1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Hydrokinesis
- Avian Wings
- Body Switch
- Roman Fairy Transformation
- Wing Spell
- Wing Meditation
- Real Fairy Transformation
- Dragon
- Invisibility
- Summon A Portal
#311 - Hydrokinesis
Set the glass in front of you if you haven't already. Place your hand over the cup and say ''Water water flow through me I truly believe'' and say this 3x then say ''by the powers of three so mote it be!''
Then concentrate on the water and try to move it. It should take 1-3 days for you to fully be able to do it without being in a quiet area with lots of practice.
Hope this works for you!
#312 - Avian Wings
"Wings, wings fly me away
I want to see them everyday
feel them touch them
fly with them
not just an illusion
wings of (color)
my wingspan is large
to carry my body here and there
almost everywhere
all i have to do is leap up and fly
reach up and touch the sky, unfurling my wings so fast
my wingspan of (weight divided by 5)
will carry me across the sky
my wings will be visible, to humans and ones like me
but not when i close my back
then they will stay hidden, tight but tough
tomorrow i want to wake up with these wings and fly in the sky
let them grow not just appear
fastly growing and getting stronger day by day
let them be fully grown in (number of days) days
I command you to do this as i have asked you
thank you"
Do not say everyday or it will recast the spell, The days can be no less then 30.
Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#313 - Body Switch
Concentrate very hard on the person you want to swap bodies with and what they look like. Then say this once out loud and then once in your head.
"Gods and Goddesses, please help me,
Id like to swap my body.
Not just any person though,
So please dont make the transition slow.
(name) is the body I want to swap,
When we switch, it might sound like a little pop.
Make sure that its done right,
And try not to cause some fright,
By swapping when we expect it.
This might hurt a little bit.
But I dont care, I just want to switch,
Even though, I know it also may itch.
Their memories I would also like,
So I can see what they dislike.
Please have it done instantly,
And make sure the switch is done efficiently.
Make sure I go where they were,
If its far, itll look like a blur.
So please help me swap my body,
With this special somebody.
Your permission is the key.
Please grant my wish, so mote it be."
After you say this, keep on concentrating very hard on the person you want to swap bodies with. Then imagine your mind entering their body and their mind entering your body. Imagine you are now where they were and they are where you were. Open your eyes. Did you swap? If not, it might take a little bit. To swap back, just do the exact same thing except when you say the name of the person you want to swap bodies with, make sure you say your name.
Side effects:
- Headaches
- Stomachaches
- Dizziness
- Feeling like the person you are swapping with
- Feeling as if you should be in the other person's body
Getting flashes of visions through the other person's eyes
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#314 - Roman Fairy Transformation
Fill the small container half way with water. Squirt about a tablespoon of soap in. Set the dead flower petals on top of the water. Put a small pinch of Fairy Dust in. Set the item that means something to you in the potion.
Put a loose hair in the potion. Stir until the soap is dissolved and the petals are submerged. Chime the chimes for approximately 10 seconds and lay them on a flat surface. Paint some of the potion, including your hair, on the chimes with a flower petal, keeping the chimes on a flat surface. The hair MUST stick to the chimes.
Double kiss some of your fingers and press them to the chimes for approximately 10 seconds. Chime the chimes as you say the incantation three times. Set the chimes down and spread some of the potion on your forehead with a finger. Dispose of remaining potion and let what is on your forehead dry.
"Oh listen as my sweet wish sings
please grant me my fairy wings
you should listen to my plea
for I am to fly so wild and free"
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#315 - Wing Spell
Chant the times getting louder each time:
"Gods and goddesses of the sky I will not give up until you let me fly, with wings of (colour) and it shall come with a power for your vain. my power shall be (power from fire to mythical creature to summoner to demo trainer but not shape shifting. or it won't work) my wing shall be (long) feat long."
If this does nt work then make the power two different ones. and yu can have any type of wing like fairy, angel, dragon, butterfly, bird phoenix (basically anything with wings.)
Side affects:
Back Aches
Head aches from feeling so light
Last edited on Nov 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#316 - Wing Meditation
Sit in a quiet room and face which ever way you want. Get comfortable for this will take 1 hour but it is worth it. Close your eyes and take in deep breaths 3 to 5 times, Imagine you are outside in your garden with the wind blowing and you are beginning to grow your wings. Imagine your shoulder blades become your wing bones and the poke through the skin with 1 single feather, then more feather add on (make sure it is the colour you want your wings to be (or scales or what ever type of wings you want them to be.) Do this fifteen times but slowly so it all take up an hour and make sure no one will bother you. Wait another hour for your wings to grow but if they don't grow then wait at least 2 days.
Side affects:
Back aches
Skin will split
Nausea from feeling light.
May hover of the ground when wings grow
Last edited on Nov 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#317 - Real Fairy Transformation
"Gods and goddesses of the woods and sky hear me now and let me fly with wings of (wing colour) and my power shall be (Element with its opposite element, fire and water). I want to be a fairy so mote it be. When I want to be a fairy I will clap eight times and when I want to become a human again I will say 'I shall be human.' I will transform into a fairy in 2 hours and if I want to become small I shall."
Side affects:
- Back aches
- Ears getting pointier
- Small tingling sensation in hands
- Might hover for a few seconds when wings have formed
- Legs will feel light and lazy
Last edited on Nov 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#318 - Dragon
You put the jewellery in the container then fill it with dragon water just so its covering the necklace. Stir it around while saying this "The dragon I want to become is (element) so mote it be!" and to turn back say this "(element) I want to become human as I once was." and then you take off the jewellery then for two days not counting that night stir it and say this "I will rule the skies as (element) dragon!" On the second day after chanting put on the necklace you should turn into a dragon.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#319 - Invisibility
- Mix one of the oils into the chocolate and slushies all together
- Mix
- Drink
- 10 minutes after you drank it you will be able to become invisible.
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#320 - Summon A Portal
Sprinkle the sugar in a circle and then say this "I wish to have a portal to (world can be any world at any time ) please make this a portal Now and never let it close in any world "
Last edited on Oct 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.