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters