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1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1234 Trick Spells
1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1234 Trick Spells
  1. Make Someone Trip
  2. Look Deep Into Someone's Mind
  3. Locator Spell
  4. Teleportation
  5. Get Wings
  6. Grow Wings ( If it does work email me)
  7. Pinwheel Creature Spell
  8. Aqua Instabilis Charm (Water Shifting Charm)
  9. Shifting in Water
  10. Teleportation

#421 - Make Someone Trip

A spell that makes some one trip.
You may need:

  • None.
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    You may need:

  • None.
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    First clear your mind, concentrate on the person you want to trip. Move your hand to the right then then say: "Trip this person, mote it be".

    Added to on May 13, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #422 - Look Deep Into Someone's Mind

    Read peoples minds, everything they are thinking of. It is also a spell for beginners.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Mind reader
    I see it
    Help me achieve it"

    Repeat this 3x.

    Added to on May 12, 2015
    Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #423 - Locator Spell

    I have used this spell many times before and it has worked.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Quiet place
  • Complete concentration
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Quiet place
  • Complete concentration
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    Sit cross-legged in a quiet room. (Better concentration) Then close your eyes and concentrate. If you see a sort of gravely road, or dark pavement, that means its working. If it's a person you wish to locate, say their name; If it's an object you lost, say its name. If an image of the person or object appears, it worked, if not, then you can try again.

    Then, if you want to speak to the person, silently say what you wish. I don't mean in a whisper. You have to be mouthing it, while thinking it. Otherwise it won't work. Then later on, you can do that first bit I told you to check up on them, making sure they got the message.

    Added to on Apr 29, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #424 - Teleportation

    You will be able to teleport to anywhere you wish.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Candle
  • Chopsticks
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Candle
  • Chopsticks
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    Fill the bowl with water. Light the candle and put it beside the bowl. Start swiring the water and chant the following while swirling: "Spirits of the sky, grant me your power and let me go to (name of the place)!"

    Added to on Apr 28, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #425 - Get Wings

    A spell to get wings
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    This part is not ness art but is recommended. First visualize yourself with your wings and every detail of the wings. then visualize yourself flying with your wings. Now chant this until you feel you have finished

    "Underneath my skin wings do lay, Waiting for that certain day. They will grow with grace and might ,giving me the gift of flight. They shall reach (wingspan) feet, no blood this shall be neat. They shall look (maximum of 3 words) and be only seen by people I want: No cameras can capture their might. I soon shall fly higher then a kite. This is my will so mote it be, Is in my soul so hear my plea."

    You may feel pressure and(or) pain on your back,

    Added to on Apr 27, 2015
    Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #426 - Grow Wings ( If it does work email me)

    Grow wings in a day, or a year, depends on how much experience you have.
    You may need:

  • Feather
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    You may need:

  • Feather
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    Make sure you have a very high tolerance for pain. Stand up and hold the feather to your chest tightly then shout

    "Heavens I call above, sun and moon guide me, I wish to be one with you, up in the sky. (Name of animal you want wings from) surround me and make me on of you, wings carry me away! I say! Anyday! I command thee earth to release me from its gravitational bind and let me fly away! So it shall be, gods and goddesses hear my prayer, release from the ground and into the air!"

    You should feel light headed and your back will hurt, between your shoulder blades, warning: there will be a lot of blood.

    Added to on Apr 24, 2015
    Last edited on Jan 27, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #427 - Pinwheel Creature Spell

    All of the ( )'s are to replace the blanks with the creature you want to become.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Tape
  • Different Color Markers
  • Different Color Pencils
  • A Crayon or Oil Pastel (yellow)
  • Scissors
  • Belief
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Tape
  • Different Color Markers
  • Different Color Pencils
  • A Crayon or Oil Pastel (yellow)
  • Scissors
  • Belief
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    First, you have to get your paper, and cut it into a perfect square. When that is done, draw a little dot in the very center of the paper. After that is done, get scissors, and cut from all of the corners from about an inch from the dot.
    Next, Grab one of the bottom corners from one of the four triangle-ish shapes, and fold it into the center. Do that to all four of the triangle-ish shapes until it looks like a pinwheel.
    Then, use a 1 1/2 inch piece of tape, and tape down all of the corners. On all of the folded in corners, write 'Earth' then move to the next one and write 'Water' move 'Fire' and 'Air'. Do Earth in brown MARKER, Water in navy blue MARKER, Air in baby blue MARKER, and Fire in red MARKER.
    Next, on all of the flaps that have a point, color that element that is under it. For Fire, do a little flame, for Earth, do soil, for Water, do a wave, and for air, do a little spiral. This should be done in the following colors; Water is in Navy blue, and Baby blue; Air is in Baby blue and gray; Fire is in red, orange, and yellow; Earth is in Brown and gray.
    Then, write 'Spirit' on the piece of tape in a yellow oil pastel, or crayon.
    Last, hook it on the ceiling above your pillow, and meditate on the creature you are, but while you are imagining this, imagine the pinwheel making your mermaid tail, giving you dog genetics, giving you cat genetics (vampire), giving you wings, etc.

    Added to on Apr 24, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #428 - Aqua Instabilis Charm (Water Shifting Charm)

    This spell, when cast by strong sorcerers can give the caster the ability to shift in water, heal themselves in or close to water or if cast to perfection, the ability to control water. This spell is quite complex and needs to be cast on a full moon. If this spell is cast on a blue moon the effect will magnify the power of this spell, making it easier for you to cast and ending up with better results.
    You may need:

  • 8 Deep Blue Candles
  • 8 Drops Of Your Blood
  • 7 Red Rose Petals
  • 3 Teaspoons Of Sea Salt
  • 1 Bowl Of Spring Water
  • 1 Full Moon
  • 1 Box Of Matches
  • 1 Mortar and Pestle
  • 1 Spring Of Thyme
  • 1 Yarrow Flower
  • 1 Spring Of Chamomille
  • 1 Aloe Vera Leaf
  • 1 Moonstone, Aquamarine, or Lapis Stone Inlaid on Silver or Copper ( preferably something smaller)
  • 1 Open, Quiet Space
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    You may need:

  • 8 Deep Blue Candles
  • 8 Drops Of Your Blood
  • 7 Red Rose Petals
  • 3 Teaspoons Of Sea Salt
  • 1 Bowl Of Spring Water
  • 1 Full Moon
  • 1 Box Of Matches
  • 1 Mortar and Pestle
  • 1 Spring Of Thyme
  • 1 Yarrow Flower
  • 1 Spring Of Chamomille
  • 1 Aloe Vera Leaf
  • 1 Moonstone, Aquamarine, or Lapis Stone Inlaid on Silver or Copper ( preferably something smaller)
  • 1 Open, Quiet Space
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    Form the 8 candles into a large circle and place all of your ingredients inside of it. Now enter your circle and light each candle, while focusing on what you intend this spell to do for you. Cast a magical circle and put the bowl in front of you while you are facing west and add 8 drops of your blood into the water and focus at the moon's reflection in the water. Now put all the herbs into the mortar and grind them up. Add the herbs into the bowl of water and stir with your fingers, now place the stone in the bowl of water and close your eyes and pour the energy of the moon into the bowl. Now Put your hands on the surface of the water while concentrating on your intention and chant:
    ''Spiritus mare quaero contactum , quaeso, quod mihi potentiam tuam, et da mihi Finni cum in aquam, aqua virtutum, obsecro mihi, rogo tuam sic fiat''

    Now blow out the candles and drip a bit of the wax from each one into the water, as you pull out the charm. Every full moon let it sit somewhere where it is exposed to moonlight so it can absorb its power.

    Added to on Apr 23, 2015
    Last edited on Dec 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #429 - Shifting in Water

    This spell allows you to shift when in a source of water, If done properly you should feel stronger and heal faster in and near water. When casted my experienced witches or natural born shifters you will gain the ability to control water. You should be an experienced caster to preform this spell, and it has to be preformed on the night of a full moon.
    You may need:

  • 8 Deep Blue Candles
  • 8 Drops Of Your Blood
  • 7 Red Rose Petals
  • 3 Teaspoons Of Sea Salt
  • 1 Full Moon
  • 1 Big Bowl Of Water
  • 1 Spring Of Thyme
  • 1 Yarrow Flower
  • 1 Box Of Matches
  • 1 Morter And Pestle
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    You may need:

  • 8 Deep Blue Candles
  • 8 Drops Of Your Blood
  • 7 Red Rose Petals
  • 3 Teaspoons Of Sea Salt
  • 1 Full Moon
  • 1 Big Bowl Of Water
  • 1 Spring Of Thyme
  • 1 Yarrow Flower
  • 1 Box Of Matches
  • 1 Morter And Pestle
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    This spell needs to be preformed on the night of a full moon and up to 3 sorcerers can preform it at a time. Go outside and form the 8 candles in a large circle around you, now cast the circle where the candles are and light them with matches gather all your ingredients and bring them into the circle. Now place the bowl of water in front of you and add your blood to it while looking at the reflection of the moon in the water. Now sit and picture what you want this spell to do and how you want to shift, grind the plants up and add them to the bowl of water.

    Added to on Apr 23, 2015
    Last edited on Feb 22, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #430 - Teleportation

    This spell allows you to teleport.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    First, get into a meditative state. Next, imagine the place you want to go to. Next, imagine your energy and earths energy grabbing you, and turning you into air, blowing the direction he place you are going is. Imagine his for about 3 minutes or so. Last, imagine all the energy making your body reappear.

    Added to on Apr 23, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 27, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters