1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Danny Phantom Ghost Spell
- An Amazing Working Fairy Spell
- World to World
- Scarlet Witch Spell
- Telepathy Spell
- To Summon A Rainstorm
- How to Phantom Shift
- Charge Your Phone Instantly
- Wing spell
- Wolf Transformation
#161 - Danny Phantom Ghost Spell
''gods and goddesses hear me plea i ask you this very day to grant me to become a half ghost like from the tv show danny phantom.i shall be able to transform to a ghost at will. To transform i shall simply say ''im going ghost''. while in ghost form i shall have gray hair and glowing green eyes with a black jumpsuit with gray boots, collar, belt, and forearm-length gloves. i shall be able to possess anyone i wish. As both human and ghost I shall have the ability of flight and invisibility and green energy blasts as well as enhanced agility and strength.I shall be able to walk through walls or any type of objects.That is my will So mote it be!''
To transform say: im going ghost
to transform back just simply think about it
~this spell should work in less than a week~
Last edited on Aug 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#162 - An Amazing Working Fairy Spell
Directions 1.Fill container halfway with water 2.Add a spoonful of shampoo(or whatever cleansing stuff) 3.Add dead flower pedals 4.Sprinkle a pinch of fairy dust 5.Put symbol into the potion 6.Add 1 of your loose hairs to potion 7.Take your FINGER and mix until everything is well combined 8.Chime your chime for 10 seconds 9.Lay chime or floor/table. 10.Take pedal from potion and get some of the potion on the flower pedal with your loose hair on it too 11.Pour potion from pedal onto chime.Now paint/polish the potion on the chime with pedal. 12.Kiss your pointer finger and middle finger 2xs and place those fingers on chime for 10 seconds. 13.Say the spell 3xs while chiming the chime. Spell:Say 3xs "Oh listen as my sweet wish sings,please grant me my fairy wings.You should listen to my plea,for I am to fly so wild and free." 14.Get you potion and dip your finger in it.Then rub it across your forehead.Let it dry by itself.You are allowed to take a shower AFTER it drys itself. ***Notes*** I don't know if you get powers.But if you don't get them,you can use a fairy power spell.If you have any questions, mail me and i'll answer you!If you want to do this spell in a video form,here is the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JACdJZ_YwME&t=484s Side effects: -Vibration in back/Tingling -Happy/Energetic towards everyone and everything -Nausea while using technology -Headaches -Dizziness -Legs itchy -Lumps/bumps on back(means your wings growing) -Sore throat -Runny nose -Wanting go outside -Ringing in ear -Scent/All senses getting better -Softer skin ***Disclaimer*** When you get the happy/energetic side effect,you WILL be happy to literally EVERYTHING!Even your worst enemy!Also Fairy truths posted a video of her and her friends with lumps from their wings growing!Here it is : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxJotygZ0pE&t=10s they also explain their side effects as well.
Last edited on Mar 07, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#163 - World to World
#164 - Scarlet Witch Spell
''Gods and godesses of the universe hear me plea i ask of you to make me like scarlett witch. I shall have the same powers.So mote it be!!''
I suggest to meditate for atleast 5 minutes before doing the spell.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#165 - Telepathy Spell
Sending the message: Visualize the person you are going to be telepathically speaking with in your mind's eye, then chant the poem below 3 times.
After chanting the poem, whisper to yourself repeatedly the message that you want to send.
Recieving the message: Visualize the person in your mind's eye. Clear your mind. Relax. You should then get a sudden thought. Whatever pops up in your head is the message the other person has sent to you.
you must chant it 3 times or it will not work:
Stones of Water
Stones of Light
Make me speak telepathically tonight
If not tonight, then tomorrow it shall be
This is my will
So mote it be!
#166 - To Summon A Rainstorm
''Water, water, flowing free, put thy powers into me.
Make it rain, make it pour, make it thunder, make it storm''
Imagine rain pouring from the sky asports you say this and repeat the incantation to make the spell/storm stronger.
Good luck!
#167 - How to Phantom Shift
~ = animal body part(s)
It may be helpful to meditate before hand to clear the mind but that is optional
Close your eyes. Imagine the ~ forming on your body. Don't look or touch where the~ is, it will tell your brain they aren't real and it won't work! Soon it should feel like you actually have the body parts. Move them around. When your done they should feel physical. Have Fun!
The ~ will ware off on their own over time.
Message me your shifting experience!
#168 - Charge Your Phone Instantly
''1, 2, 3, charge me - so mote it be!''
If you look your phone should be fully charged. Sometimes though it may only charge 3/4 of the way, which is normal - it just means your body is not as prone to electrical magic. You may do the spell over and it won't cause any damage to the phone and should then be fully charged.
If this spell doesn't work feel free to email or message me and I can give you advice on how to make it work.
Last edited on Mar 14, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#169 - Wing spell
Oh how I wish I could fly, I'd sovereign the sky.
With feathered wings of (insert specific color), I'd be free.
It feels as if something's missing, please grant me my wish, for with it I shall have my greatest desires granted. This is the will of the skies, birds, and my own. With the power of thee, I mote it be.
Keep in mind this is untested, email me if you get results.
#170 - Wolf Transformation
The Spell-
Whimper of wolves
Howls in the night
Make me a wolf at midnights light
With this bracelet I wear on my right
Allow me to transform even in others sight
May I feel the want or thought, shall I become and transform into a wolf. May I think of my transformation, shall I be in wolf form. May my (__) fur be bold, may my teeth be sharp, may my eyes be (__). Shall I run fast, hunt, whimper, growl and howl. Shall my tail be long, may I be strong. Ancient powers of unknown, please hear me out, my powers shall be (_____).
On the parts that say (__) you get to choose your appearance. On the last of the spell wear it says (_____) you can put more than one power. If you want the power to fly, you may add May I have wings by my want, even without in my wolf form, my bracelet shall give me the power of flight., and even then, you can replace Bracelet with whatever you chose. If you want to be immortal, you can add it to powers or add Powers of my beliefs and wishes, please, I can live forever, being immortal, I stop aging at (__) and Of Course!, you can choose what age you stop aging at. You don't have to though. Feel free to remove whatever you don't want to be there in your form, transform words into ones you understand but make sure they make sense!
You can also meditate if you feel the need, just as before, after, or both.
Be Safe and Have Fun here on Spells of Magic!
Sincerely yours and for eternities to come~
~Lunar Elia~