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1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1234 Trick Spells
1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1234 Trick Spells
  1. Invisibility Spell (Temporarily)
  2. Grow Wings
  3. Spell to Walk Through Walls
  4. Vampire
  5. Invisibility
  6. Summoning and Raising Any Object
  7. 2nd Dragon Transformation
  8. Go to another World
  9. Avian Wings
  10. Demonic Wings

#491 - Invisibility Spell (Temporarily)

Ever Wanted To Be Invisible And Do Anything You Wanted? Well Now You Can!
You may need:

  • Water
  • Salt
  • Spoon
  • Daylight
  • Quietness
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Salt
  • Spoon
  • Daylight
  • Quietness
  • Voice
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    Go In A Quiet Empty Room During The Day and sit on the floor. Scoop a small pinch of salt with a spoon . Throw the salt in a cup of water . Stir The Water And Salts Together In A Circular Rotation 5 Times. Take A Deep Breath And Chant '' Dearest Gods Of Thee I Need One Wish From You All. I Shall Be Invisible Once I Say ''Pagan''. When I No Longer Want To Be Invisible I Shall Say ''Mazdin'' so please bless me with this fortunate wish. I shall see thy good in this.'' It will only take about a minute for the spell to be prepared so when it is then you shall say ''Pagan'' and enjoy being invisible.

    Added to on Dec 22, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #492 - Grow Wings

    This is a spell to make you grow wings.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this;

    "Wings, wings fly me away
    I want to see them everyday
    Feel them touch them
    Fly with them
    Not just an illusion
    Wings of (color)
    My wingspan is large
    To carry my body here and there
    Almost everywhere
    All I have to do is leap up and fly
    Reach up and touch the sky,
    Unfurling my wings so fast
    My wingspan of (weight divided by 5)
    Will carry me across the sky
    My wings will be visible,
    To humans and ones like me
    But not when I close my back
    Then they will stay hidden, tight but tough
    Tomorrow I want to wake up with these wings
    And fly in the sky
    I command you to do this as I have asked you"

    Added to on Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #493 - Spell to Walk Through Walls

    This spell will make you walk through walls.
    You may need:

  • a comfy place to lay down
  • blue candles
  • white paper
  • pen with blue ink
  • 45 minutes or longer
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    You may need:

  • a comfy place to lay down
  • blue candles
  • white paper
  • pen with blue ink
  • 45 minutes or longer
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    Start by lighting the blue candles. You can do this around your bed (only if its safe!) or by placing the candles on your altar. Please keep the candles away from all things flammable and in a fire proof dish.
    Write your intention on the paper. Draw a stick figure of you and a circle around it. Fold the paper and place it under your head.
    Next you must work on quieting the mind with deep trance, hypnosis or meditation. If you have trouble with this try using the search bar to search for tips. You can also find guided meditations on youtube. At this point you should be laying with the paper under your head.
    Meditate and see yourself walking through walls. If you are still conscious when you feel a tingling senstation on your third eye chakra try moving your hand through a solid surface nearby. Please remember! Even getting this very tip of your figure through the solid surface can take many attempts.

    Added to on Dec 21, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #494 - Vampire

    A spell to make you a vampire, got it off a friend so I don't know if it works.
    You may need:

  • 1 Red candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Red candle
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    Sit down in a nice comfy place outside where you feel comfortable. Cast yourself a circle to cast away negative energies and to keep you safe. Take a few minutes (The longer the better) just to meditate and release stress and negative energies that may have you worked up. After you feel relaxed, light the candle and have it in front of you. Recite the spell 10x

    "Spirits of the undead, I ask you please to turn me into one of you! I wish to have the powers of SuperHuman speed, SuperHuman strength, SuperHuman Senses, Superhuman Healing, Flight , Immortality, Compulsion, Super Human Agility. And my weakness's will be, Ivitation to enter a house, Wooden stakes, , Vervain. I will become an undead Vampire, I will grow stronger over time. My fangs will come out when I want them to come out. I will not need oxygen to survive, When I take out my fangs my eyes will glow a yellow color. My blood will heal humans, as well as if they die with my blood in their system they'll become a vampire. This is my will! So mote it be!"

    Added to on Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #495 - Invisibility

    This may make you invisible.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    "Danger comes near, so hide me here
    Or this will be my grave
    So keep me hidden, safe away"

    Added to on Dec 15, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 26, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #496 - Summoning and Raising Any Object

    This spell will teach you, as in depth as it can be, how to summon and raise any object, inanimate or animate. (Alive or not, like a dog or a pencil.)
    You may need:

  • Paper (Optional)
  • Pencil (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • Paper (Optional)
  • Pencil (Optional)
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    If you have the paper and pencil, write the name of your object and if you want a rough sketch of what it will look like. (You can start from here if you don't have the pencil and paper.) Close your eyes and imagine what your object looks like. Then, chant, 'By the power resting within me, take thee, and put it into thy life." Chant that twice.

    Now, after you go to sleep, it should form. In the morning, it will look littler, and you will barely be able to see it. Sort of like a ghost. Feed it with summoned food and give it water. After about two days of this, it should feed itself in (if you have made one) your dimension, if you tell it to go to your dimension, or go to it's own. You may also see it randomly. If you do, get away from people with an excuse or something and take care of what it needs.

    Added to on Dec 09, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #497 - 2nd Dragon Transformation

    Another Dragon transformation spell, in case the other one didn't work.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Great beast in the sky
    Flying through the darkened night.
    I wish to fly among you,
    A Dragon, through and through.
    With great wings that span so wide
    and carry me on up so high.
    To have great, sharp claws
    and a spike-covered tail.
    A body that is (insert color here)
    To be one with the earth and its creations.
    I wish to control (wind, water, fire, earth, lightning)
    and be filled by its nature.
    So give me great jaws filled with sharp teeth.
    Hard, thick scales to protect me.
    I want to be able to change at will.
    To live forever in any form,
    a Dragon to my very core."

    Added to on Dec 06, 2014
    Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #498 - Go to another World

    So you who have read the "Go to another world" spell. It's hard to work, right? Use this addition to help you gain what you want to go! Good Luck!
    You may need:

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    You may need:

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    Ok, I say you need to chant the goddess right in ''Go to another world'' spell.
    Addition, you need to chant both the goddess and element (fire, water, air, and earth).

    Chanting element is the new addition to help you go to another world. After you chant 3 times, visualise clearly the world you want to go and focused. If you can't visualise, do meditate every day.

    Meditate can be learned through searching the Google!

    Added to on Dec 04, 2014
    Last edited on Apr 23, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #499 - Avian Wings

    It will take lots of energy and concentration, and if the spell works for you, the side effects would be head aches, back pains, sleep deprived, liking heights and really really really hungry and thirsty.
    You may need:

  • 2 feathers (optional, but recommended)
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    You may need:

  • 2 feathers (optional, but recommended)
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    First meditate or take a nap for 30 mins. Next go to a quiet place with no noise or music and completely alone. Next take the feathers and place one in front of you and hold the other in your hand

    If it is noon you will hold the feather with your left hand and say this... "God of the Sun, Goddess of the moon, I ask you for one thing, I wish to have wondrous wings of gleaming beauty, I wish for them to be black as space it's self, this is my wish I pray for this to happen please grant my wish!"

    If it is mid night say the same thing but "Goddess of the moon "will go before "God of the sun " and instead of "black as space it's self" it will be "as white as the snow that falls to the ground" and you will hold the feather in your right hand.

    I don't know when the wings will fully come in but it won't be longer than 4 months if it is do a different spell or redo this one. If you see side effects within the first hour after doing the spell your wings will come in in about a month or two if later it will take about 3 months.

    Added to on Dec 01, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #500 - Demonic Wings

    This is a wing growing spell that permits the growth of leathery/bat wings. It works, and it does so well.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    This spell is deceivingly simple. If it helps your concentration you can involve candles, crystals, etc., but all you essentially have to do is chant the following in threes as many times as possible:

    "Wings, wings, come to me
    Elements I call to thee
    Earth is my return to rest
    Air is my supporter in flight
    Fire is my burning desire for wings
    Water is my blood calling for the sky
    I wish for wings
    Their colour reflects my soul
    My bones change
    Light yet strong, unbreakable
    My lungs can breathe the fine air
    Their strength lets it forever flow
    My muscles are wiry
    Their strength could beat a bull's
    Whenever I receive injury
    My body heals instantly
    Evolving as with nature
    My body receives what I ask
    My soul belongs only to the sky
    My main wish is to fly
    I shall have the wings of a demon
    To fly higher than the birds
    Wings, wings, come to me
    Demonic is what I wish to be
    To fly in the sky
    To breathe in the sea
    Deities, grant my wish for me
    So mote it be"

    No, you don't have to be demonkin or part-demon (it's impossible for someone in a human vessel to make themselves more than half-demon with magick, before you get your hopes up) for this to work. Unfortunately, I can't source the super strength/healing/water breathing claims made in the spell; it's one that's existed in many forms for many years. I suppose you could change around some of the wording to make it usable for non-demon wings too, if you wanted.

    This spell is long and requires a LOT of repetition multiple times a day for years on end. It works best if combined with the Law of Attraction, other spells, visualization, prayer, and any psi/kinetic powers you may have that would be relevant.

    Added to on Nov 26, 2014
    Last edited on Oct 31, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters