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1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1234 Trick Spells
1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1234 Trick Spells
  1. Jellyfish Vision
  2. See into the Future
  3. Making Time Go Faster
  4. Wings Spell
  5. Teleport to Heaven
  6. Fairy Wings
  7. Call of Illusion
  8. Wizards Potion
  9. Dragon Shifting
  10. Turn back the Clock to the 1980s

#501 - Jellyfish Vision

A spell that can make your victim have a vision, a nightmare or a dream concerning jellyfish
You may need:

  • An Eggplant
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    You may need:

  • An Eggplant
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    At the New Moon, next to a large body of water. In 8:08 PM, eat an entire raw eggplant. Then visualize your victim, imagine everything that they will see, repeat their name 8 times.

    Start spinning and continue visualizing everything. When nausea occurs, the spell has been casted, and your victim will immediately experience your hex.

    The more you've turned, the more powerful, long, stressful and realistic the illusion will be.

    Added to on Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited on Mar 25, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #502 - See into the Future

    This spell lets you see visions of the future. The meaning of the vision might not be clear and are usually symbolic.
    You may need:

  • Moonstone
  • Glass bowl of water
  • Clear mind
  • Moonlight
  • Outdoors
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    You may need:

  • Moonstone
  • Glass bowl of water
  • Clear mind
  • Moonlight
  • Outdoors
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    Place the moonstone in the water. Place the bowl where moonlight can shine on it. Clear your mind unnecessary thoughts and chant:
    I will see into the future world,
    How's it is different from today,
    And use this knowledge for the best,
    For it is what I say.

    If you want to see something specific, make your own part of the chant to add on to it.

    Added to on Nov 11, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #503 - Making Time Go Faster

    This is a spell to make time go faster. Useful for when you are waiting for something.
    You may need:

  • A clock or watch
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    You may need:

  • A clock or watch
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    Hold the clock or watch in your hands and chant this.

    ''Speed up time, speed up time, speed up time, and when I say stop, make it go slow once again.''

    Simple! Remember that it will only speed up time a little bit.

    Added to on Nov 09, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #504 - Wings Spell

    As requested by an email. I made this spell specially!
    You may need:

  • As written in the spell instructions.
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    You may need:

  • As written in the spell instructions.
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    • Sit down and put 6 white candles around you.
    • Take a paper and write all characteristics of the wings you want, please include length and colour. You also can draw.
    • Light up the candles and say what you have written. In the end, say ''Mote it be!'' and that time, you write ''Mote It Be!'' as big as you can. Please make sure that you have call goddess.
    The part of goddess chant can be like this :
    ''Goddess of Wings, goddess of (...). I call thee. Let me have wings as I want, honour I give to you. (Tell what you want and explain like it is written)
    • Turn off the candle and hide it.
    • Take a bath or shower, please include chanted lotion or potion to the water if you use bath, or put the lotion on your back if you use shower.
    When you chant the potion or lotion, call the goddess. How to call the goddess? It has been written before.
    • Chant the first chant (what you have written) and kiss it and put it somewhere on bed, make sure its hidden, can be below the pillow!
    • Do this everyday and you will succeed.

    *** Side Effects ***
    Back bones are flexible
    Wants to sleep

    Problem? Message for answers. This time, I'll surely answer all emails. Use good subject of email and tell me what part you can't do. Last thing, you need to be alone.

    Added to on Nov 09, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #505 - Teleport to Heaven

    This is a spell which will temporarily teleport you to heaven. Note that you will get a visual image in your mind, your body will not go there.
    You may need:

  • A white candle
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    You may need:

  • A white candle
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    Light the white candle and focus on heavenly thoughts. Imagine you as an angel, flying up to heaven. Let heaven's energy surround you. Do you see an image of heaven in your mind? If you do, the spell is successful. If not, try again, but concentrate more. Good luck!

    Added to on Nov 08, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #506 - Fairy Wings

    This is a spell to help you get fairy wings. Note that this spell is meant for fun.
    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • A Quiet Space
  • A piece of paper
  • Pencils
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • A Quiet Space
  • A piece of paper
  • Pencils
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    Draw on a piece of paper what you hope for your wings to look like. Remember to be detailed!

    Chant this out loud, while holding your arms out to the sky.

    ''Oh fairy gods and godesses, grant me what I desire.
    A pair of delicate fairy wings, this is my wish.
    I shall only use them for good, and you may punish me if I do wrong.
    This is my wish, so mote it be!''


    It will take a week or two for your wings to fully appear. Remember to use them wisely.

    Added to on Nov 08, 2014
    Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #507 - Call of Illusion

    Make anything appear as an illusion for a specific person or a specific group of people.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Think very hard about the illusion you want to create and of the person/people you want to confuse. Snap your fingers when you think you are ready. The illusion will appear to the target and to you.

    When you want to release the illusion, snap your fingers again next to the person you made the spell on.

    Added to on Nov 05, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #508 - Wizards Potion

    A fun easy to make Wizard Potion. Nothing else to say...
    You may need:

  • Beer (Optional)
  • Vodka
  • Skittles
  • Several Bowls
  • Water bottles
  • Glass Bottles
  • One Measuring Cup
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    You may need:

  • Beer (Optional)
  • Vodka
  • Skittles
  • Several Bowls
  • Water bottles
  • Glass Bottles
  • One Measuring Cup
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    1). (Optional) Take your beer and drink some of it...
    2). Then grab some Skittles and pour in a bowl.
    3). Have 1.4 Liters of Vodka w/ 47 coloured Skittles...
    4). Count the total number of skittles...then divide them into groups of different colours.
    5). Place each group on different bowls.
    6). Empty water bottles and pour equal amounts of vodka in each bottle.(About 230 millimeters).
    7). Place the same colour of Skittles in each bottle. Each bottle should have different colors of Skittles. So it'll be:
    Bottle 1: Bottle 2:
    Orange Skittles Green Skittles
    8). Shake up the bottles...they should look bright.
    9). Strain out any extra debris from the bottle.
    10). Place clean liquid in glass bottle.

    Made by: indianbearchief's channel

    Added to on Nov 03, 2014
    Last edited on Apr 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #509 - Dragon Shifting

    A spell to make you a dragon shapeshifter.
    You may need:

  • White candle
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    You may need:

  • White candle
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    Think of what you want to look like as a dragon. Then, light your candle and say:

    "Dragons in soul,
    Dragons that exist,
    My heart and self are whole,
    My form shall twist
    From human to dragon
    Dragon to human,
    All by the will of my mind.
    No less than 6 ft tall,
    A dragon of all.
    Wingspan no less than triple my length,
    Muscles of strength,
    Spiked tail and elements one,
    Let me live among the clouds.
    So must it be, for this is my will!"

    Side effects include:

    • Pains
    • Nausea
    • Headaches
    • Loss of thought
    • Being more draconic
    • Losing your mind
    • Wanting to fly/obsession with the sky
    • Transformations at night or with extreme emotion rare

    Added to on Nov 02, 2014
    Last edited on May 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #510 - Turn back the Clock to the 1980s

    This is my first spell to turn the clocks back to the 1980s.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this 3 times: "Chronos god of time, I turn back the clock to the 1980s. I call thee please grant this wish for me. So harm none cast the spell blessed be".

    Added to on Nov 01, 2014
    Last edited on May 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters