1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Crowd Manipulation Spell
- Sword of Light
- Pocket Environment
- Enter Equilibrium
- Grow Wings (Any Type)
- Retractable Wings: (Any type)
- Omnishifter Transformation
- Golem Eyes
- Hunter's Curse Enchantment
- Ten seconds back spell
#131 - Crowd Manipulation Spell
Look at where you want to go and don't avert your eyes. Then walk directly towards it. The crowd will get smaller and you won't bump into anyone because more space will open up.
Note: You have to KNOW the destination and look directly at it. If you don't it will still stay crowded. This is great for school, Disneyland, or any public place with large crowds.
#132 - Sword of Light
1. Focus in the sun
2. Visualize how a ray of white energy falls to the ground just predisposition.
3. Catch this ray by visualizing how the sword is shaped in it
4. Draws a sword
5. Give him a name and use it
#133 - Pocket Environment
First, imagine every detail of the space you wish to create. The more detailed and high quality image, the better the spell works. After your environment is detailed enough for your liking, touch your third eye (or where it would be if it hasn't been opened yet) and imagine a glass plate in front of it, take the plate away from yourself, and store it into the item of choice if any. You may later call on it whenever you like by simply taking out the enchanted item (or if you don't have one, anything you have that is glass and plate-like) and hold it up to your third eye area. If your eye is open, you will be able to see the area that you made in a foggy sort of frame, and will likely lose focus on what you normally see. This place is especially useful when you are having a meeting with an entity or simply practicing your magic on "dummies"
#134 - Enter Equilibrium
First get into the meditational trance. After your mind is clear and you feel your energy awaiting use, imagine yourself as a demon, think very carefully into what that demon is and what they are like, take notes if you have to. Then alter that image into that of an angel, then do the same thing. After you have gathered enough information about them separately, imagine their bodies fusing into one singular being, and learn what it is like. Once you find yourself satisfied, you may open your eyes and continue with your day, but know that your soul currently will take that form until you release the spell. To do this, you simply imagine the being unfusing and the two halves of them fading away as they step away from each other. You should now know a little more about yourself, and hopefully, be able to be comfortable with your existence. I have tested this spell and it works almost perfectly.
#135 - Grow Wings (Any Type)
''By the power of Not I AM now gifted wings perfectly suited for my being, I AM Not without wings''
NOTE: for this to work, you must pour life from your aura into the saying of the spell!!!
#136 - Retractable Wings: (Any type)
Mikhielon, please pass this prayer on to the clear, please give me my perfect wings, perfect for me, perfect to suit my needs, retractable into my back, please do this in accordance with inputs 47 and 36, this is my wish so mote it be.
This spells effects are noticeable instantly, however wings can take between half an hour and months to grow in, depending upon the level of the caster!
Side Effects
- Back ache, Back pressure, Back pain, Headache, momentary disorientation
#137 - Omnishifter Transformation
Mikhielon, please pass this prayer on to the clear, please transform me into the Omnevitae, please do this in accordance with inputs 47 and 23, this is my wish so mote it be.
Spells effects are immediate, however, it may take up to a month to take full effect!
Side Effects
- Momentary disorientation, headache, body pains, intense energy surge
#138 - Golem Eyes
place the eyewear or jewelry in the container, fill the container halfway full of water, next pour the oil into the container the oil should float take the eyewear/jewelry out and place the wick inside then light the wick and wait until the oil is gone as the oil burns chant:
''Goddess of time, with your sight i could see everything right.
Orion with your third eye give me the power to see through time.''
''For the love and sacrifice i've shared: Can I Get An Amen?''
wait for the oil to finish burning and as it does that say ''Amen''
pour the water onto the item you wish, then everything should be slowing down when you put the item on
#139 - Hunter's Curse Enchantment
God of the hunt and bringer of beasts look at thy offering for you to feast.
If thou is willing then blow this candle make it dim.
May thou feast on this liquid to quench your thirst but i have a request of you first, bless this ring/pendant with your gifts.
#140 - Ten seconds back spell
WARNING: usually people forget this part but.
may cause: random cuts appearing, summoning of an ancient being (happened to me when i was perfecting it), stuck in an endless lope hole (it could have happened i just dont know it), and fainting if over used.
but its worth it for that sandwich
then imagine your self ten seconds back release all your tension and funnel your energy towards your goal.
but do not be in the same space as you were before as it can cause you merging with yourself and therefor create the paradox i was talking about and your certain death. yay